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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
There is a big difference since a belief is not a claim.
But we have been through this before.
And as I have told you before, I am not going to read your copy/pastes; for the same reason that your better teachers rejected copy/paste essays. If you cannot define your "big difference" using your own brain, and support & defend your position (again using your own brain) then you do not understand your own position.

Based on your posts, I surmise (and I chose that word carefully) that you do not really care about the functional difference (or lack). And that you are attempting to lean on the word "believe" because you think where "claims" must be supported, that "beliefs" incurs less (or no) personal accountability for the words that come out of your mouth, or fingers, as the case may be.


Well-Known Member
No gadget required ... and now completely missing the lesson objective .. into the abyss .. down a circular throught stopping rabbit hole.

Define God - What does it take for an entity to be a God .. in the books of paddy waddy... ? you seem fond of gadgets .. does Godhood include da gadget in your definition ? or do you not have one .. favoring the route of self disingenuous oblivion ?
It's okay You don't have to put so much effort into not answering my question.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Here is my personal favourite story about this notion of "what does God want of you," and -- much more importantly -- how can you know.

President Abraham Lincoln was regularly importuned by religious figures on both sides of the slavery question. Mr. Lincoln was open to revelation, but skeptical of revelations delivered by self-appointed "messengers." When a group of northern ministers pressed him on emancipation in September 1862, President Lincoln said:

“I hope it will not be irreverent for me to say that if it is probable that God would reveal his will to others, on a point so connected with my duty, it might be supposed he would reveal it directly to me; for, unless I am more deceived in myself than I often am, it is my earnest desire to know the will of Providence in this matter. And if I can learn what it is I will do it! These are not, however, the days of miracles, and I suppose it will be granted that I am not to expect for a direct revelation."​


Well-Known Member
And that must clearly be distinguished from what is real, which is to say, is found in the world external to the self.

But no God can be found there, otherwise you'd simply have shown me the photo, the video and the interview.

And that means the only alternative is to invent a God for yourself, in your own mind ─ a task no doubt made easier by acculturation in most cases.

I can't think of any reason for doing that. But you seem to enjoy it, so, enjoy!
It is your belief I am inventing a God. This is an assumption on your part which is just an excuse that allows you to justify in your own mind God does not exist. This is to prevent you from taking any effort to Discover the Real Truth for yourself. In reality, truth is not what you seek. God is not what you seek.

In time, you will go to God regardless of any beliefs you care to hold onto. At this point, your mind won't be so closed. No one has the capabilities to imagine or replicate a true experience with God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
That's to say, you hold the irreconcilable views that God on the one hand has objective existence, is found in the world external to the self, but on the other hand is not in fact found in the world external to the self, thus can only be discovered if you invent [him] in your brain for yourself, making [him] a personal aspect of individual thought.

Golly, why didn't you just state that nice and clearly at the start! It would have saved a great deal of time.
One can Discover God is external to oneself. Of course, one must be willing to take the effort to Discover this.

Saving time? It is never wasted time placing Truth in the world. It is never a waste of time interacting regardless of the results. There comes a time when Truth will become more important.

That's what I see. It's very clear!


Well-Known Member
That's to say, you hold the irreconcilable views that God on the one hand has objective existence, is found in the world external to the self, but on the other hand is not in fact found in the world external to the self, thus can only be discovered if you invent [him] in your brain for yourself, making [him] a personal aspect of individual thought.

Golly, why didn't you just state that nice and clearly at the start! It would have saved a great deal of time.
One can Discover God is external to oneself. Of course, one must be willing to take the effort to Discover this.

Saving time? It is never wasted time placing Truth in the world. It is never a waste of time interacting regardless of the results. There comes a time when Truth will become more important.

That's what I see. It's very clear!


Well-Known Member
Holy Carp .. Um .. Ummm .. Which Gods actions and choices were you studying ? such that you came to understand what this God is doing with the world. Looking for a name here friend .. so we can compare notes ...
Why are things done the way they are? Find the order in chaos. Put the puzzle together. Do the Math.
Ebb and Flow of Knowledge: If one were to build a car, there are things all cars must have, an engine, a way to steer, a way to stop, a place to sit. Get the idea?
Reverse engineer.

