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What does same-sex marriage have to do with religion?


caelitus mihi vires
Exactly right, tolerance does not requite abandoning standards or opinions. In the spirit of tolerance I can say the view expressed in your post is ignorant and bigoted. That is tolerance. I accept your right to express any ignorant or bigoted opinion you wish, no matter how ridiculously antiquated it is.

The proper way to react to this kind of ignorance and bigotry is to condemn it is the strongest possible terms. And the point is that we can must condemn bigotry while still tolerating the right of people to express such disgusting viewpoints.

But what is bigotry?

Bigoted is subjective, and relative to the onlooker. For what is "bigotry" to one person is not necessarily "bigoted" to others.

You say that tolerance is accepting the rights of people to express objectionable opinion, whilst condemning their ignorance and bigotry in the strongest possible terms. But this is no more than generalization of religious and political tolerance. However, there are always exceptions to this rule.

Such as in the case of terrorism*, murder, rape, child abuse, and armed robbery etc; crimes which are so abhorrent that they usually carry stiff penalties. That such crimes are invariably punished is directly a result of primary legislation, which are based on political opinion, cultural norms and values in the respective jurisdiction.

By definition, we do not accept that people have a right to behave like this; which means such prohibitive legislation and censuring are in fact based on bigoted opinion by lawmakers; although as a rule, we do not call it "bigotry" as such, for it would call into doubt the legitimacy of such legislation and (social) taboo in society.

So tolerance implies one's acceptance of racial, religious, and political diversity, which is one thing in a free and democratic society; but it's altogether different for somebody to come along and try to forcibly convert you to their way of thinking.

As a matter of principle, such infringement of rights, and encroachment onto other people's territory by those who disrespect your sovereign right as an individual cannot, and will never be acceptable to any democratic society such as France, Germany, England, Canada or the United States etc.

By definition, democracy (or diversity) doesn't give anybody - which includes corrupt officials in government - the right to step on other people's toes, which is directly a threat to the territorial and sovereign rights of others who have natural rights as individuals within society - i.e. psychological, political, and sovereign territory of individuals.

Take for instance, the historic example of the Boston Tea Party, whereby a group of conspirators have remonstrated and rejected British colonial rule in the thirteen colonies, which would soon be the United States of America.

The Declaration of Independence of 1776 rejected British colonial rule in the thirteen colonies; but the Founding Fathers have never rejected British people as a race nor as kindred.

So it is one thing to accept people for what they are; but it's a different matter to be told what to do by the same people, whose "authority" you do not accept as legitimate.

Generally speaking, our definition of "ignorance" or "bigotry" must contain an exemption "clause", which would allow ZERO TOLERANCE against those who may overstep their bounds to infringe the Rights of others - otherwise, we must call into doubt the legitimacy of those who have stood their ground to fight, and defend what is rightfully theirs.

Such infringement of moral precepts and principles cannot, and should never be tolerated by anyone who is sane or rational, and with reasonable intelligence to know one's protagonists (antagonists) have crossed the bounds of moral rectitude and righteous behaviour. For it is one thing to accept people for what they are; but it's a different matter to "accept" such breach of moral precepts and principles, which cannot be acceptable to anybody who is sane or rational, and with reasonable intelligence to know that they're under threat by an extraneous source.

Generally, we are only beholden to the lawful Sovereign of our country; but we cannot, and shall never accept being told what to do by any foreign government nor sovereign power - assuming one is outside the lawful remit, and lawful territory of such power.

This is what I mean by ZERO TOLERANCE, which is non-acceptance of extraneous power, or extraneous infringement of one's sovereign rights, and sovereign territory.

Basically, I think each person should mind his own business; for each one of us should exercise self-restraint and self-control (to resist temptation, or innate propensity to do evil), and thereby refrain from crossing the line into other people's territory.

Otherwise, such infringement and insult cannot go unanswered. (Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21; John 5:22-23, 5:27-30, 10:9, 14:6; Revelation 13:8, 20:15, 21:8)

Synopsis: Tolerance (i.e. democracy and freedom of expression) doesn't mean we should accept unjust violations of moral precepts and principles; nor does it mean that people will have a right to infringe the rights and freedom of others.

NOTE* - Terrorism is usually synonymous to mass murder in the modern context of the 20th-21st century.

