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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Where have you gotten the image of God to reflect on your image? Did it come from a holy book written by mankind?

Everything about God will add up perfectly. Can you say holy books add up perfectly and you can find no fault in them? Do you question or merely accept?

Free choice is an important part to God's system. I make no demands and I am happy with any free choice anyone makes as long as it is their own.

There is a third approach you have not considered and it is my approach. It is Seek out and Discover what actually is. I started my journey to Discover the real truth when I found that so much of those holy books did not add up. Being one who must know, I started a journey to Discover the Real Truth regardless of what that truth turned out to be. I was even open to the possibility that God didn't exist at all. I am not creating God to the image I want. I continue on my journey to Discover what is. I find there is always more to Discover about God and God's actions and choices. I have spoken to who God is, however there will always be more to Learn and Discover.

I guess it all comes down to what one seeks. I could never be satisfied with mere Beliefs regardless of those around me that might want me to do so. Perhaps, that's is why I had a visit from God. God gave me the gift of knowing. Of course, God never showed up until I had Discovered a certain amount of knowledge. It is a gift none the less. There is a greater strength in knowing than could ever exist merely believing.

You have all my Love and Kindness regardless of any free choices you choose to make.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
You are betting on your opinion and analysis as opposed to God revealing who he is.


Well-Known Member
Well, we shall see. It's not that I resent existing, as such. I would have preferred to have existed on a planet that isn't quite so hopelessly messed up. However, fate saw fit to send me to this madhouse (planet, not forum), I doubt it was for my benefit. Time for bed. Later.
Madhouse??? Do you not see a Masterpiece?? Much more knowledge lives beyond the surface.

Hopelessly messed up??? Perhaps, you were sent to help fix things and teach others along your journey.

How can one be accomplished without Challenges? Remember, expert abilities require expert challenges. Maybe you are more of an expert at fixing than you realize.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You are betting on your opinion and analysis as opposed to God revealing who he is.
Am I really betting? There is no gambling in my actions. It's about what is.

Are you betting? Are you gambling? Religion uses Fear in order to gain followers. It that fear working?

WE are all meant to THINK!!! This world isn't about God revealing who He is. This world isn't about believing, following and accepting. God isn't revealing Himself through holy books. Religion is a catalyst that brings mankind's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. After all, when one thinks one has God's blessing, one can justify anything. That is religion's true purpose.

God hides nothing. All the secrets of God and the universe stare us all in the face.Can you see? The first thing that God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. I cry that!!

God's Greatest Moment is when that light bulb goes off over one of His children's head and they Understand. This can be about any subject at all!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Am I really betting? There is no gambling in my actions. It's about what is.

Are you betting? Are you gambling? Religion uses Fear in order to gain followers. It that fear working?

WE are all meant to THINK!!! This world isn't about God revealing who He is. This world isn't about believing, following and accepting. God isn't revealing Himself through holy books. Religion is a catalyst that brings mankind's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. After all, when one thinks one has God's blessing, one can justify anything. That is religion's true purpose.

God hides nothing. All the secrets of God and the universe stare us all in the face.Can you see? The first thing that God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. I cry that!!

God's Greatest Moment is when that light bulb goes off over one of His children's head and they Understand. This can be about any subject at all!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
You have your own analysis. And you don't want God to show his. Convenient. You can't be wrong this way, because, you declare yourself right by no proof and your analysis says God will not provide proof and will not guide. So you don't even need to confirm your views with a religion, you simply get to make it up.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
How can one be accomplished without Challenges? Remember, expert abilities require expert challenges. Maybe you are more of an expert at fixing than you realize.
A good physician, should fix him or herself, first, before trying to fix other things. I am not at all certain that I can complete such a monumentally difficult task, before I expire. ;)

Thanks though. Your words will haunt my subconscious no doubt.


Veteran Member
You have your own analysis. And you don't want God to show his. Convenient. You can't be wrong this way, because, you declare yourself right by no proof and your analysis says God will not provide proof and will not guide. So you don't even need to confirm your views with a religion, you simply get to make it up.
And that is exactly what @Bird123 does, makes things up about God and what he 'believes' is God's System.
He doesn't need to confirm his 'beliefs' with any religion, since he has a religion of his own which he considers the Truth from God.
He doesn't want to know what God has revealed through the Messengers, since their teachings conflict with the beliefs of his religion.


I agree. God has no needs, only humans and other animals have needs. Whatever God gives us is only for our own benefit.

“Regard thou the one true God as One Who is apart from, and immeasurably exalted above, all created things. The whole universe reflecteth His glory, while He is Himself independent of, and transcendeth His creatures.”​
“Consider the mercy of God and His gifts. He enjoineth upon you that which shall profit you, though He Himself can well dispense with all creatures.” Gleanings, p. 140
“The one true God, exalted be His glory, hath wished nothing for Himself. The allegiance of mankind profiteth Him not, neither doth its perversity harm Him. The Bird of the Realm of Utterance voiceth continually this call: “All things have I willed for thee, and thee, too, for thine own sake.”​

“Death proffereth unto every confident believer the cup that is life indeed. It bestoweth joy, and is the bearer of gladness. It conferreth the gift of everlasting life.” Gleanings, p. 345

But what does that actually mean? How do we know if we are a confident believer? What will joy and gladness consist of? What is everlasting life?
I do not believe everlasting life means living forever, since I believe that all souls will continue to exist forever, but not everyone will have everlasting life, which is nearness to God, but how will that play out in the afterlife?