If all the physics of this world add up, so must the people factor. You will find the people factor much more complicated simply because there are many more variables.

If you seek, you have much to study.

Need a name? With God, names are never needed. Why not? Everyone already knows who everyone is.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Holy Carp .. Um .. Ummm .. Which Gods actions and choices were you studying ? such that you came to understand what this God is doing with the world. Looking for a name here friend .. so we can compare notes ...
Why are things done the way they are? Find the order in chaos. Put the puzzle together. Do the Math.
Ebb and Flow of Knowledge: If one were to build a car, there are things all cars must have, an engine, a way to steer, a way to stop, a place to sit. Get the idea?
Reverse engineer.

If all the physics of this world add up, so must the people factor. You will find the people factor much more complicated simply because there are many more variables.

If you seek, you have much to study.

Need a name? With God, names are never needed. Why not? Everyone already knows who everyone is.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
It is your belief I am inventing a God.
Not from scratch ─ rather, on a model you've acquired through acculturation, and perhaps modified.
This is an assumption on your part which is just an excuse that allows you to justify in your own mind God does not exist.
But this is the whole point ─ produce the evidence for a non-imaginary God and blow my argument out of the water!

Except of course you can't, so the case for God being imaginary is further confirmed,
This is to prevent you from taking any effort to Discover the Real Truth for yourself. In reality, truth is not what you seek. God is not what you seek.
I've previously asked you to spare us the condescending nonsense. But since it's obviously necessary, I'll repeat the request.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I see no evidence of a real God, one who has objective existence and is not entirely conceptual / imaginary.

And you have no such evidence.

It's very clear.


Well-Known Member
Bird123, I can't forgive the people who tortured my father. I can't forgive them. I won't forgive society over all either whether Muslims or Christians because they have great apathy to injustice. I don't appreciate this concept of unconditional love, because it's too easy, for evil people to get away with crimes. I hold three people as partners, the oppressor, the supporters, and those who watch it all happen (and do nothing). When my uncle was tortured as well, it was the straw that broke my back. Before that I would argue with Muslims that hell doesn't make sense too. Then I wanted hell to exist. At least for some people. But I couldn't just hate the torturers, but I was angry at the whole system. The system that people are apathetic to the injustice. If majority of mankind is apathetic to injustice, then I want majority in mankind in hell forever. I've witnessed in my own family what this apathy leads to in terms of trauma.

You've chosen to forgive the people who torture my father. That's your decision. You have no proof from God - because your God wants to hide and won't reveal books nor send Messengers nor appoint us guides by proofs.

You make it as if it's petty to want people that are oppressors, supporters or apathetic to oppression to go to hell?

God send his guides and Messengers with the book, so that people rise for justice. So people have a catalyst to unite on and examples to follow. So they have proofs of who is truthful and who lying and deceiving in the battle between good and evil.

The one lesson I've learned is that people are arrogant. They think they don't need God and his guidance, and it's caused enough trouble as is. There is no type whatever love that can fix my hurt. I want justice.
Clearly, you have many lessons to learn around revenge and payback. Wouldn't it be better to work at solving the problems rather than simply wanting to return the hurt? Clearly, you have chosen a path that will cause great pain in your life. On the other hand, it might be the only way for you to really understand this side.

Question: Do you really think God is going to ignore those bad choices some people make? God shows all His children, in time, what their choices really mean. Living those Lessons. People can choose some mighty hard lessons for themselves.

Say you are mean to me, then I revenge and return mean to you, then you revenge and return mean to me. It going round and round until the cycle is broken. Who will rise to the Higher Level to break the cycle? I will. You have all my Love and Kindness!! I become your best friend. By doing so I can increase the chances of teaching you away from the road of hurting others. Why you might not even realize you hurt others. Which is the better path??