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Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
It's just that religion is compatible with nature. All living beings - even plants - naturally 'get married' with opposite sex... except some humans? The Sodomites were destroyed for that !
some plants self fertilize, and homosexuality is found in dozens of different species.


some plants self fertilize, and homosexuality is found in dozens of different species.
So...? Do you compare yourself with those self-fertilizing plants or dozens of homosexual animals? Where are the virtues of humans, the family and the society? Just imagine a community in which all members live on a same-sex basis... Will they buy children to make life happier? And even if they could bring children, they'll never 'feel' their off-spring...


Big Queer Chesticles!
some plants self fertilize, and homosexuality is found in dozens of different species.


So...? Do you compare yourself with those self-fertilizing plants or dozens of homosexual animals? Where are the virtues of humans, the family and the society? Just imagine a community in which all members live on a same-sex basis... Will they buy children to make life happier? And even if they could bring children, they'll never 'feel' their off-spring...

How do people get so misinformed about us? I mean really? I have more morals, virtues and values than a lot of anti gay folk I have come across. Why would a community have all people living on a same sex basis? We are a small minority. We arent out to spread the gay, as if that was even possible.

Never feel offspring? Sounds creepy. I will be carrying my own child thanks.


Active Member
What does same-sex marriage have to do with religion?

I think an even better question to ask first would be:

Q. - Does God have first-hand knowledge of what it's like to have sex?


And if you believe that God has had first-hand experience of sex ... who was it with?

Or is God a virgin?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
What does same-sex marriage have to do with religion?
Because each land is reflective of Yisrael which is a reflection of the divine logos and as such is supposed to replicate that. Thus what is above should be below.

All people are supposed to keep the law as we are all children of God. Each land or nation should adhere to the numen (spirit) of the land. But there will always be (if I can put it this way) heathern tendancies. That is why there should be separation.... then it would not matter and we could all leave each other alone.

Yeshe Dondrub

Kagyupa OBT-Thubetan
Legal rights are the main reason for the seeking of equal rights. Insurance is controlled at state levels. Texas is an example of where the state will block benefits. As well as where same sex couple who work for the state are one moment offered it, then it is denied after they have been paying for it. States will deny rights, but not reimburse funds they have collected.

Safety, protection from harassment, shared investment's, medical coverage, and many other factors come into play.

The United Sates government were partially founded by those who separated beliefs for a reason, and many were Unitarian in thought. Earlier wording rewritten to included "God".

While Christianity is the largest religion, there are still many without religious faith, or of non secular beliefs. Their rights become threatened my a majority, and religious majority is what the concern was. It does go against the bases of the nation.

Political shift shows and focus on denying rights shows a shift for desire, control, manipulation, and harm. Two people in a relationship may harm the ego of some who are consumed by negative emotion, but it is the personal attacking of same sex people that is true harm. Laws that allow for such attack is pure ignorance.

I do wonder why so many opposing it are consumed by the aspect of Sex, rather then relationship. Consumed by hatred of due to ego, rather then true understanding and compassion. Yet they are clouded in mind they use in judgment.


Would you pl. show how they are wrong. (Talk is cheap! Do the expensive thing)!

BeautifulMind said:
How does being homosexual go against religion? Is it that bad?
Andywelikandy said:
Very much indeed if one wants to believe what the Holy Bible teaches. To those who do not care about the Bible's teaching, anything goes including sex with animals.
Ingledsva said:
Wrong to both sentences.

1. I am tired of the INCORRECT BULL of people that equate the love between two consenting, legal, same sex adults, as CRIMES! Homosexuality does not in any way equate to sex with humans or things, that can't give legal consent, = animals, pedophilia, etc.

2. I have shown OVER and OVER, that the verses used against homosexuals - are actually about SACRED SEX!

If it says it is MOLECH WORSHIP - WHICH IS SACRED SEX, - then it OBVIOUSLY isn't about homosexuals!

If it says it is WORSHIP OF GOD - it OBVIOUSLY - isn't about homosexuals!

You folks need to take a good look at the verses you are trying to CLAIM are about homosexuals!



Big Queer Chesticles!
1. I am tired of the INCORRECT BULL of people that equate the love between two consenting, legal, same sex adults, as CRIMES! Homosexuality does not in any way equate to sex with humans or things, that can't give legal consent, = animals, pedophilia, etc.

2. I have shown OVER and OVER, that the verses used against homosexuals - are actually about SACRED SEX!

If it says it is MOLECH WORSHIP - WHICH IS SACRED SEX, - then it OBVIOUSLY isn't about homosexuals!

If it says it is WORSHIP OF GOD - it OBVIOUSLY - isn't about homosexuals!

You folks need to take a good look at the verses you are trying to CLAIM are about homosexuals!


I love you in a non sexual way.