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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
So now, it's God limiting Himself?? Give me a break. Why would God limit Himself so that your Beliefs fit?
God does only what He chooses to do. That is how God limits Himself.
So your messengers deem it ok to punish in the name of justice.
Yes, because that is what God wants.
What purpose does punishment serve? Payback? You can't have it both ways. Your punishment is an attempt to alter the actions of others through pain. The pain inflicted has nothing to do with the choice or the action of the person at hand. The thought is if I hurt them bad enough they will not do it again.
Dozens of times told you that punishment is not payback, yet you keep repeating yourself over and over and over again.
Punishment is not an attempt to alter the actions of others through pain. It is to get justice and protect society from those who commit crimes.
It is an attempt to intimidate and manipulate the actions of another. It is using, valuing, and teaching the petty things mankind holds so dear. How is that working? How is that solving the real problems? Frustrated, are you saying some can't be fixed? Sometimes in order to fix the Real Problems one must first change oneself.
No, it is an attempt to seek justice for everyone involved. Have you ever heard of the justice system? That has nothing to do with God.

So the all justice systems all over the world are 'a petty thing that mankind holds dear.' We should not punish criminals, we should love them unconditionally and that will solve the problem. You are beyond help.
Clearly, you do not really understand Unconditional Love.
I understand it quite well, I just consider it unrealistic, uncalled for and even damaging in many cases.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Be your own guru
We are also not jumping to conclusions. Big Bang begun as a tiny, dense, fireball that exploded but what caused this explosion in the first place is still a mystery. But how can universe of unintelligible matter produces objects with intrinsic ends, reproductive capabilities, and coded chemistry? There is a proverb says: if you miss something you can’t give ( for example, if I ask you to give me money and you don’t have you can’t give) so how can a lifeless matter gives life.
We do not know much of what happened before expansion of the universe (inflation) for sure. These are theories which best fit the scenario. You need to study physics, chemistry and biology for that. Since you ask this question, it shows that you need to improve your knowledge about it.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Astrophysicist Hubert Reeve said: I don’t believe in chance and there is some kind of intelligence that exists in this universe. He also believes that nature currently has the advantage of creative intelligence, and it undoubtedly possesses a sharper intelligence than humans, and therefore there is a creative behind the design of this nature, especially since there is no such thing as chance.
So that's what Astrophysicist Hubert Reeves thinks, you say? (I'm relieved to know he's still alive. I recall seeing him on TV when I was in France many decades ago.)

He says that he does not believe in chance. Rather he believes that some kind of intelligence exists in this universe, but what it is must be searched for.
He needs to be more specific. It's all very well to marvel at aspects of the universe, a common enough vice and one I share, but to attribute these marvels to some imaginary intelligence seems (in Reeves' case) perhaps due to his acculturation in a Roman Catholic society ─ he's a québécois as no doubt you know.


We do not know much of what happened before expansion of the universe (inflation) for sure. These are theories which best fit the scenario. You need to study physics, chemistry and biology for that. Since you ask this question, it shows that you need to improve your knowledge about it.
If you have knowledge, in physics, chemistry and biology, please you share your knowledge in this forum. You know, neither the Big Bang nor science can explain to us how something came out of nothing. The onset of the universe is outside the scope of science. Science focuses on studying the phenomena of this universe, its systems and its laws. Scientists look at the study of the natural manifestations of matter without thinking about its origin and its existence. Therefore you need to study philosophy which looks for the origin of everything, including its essence, cause, reason, secret and wisdom. Philosophy does not look at phenomena only. Still, it goes beyond the sensible world, what was before this world. Who created it, who is this creator, what his essence and the truth of his qualities?

The accuracy in the acceleration of the expansion of the universe is proof that the Big Bang was not random but calculated by miraculous precision. A physicist, Paul Davies said: If I were to sit down and made a mock plan for the universe- one of which you just put together a whole set of make-up laws of physics – your chances of having a universe that was capable of leading to the development an intellectual life-forms your chance is zero.


Well-Known Member
God does only what He chooses to do. That is how God limits Himself.

Yes, because that is what God wants.

Dozens of times told you that punishment is not payback, yet you keep repeating yourself over and over and over again.
Punishment is not an attempt to alter the actions of others through pain. It is to get justice and protect society from those who commit crimes.

No, it is an attempt to seek justice for everyone involved. Have you ever heard of the justice system? That has nothing to do with God.

So the all justice systems all over the world are 'a petty thing that mankind holds dear.' We should not punish criminals, we should love them unconditionally and that will solve the problem. You are beyond help.

I understand it quite well, I just consider it unrealistic, uncalled for and even damaging in many cases.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Does God really want you to hurt others in His name? Is this really an Intelligent Act? Is this really a Higher Level?

Yes, it is understood society must protect it's people. On the other hand, doing nothing but locking people away without any attempt at fixing the real problems is petty and not Intelligent. Problems never go away unless they are solved.

You value the petty thing of Blame. Do we Blame the person making the bad choices, label them as Evil, lock them up and throw away the key OR do we Blame those who do not work at solving the real problems thereby learning how to prevent crime in the first place? Show me the goodness in it all.