It doesn't matter what Everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Our choices determine our lessons and what returns. This is God's system of teaching. Justice, Payback, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the children Discover what the best choices really are.

Which is the best choice? I say don't be miserable chasing Hate, Revenge, Payback and all the other petty things mankind holds so dear. Choose the Higher Level and nurture others that direction as well.

Religion is a catalyst that brings so many of mankind's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. How is that working for you??

You have all my Love and Kindness!!


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
It is your belief I am inventing a God. This is an assumption on your part which is just an excuse that allows you to justify in your own mind God does not exist. This is to prevent you from taking any effort to Discover the Real Truth for yourself. In reality, truth is not what you seek. God is not what you seek.

In time, you will go to God regardless of any beliefs you care to hold onto. At this point, your mind won't be so closed. No one has the capabilities to imagine or replicate a true experience with God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Fascinating (and "very clear"). You claim someone else believes you are inventing God, to justify their own belief in the non-existence of such an entity, and move immediately to the claim that they do not wish to discover "the Real Truth," that "truth is not what you seek. God is not what you seek."

And then you make claims about what will happen to that person that you couldn't justify if your life depended on it, "In time you will go to God..."

And you know that because you know that. Now --- try to show it. Try to exercise this brilliance that gives you this certainty of mind. Do anything -- anything at all -- that is not just an assertion of your own special truth.

"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus." And that is all you've got.


Well-Known Member
As it is a process, video would be better and we can make videos of the brain signals involved in that.
Well, I am very proud, that this issue wasn't completely ignored. Very good for you!!!

One might video the brain changes but is this the real thing? I can see a picture of a couple kissing and since we are all empathic, feel the love. Is this the real thing? Aren't these things I mentioned Spiritual things? Sure one might find physical representation, however that isn't the real thing.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Fascinating (and "very clear"). You claim someone else believes you are inventing God, to justify their own belief in the non-existence of such an entity, and move immediately to the claim that they do not wish to discover "the Real Truth," that "truth is not what you seek. God is not what you seek."

And then you make claims about what will happen to that person that you couldn't justify if your life depended on it, "In time you will go to God..."

And you know that because you know that. Now --- try to show it. Try to exercise this brilliance that gives you this certainty of mind. Do anything -- anything at all -- that is not just an assertion of your own special truth.

"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus." And that is all you've got.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Proving a Spiritual Being with physical evidence is hard to come by. On the other hand, in a time-based causal universe God's actions can be seen. Those that do not want God to exist will never see this. The answer is to study that which is around us all. Since it is a creation of God, one will be studying God regardless of any belief one might choose.

As one puts the puzzle together, understanding increases. If one reaches a certain level of understanding, one just might get a visit from God. If this happens, God will no longer be a belief. On the other hand, until one gets that visit, beliefs are all that anyone is dealing with.

Life isn't about believing or Discovering God. After death, everyone goes to God. Everyone already knows God whether they realize it or not. This isn't one's first meeting or first physical lifetime.