There are hints in the holy books but there is no real information. God keeps the mystery of the afterlife under His hat. We are told that one reason the afterlife has not been described in the holy books is because we could never comprehend a world that is so different from this wold.

“As to those that have tasted of the fruit of man’s earthly existence, which is the recognition of the one true God, exalted be His glory, their life hereafter is such as We are unable to describe. The knowledge thereof is with God, alone, the Lord of all worlds.” Gleanings, pp. 345-346
There are 99 beautiful names of God. See some mentioned in the Quran chapter 59 verses 22-24.

Although the Quran describes about afterlife, no one knows the nature of afterlife except God. See the Quran chapter 32 verse 17

There is also a hint about the afterlife according Einstein’s special relativity. A physicist, Sabine Hossenfielder discusses this issue. Visit


Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
He didn't MAKE people evil -- he allowed them to become wicked if that is where they were going. It's kind of proven with Moses and Pharaoh and Pharaoh's continual refusal to listen to God's voice through Moses. Pharaoh and his warriors didn't make it.
Negligence is as bad as abuse.


Well-Known Member
You have your own analysis. And you don't want God to show his. Convenient. You can't be wrong this way, because, you declare yourself right by no proof and your analysis says God will not provide proof and will not guide. So you don't even need to confirm your views with a religion, you simply get to make it up.
You do not understand. God is not hiding anything. God shows it all. Look around you. Unlike holy books, God's actions can not be altered by mankind.

I have found no religion that really understands God at all. Religions were created by mankind, by people. That is who they reflect.

Am I really making it all up? I have pointed the way. Discover it all for yourself. It is not I who places limits on you.

I do not seek believers nor followers. God does not seek believers nor followers. What is it that you really seek? Is it really God? Be true to yourself.

So much is said about God that simply is not true. I have placed Real Truth in the world. What anyone chooses to do with that truth is up to them.

If one must have a religion, I suggest one does not go in blind, accepting and following. If said religion values, teaches, and practices the petty things mankind holds so dear, God is not who one is following. If one values those petty things oneself, God, in time, will show what those petty things really are. This will just bring one back around away from beliefs and back to what is.

In time, everyone will end up at this same place anyway. Still, each can wander along their journey as they choose. That is a part of learning. Look closely at what things really are and not what you or others want them to be. Truth will not always be an agreeable thing.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
A good physician, should fix him or herself, first, before trying to fix other things. I am not at all certain that I can complete such a monumentally difficult task, before I expire. ;)

Thanks though. Your words will haunt my subconscious no doubt.
In a multilevel classroom, one will see others learning lessons one has already learned. There is always something someone can teach to someone. Think Multi-Angular. The dynamics are amazing.

Move a grain of sand at a time. This will surprise you how much you can fix. Sometimes a smile or a simple act of Love and Kindness can change people for generations. Yes, share that which is special about you with others. If you can not find anything special about yourself, simply share yourself. That special will get out even if you do not realize it.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
A good physician, should fix him or herself, first, before trying to fix other things. I am not at all certain that I can complete such a monumentally difficult task, before I expire. ;)

Thanks though. Your words will haunt my subconscious no doubt.
In a multilevel classroom, one will see others learning lessons one has already learned. There is always something someone can teach to someone. Think Multi-Angular. The dynamics are amazing.

Move a grain of sand at a time. This will surprise you how much you can fix. Sometimes a smile or a simple act of Love and Kindness can change people for generations. Yes, share that which is special about you with others. If you can not find anything special about yourself, simply share yourself. That special will get out even if you do not realize it.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
What an overly simplistic view of religion.
Maybe Christianity uses fear but Christianity is not the only religion in the world.
Fear is a petty tool that is being used to gain followers. I know several people who have told me that the only reason they follow and believe religion is out of Fear.

Are you God fearing?

Those that really know God know that God has never ever been one to be Feared. Quit Fearing. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Then why should I place any value upon it?
A better question is why God would be responsible to humans.
Responsibility implies accountability....
Logically speaking, why would an omnipotent God be accountable to humans?
Why on earth would the Creator be accountable to His creation? Is a painter accountable to the painting he creates?

Not being responsible does not mean we get nothing from God, but what we get is by God's grace alone, not because God is in any way obligated to us.


Veteran Member
Am I really making it all up?
I think so, although you are unaware of that.
So much is said about God that simply is not true. I have placed Real Truth in the world.
First you have to have Real Truth before you can place it in the world.
You have no way to discover the Real Truth about God.
What you believe about God is only what you imagine. It has no basis in reality.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!