Pick your Blame. Judge, Condemn, Punish then sit back and watch nothing being fixed just the generation of more hurt and hate for everyone to go around regardless of who one decides to Blame.

How would you react if you were the one who made the bad choices and were labelled Evil then locked away with no one caring at all? Would things be getting better? Would you have Love and Kindness in your heart? Would you feel fixed in any way?? When does the cycle end? When will the problems get solved if no one works on them?

Religion is a catalyst that brings so many problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. After all, when one thinks one has God's backing, one can justify anything. Do you feel you have God's backing based only upon your beliefs?? Beliefs do not matter. It's what is that counts. One's actions and choices is what is.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?
To live and experience Love
Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.
If you drop to your knees to worship me, I will kick you in the head.

Keep your head and since you are consciously aware you can cause actions to exist by your own actions that support life to continue. The actions that you do that are good will live and you will live in them contributions to existence.

Learn how to love unconditionally.

That was easy.


Something out of nothing is a religious conceit. Not a scientific thing
It is not a religious conceit but to find the reality. Something from nothing is outside the scope of science. This is a philosophical question. So we have two beliefs for the origin of universe. It is a Metaphysical belief and materialistic belief. Atheists base on materialistic belief. However, they don’t have an answer of something from nothing. So we have to wait until they give us a satisfactory answer. Theists believe that God is the answer of this question. So we should assume that this is right until atheists prove otherwise.


Well-Known Member
It is not a religious conceit but to find the reality.
Where or not it is about "find the reality" it is a religious concept.
So we have two beliefs for the origin of universe. It is a Metaphysical belief and materialistic belief.
This is a false statement. There is currently no scientific position on the origin of the universe.
However, they don’t have an answer of something from nothing.
It is a false question made up by the religious. We don't need answers to false questions.
Theists believe that God is the answer of this question. So we should assume that this is right until atheists prove otherwise.
We should reject theistic claims until a reliable methodology for demonstrating any given claim is provided.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.

What does God want from me?

God feeds me when I allow God to teach me, so what is this that God wants from me—a relationship?

I'll add more. I've seen light that feeds, and so this light can think and renew for deeper understanding.

So in this, what does God want for me? I want to drink from light and cycle thoughts, so two thoughts are going on: my thoughts and light thoughts, so that's back to that word relationship.
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Well-Known Member
To live and experience Love

If you drop to your knees to worship me, I will kick you in the head.

Keep your head and since you are consciously aware you can cause actions to exist by your own actions that support life to continue. The actions that you do that are good will live and you will live in them contributions to existence.

Learn how to love unconditionally.

That was easy.
I think that was a really good answer. Of course except the worshiping you and kicking me in the head. You did step a bit out of reality for a moment.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
What does God want from me?

God feeds me when I allow God to teach me, so what is this that God wants from me—a relationship?

I'll add more. I've seen light that feeds, and so this light can think and renew for deeper understanding.

So in this, what does God want for me? I want to drink from light and cycle thoughts, so two thoughts are going on: my thoughts and light thoughts, so that's back to that word relationship.
Yes, I would say everyone has a relationship with God, even those who do not realize it. Perhaps realizing the relationship advances one faster. After all, doesn't the hungry student advance quicker?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I think that was a really good answer. Of course except the worshiping you and kicking me in the head. You did step a bit out of reality for a moment.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
The opening post asked to have the point of view of a god. I know it it not normal to play the part but I used the old acting mindset.


Where or not it is about "find the reality" it is a religious concept.

This is a false statement. There is currently no scientific position on the origin of the universe.

It is a false question made up by the religious. We don't need answers to false questions.

We should reject theistic claims until a reliable methodology for demonstrating any given claim is provided.
This is dogmatic to refuse a contrary idea

However, to insist that the development of science has become less dogmatic (a state of intellectual immobility in which a person is so fanatical about his own ideas that he refuses to see contrary ideas) where atheists can no longer rely on it to prove the absence of God, and believers can cite scientific discoveries to prove his existence.
Unfortunately, atheism is tiny minor it represents 0.0064% of world population. some studies that have gone in the same direction, including a 2009 U.S. study by the Pew Research Centre on "Scientists and Beliefs in the United States" showed that the majority of American scientists (51 percent) believe in "something" versus a minority (41 percent of atheists).


Then stop being dogmatic by refusing my contrary ideas.
Everyone has his own view and belief. We need to respect each other for everyone his own belief Stephen Hawking had honestly expressed the question of belief.

The most striking summary of the late British physicist Stephen Hawking's book "Short Answers to Great Questions" was released after his death and includes answers to questions such as "How did it all start?" And "Are we going to survive on Earth?" But the most critical subject discussed in the book is "Is there a God? The late scientist said he did not want to give the impression of his work that it was to prove or deny the existence of God. He summarized his conception of God according to one's belief and said: "We are free to the question of belief, and in my opinion, the simplest explanation is that there is no God.” No one has created the universe, and no one directs our destinies."