Like you said. I can say what is, however physical proof isn't going to happen. On the other hand. people can remember things in their own experiences.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I can't forgive the people who tortured my father.
Why should you? Nor should you love them. You owe it to yourself to try to find a way to diminish the pain, which you have likely done, and that is a state we can live in just as profitably and effectively as if one chose to pretend such things never happened.
The one lesson I've learned is that people are arrogant. They think they don't need God and his guidance
I find THAT comment arrogant. I don't need any gods or religions, thank you very much. Why would you presume otherwise? Because your religion taught it to you? Nothing about that deserves the description arrogant. Saying it is is a self-serving, Abrahamic sentiment that runs through all of those religions, and intends to induce fear and insecurity about leaving the religion and living as an atheistic humanist. Isn't atheism always defined as arrogance by such believers? It's depicted as man trying to be a god, or trying to avoid a god to go live a sinful existence.
If we think, as theoretical physicists do, in terms of probability, we may define a miracle as a probability so remote it's close to zero.
A miracle should have a zero percent chance of occurring naturally, not a very low one. If that's your only criterion for a miracle, why call them that? Those happen every day.
On the one hand, you agree we have free-will to choose, and on the other hand, you say that if we choose wrongly, we shouldn't have been created. Ummm .. doesn't add up!
It adds up to me. It describes a deity that is indifferent to creating souls that will suffer and is part of the argument that the Abrahamic god as described is a monster. Who does that? People today are refusing to have children because they foresee a dystopic future for them. That's how compassionate moral agents think.
I'm saying when God already knows the results, God should not have created one that God knew would go to Hell. That would make God a Monster.
Hell does not exist. Satan does not exist. Evil and righteousness is just an excuse to hate and value all those petty things mankind holds so dear. this world isn't about Beliefs. It's about What Is! All God's children will make it in time. God doesn't show up because it isn't important one believes in God or not. it is clear to see that those holy books reflect mankind more than anything else. in time, all God's children will learn through their free choices how to create a Heavenly state for themselves and others.
That pretty much sums up this atheistic humanist's position, except I leave gods out of it. The word carries the unwanted baggage of an invisible, powerful person while adding no explanatory or predictive power. And what does one need with religions to create a "heavenly state"? One just needs a safe and comfortable place to live, love, beauty, leisure, and freedom from want, anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, etc..
You already know God. You already know Spiritual. You know sentience. Give me a photo of your sentience. Give me a photo of thinking. Give me a photo of feeling. Give me a photo of Happiness. Give me a photo of an Idea.
Yes I do know spiritual, sentience, thought, and feeling, but why call those God? Those words are sufficient to describe those experiences.
If you insist everything must be in terms of the physical and in the manner you want to be true, you are going to wall yourself away from so very much. On the other hand, I think this is what you want.
It's what I want, too. The critical thinker doesn't want anything to be true. He is interested in discovering what is true. And he has a very effective method for screening out false and unfalsifiable beliefs. He requires that an idea be shown to be correct empirically before belief. And this is vexatious to the faith-based thinker, whose criteria for belief seem to be just the will to believe - the definition of belief by faith.
What is it that you are so afraid of that you will not even try?
Accumulating false and unfalsifiable beliefs. It sounds like a pretty bad idea. Faith is not only the path to theism, it's the path to climate denial, vaccine avoidance, legitimate election denial.
What is this silly talk .. "No God can be found" - when all one need do, is open eyes and look around ..to hear God talking to you
Here's another description of what the faith-based thinker says the critical thinker needs to do - join him and become a faith-based thinker, too. Opening eyes is your choice of language, but others call the critical thinker's perspective myopic, scientism, and materialism - all meant derogatorily. They say that one must stop thinking critically (not in those words) and God appears.

As a boy, before I learned such thinking, I was an atheist. I didn't become a theist until age 18 or 19. I tried what you recommend then. No bueno. I returned to atheism, and have been grateful for that ever since. Not everybody can do it, just as many never quit smoking. I've quit both, and neither was easier than the other. The religious mems had taken root in an unseen part of my mind that had me praying to a god I no longer believed in to show me a sign if I was making a mistake - for a year. It was just like the tobacco addiction, which also nagged at me for a year when I became the tobacco equivalent of an atheist.

What makes you think that that life is appealing or desirable? Do you think that believers present an enviable state to be in for holding such ideas? How would it help me to imagine I'm hearing a god speaking again? Did you want me to follow that voice's urgings again? As I said, I've been there, and it didn't work out well. I've learned better since. Also as I said, I'm proud and grateful to have extricated myself from that.
That you have not found a definition appropriate to a "Real God" (which you havn't defined) does not affirm that God's are fictitious
Nor need he to reject the claim. You're quibbling over what looks like a claim of faith that gods don't exist from @blü 2. I think he used language casually there, but maybe he's a strong atheist. If so, I agree that that requires at least a small leap of faith.

The atheist need define no gods. You say that you see and hear one? Tell me what you see and hear, and I'll tell you if I believe YOUR god exists. Likewise with every other theist. Tell me about the god or gods you believe exist and I'll tell you if your argument was convincing or rejected.
nor do you know what God encompasses .. nor whether God is Male or Female or other
A little dated now, but still clever:

A confused nine year old boy goes up to his mother and asks: "Is God male or female?"​
After thinking for a moment, his mother responds: "Well, God is both male and female."​
This confuses the little boy, so he asks: "Is God black or white?"​
"Well, God is both black and white."​
This further confuses the boy so he asks: "Is God gay or straight?"​
The mother answers: "Honey, God is both gay and straight."​
"Well then," the boy asks, "is god an adult or a child?"​
The mother replies, "God is both adult and child. Why all of these questions?"​
At this, the boy's face lights up with understanding and he triumphantly asks, "Is God Michael Jackson?"​
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Well-Known Member
It's okay You don't have to put so much effort into not answering my question.

I answered your question in the first 3 words of post "No gadget required" .. then directed you to the fact that you had not answered .. and were deflecting from my question with your silly gadget rabbit hole .. which has now digressed into projection in this post .. accusing me of your failure .. sans any content related to topic.

Think I mentioned "Thought Stopping" in previous post .. perhaps some reflection in that direction... while you are coming up with your definition for God .. the thing from which you have been deflecting .. brain donna wanna thinkabout it for some reason. working on the poison lizard that needs extracting .. and from which hopefully you will not further be distracting .. :) Har Har
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Well-Known Member
Why are things done the way they are? Find the order in chaos. Put the puzzle together. Do the Math.
Ebb and Flow of Knowledge: If one were to build a car, there are things all cars must have, an engine, a way to steer, a way to stop, a place to sit. Get the idea?
Reverse engineer.

If all the physics of this world add up, so must the people factor. You will find the people factor much more complicated simply because there are many more variables.

If you seek, you have much to study.

Need a name? With God, names are never needed. Why not? Everyone already knows who everyone is.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Since, I was studying God's actions and choices for many many years, I came to understand God and what God is doing with this world. If one already Understands, popping into one's life would change little other than confirming the knowledge one has already acquired.

OK .. so what then is God doing with this world.. - what has your analysis told you ... as I have put the puzzle together ... and done the math .. and you are correct that God has no name .. though your rational is unclear.. Remember when you got to the right answer in math .. but did not get full marks because you didn't show your work .. something like that .. but of no moment --- the right idea .. "God has no name" and from that follows ... that none of us knows what God's direct commands are .. from the Bible .. or any other Holy Book.

So here is what happend in your story so far ..... One day eyes opened (analogy -- your eyes did not actually see anything at this moment) .. and you had the "I AM" moment.. the only thing in this world you know for sure .. and will ever know for sure .. but that is another story.

From there you progressed to look around .. "Did the math" .. and have come to an understanding of what God is doing with this world. Do tell what you have concluded about the primordial one .. the uncreated ooze :)


Well-Known Member
Why are things done the way they are? Find the order in chaos. Put the puzzle together. Do the Math.
Ebb and Flow of Knowledge: If one were to build a car, there are things all cars must have, an engine, a way to steer, a way to stop, a place to sit. Get the idea?
Reverse engineer.

If all the physics of this world add up, so must the people factor. You will find the people factor much more complicated simply because there are many more variables.

If you seek, you have much to study.

Need a name? With God, names are never needed. Why not? Everyone already knows who everyone is.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Since, I was studying God's actions and choices for many many years, I came to understand God and what God is doing with this world. If one already Understands, popping into one's life would change little other than confirming the knowledge one has already acquired.

OK .. so what then is God doing with this world.. - what has your analysis told you ... as I have put the puzzle together ... and done the math .. and you are correct that God has no name .. though your rational is unclear.. Remember when you got to the right answer in math .. but did not get full marks because you didn't show your work .. something like that .. but of no moment --- the right idea .. "God has no name" and from that follows ... that none of us knows what God's direct commands are .. from the Bible .. or any other Holy Book.

So here is what happend in your story so far ..... One day eyes opened (analogy -- your eyes did not actually see anything at this moment) .. and you had the "I AM" moment.. the only thing in this world you know for sure .. and will ever know for sure .. but that is another story.

From there you progressed to look around .. "Did the math" .. and have come to an understanding of what God is doing with this world. Do tell what you have concluded about the primordial one .. the uncreated ooze :)


Well-Known Member
Here's another description of what the faith-based thinker says the critical thinker needs to do - join him and become a faith-based thinker, too. Opening eyes is your choice of language, but others call the critical thinker's perspective myopic, scientism, and materialism - all meant derogatorily. They say that one must stop thinking critically (not in those words) and God appears.

As a boy, before I learned such thinking, I was an atheist. I didn't become a theist until age 18 or 19. I tried what you recommend then. No bueno. I returned to atheism, and have been grateful for that ever since. Not everybody can do it, just as many never quit smoking. I've quit both, and neither was easier than the other. The religious mems had taken root in an unseen part of my mind that had me praying to a god I no longer believed in to show me a sign if I was making a mistake - for a year. It was just like the tobacco addiction, which also nagged at me for a year when I became the tobacco equivalent of an atheist.

What makes you think that that life is appealing or desirable? Do you think that believers present an enviable state to be in for holding such ideas? How would it help me to imagine I'm hearing a god speaking again? Did you want me to follow that voice's urgings again? As I said, I've been there, and it didn't work out well. I've learned better since. Also as I said, I'm proud and grateful to have extricated myself from that.

Nor need he to reject the claim. You're quibbling over what looks like a claim of faith that gods don't exist from @blü 2. I think he used language casually there, but maybe he's a strong atheist. If so, I agree that that requires at least a small leap of faith.

The atheist need define no gods. You say that you see and hear one? Tell me what you see and hear, and I'll tell you if I believe YOUR god exists. Likewise with every other theist. Tell me about the god or gods you believe exist and I'll tell you if your argument was convincing or rejected.

I got a chuckle out of the Michael Jackson skit .. hence the like.. the rest is full of strawman fallacy .. no "Faith based thinking" going on here mate .. nor any of the other invective demonization ad hom fallacy. .. yammering on about some religious right nutters .. as if that has something to do with me ?

You blather on about "Critical thinking" "Science" -- again trying to demonize the Fundies .. but seems big log in own eye ..naught seen any of that come from your direction .. a whole lot of fallacy though. then in another place you wax on about "Antivaxers" .. something the Religious right Got right .. purely by accident I am sure ..... but even broken clock correct twice a day .. Which brings up the odious question .. what happened to your critical thinking and scientific analysis skills on that front ? The Vax is nasty nasty for healthy people .. folks not in the cirical care group .. immune compromized .. really old and really fat .. with numerous comorbidities .... all at the same time.

Thats the "Science" presented the other day on the Hill by Rand Paul .. the speaker for the Dem side .. just an absurd pack of lies.... but this all of no moment to the discussion at hand .. a wonky rabbit hole .. when you demonstrate some characteristics .. all good in the hood.

What part of - 1) "Can you not hear God Talking" and 2) make sure to give a definition of God .. was difficult for you to understand ?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
yammering on about some religious right nutters .. as if that has something to do with me ? You blather on ...
You're going to need to be a bit more respectful if you'd like a responsive reply in the future. I'm not interested what you think about me or how you describe my posting. Address the ideas if you can.

If you think you'll succeed with this kind of language, think again. I'm very good at dealing with insolence.
What part of - 1) "Can you not hear God Talking" and 2) make sure to give a definition of God .. was difficult for you to understand ?
You flatter yourself again. Read my posting again if you need to see how I dispatched with both of those.

There is nothing rational that you understand that would be difficult for me to understand. Your thoughts are simple to me to the extent that they are coherent, including your insults and what likely motivates them.