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What does your Abrahamic religion give you?


Active Member
Hello friend and peace be with you and those that join with you and your one true religion, to be honest i don't know what your one true religion is call and im almost certain that in very other religious faith you will find many who will say the same but if your one true religion makes you happy then that's what its all about, im not going to mention the chip on my shoulder thing again but you say i keep going on about religious servitude when in fact i only use those words twice in post and now again.

I'm absolutely certain all religions follow Abraham's example of peace and in their own religious beliefs still do just like your religious beliefs but lets imagine shall we, all religious faiths sitting down together and after all the hellos and greeting and friendships and everyone having a great time then one stands up and shouts "I do in fact believe that my religion is the one true religion" it was right then that Abraham's example of peace was thrown right out the window.

Religious history is certainly not a pretty picture but surely you must understand whether you like it or not that Abraham's example of peace can only come when all religious faiths can show the world tolerant and understanding and united in agreeing that truly there is no such thing as one true religion, also if that ever happens we might have to tide you to the chair and gag you but believe me friend (hope its okay to call you friend) that would be done in a very peaceful way and of course, i don't think you be alone (that was just me trying to be humorous there)

According to history Abraham was brought up with the belief of many gods which makes sense that eventually after im sure many conversations about the stories of one true god then one true god had to rule over the belief of many, which as far as i know all religious faiths agree on, so maybe what Abraham had in mind was not one true religion but one true god that all religious faiths could agree on and eventually live in peace and understanding with each other and none of this ridiculous mention of "my religion is the one true religion" (oh damn i think i said the wrong thing)

Somehow i don't think you're going to agree with any of that.

Peace be with you and all.

You would be more or less right that I don't agree. :) I was speaking in terms of "proof" of all not being followers of peace. The things you pointed out indicate that not all follow Abraham's example, so, while all are not necessarily followers of peace, some are, or one is.

From my perspective (and resources... being LDS), your history of Abraham is a little off. Abraham's father was indeed an idolater, but Abraham knew and understood that his father was in error. He knew this because he was exposed to the truth from other sources and accepted it. The most likely sources for this exposure was either Noah (who was still alive at the time) and or Melchizedek, king of Salem. I'm not positive about this, but I think Melchizedek and Shem (Noah's son) are the same person. One has to remember that in these records, God was in the habit of giving "new" names to those with whom He entered into a covenant with. Abram was renamed Abraham. Jacob was renamed Israel. Saul was renamed Paul. Simon was renamed Peter and so forth. The wording in the Pearl of Great Price suggests that Shem was renamed Melchizedek. Also in the Pearl of Great Price, Abraham makes reference to the 'fathers' (pl), meaning those paternal entities of his lineage that survived the flood. This would indicate Noah and Shem.

As for there being only one true religion: when you have conflicting doctrines, it stands to reason that only one can be right. Besides if God is the author of the way back to Him and He not being the author of confusion, I think it more reasonable to assume that He would only provided one way. It then becomes incumbent on the individual to determine what that way is. My investigation tells me that the set of scriptures with the most coherent and cohesive and corroborated testimonial evidence, is the right and only way.


Veteran Member
Everyone clings to that which makes them fell good, and religion is that one thing that makes many feel good, who cares about all the philosophy, as long as we feel good that is all we are after, and that is what religion does, makes you feel good, just like a drug.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
That thing in the air flying past my head
It's your point.
Do you think you can cancel the last
The correct date says that the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem is
It was a great building and starting Christ was interviewing people in this structure
That simple , my friend history

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The correct history says that the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and
It was a great building and Christ was starting interviewing people in this
Is this true

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The point is
I explained to you that the synagogue was on the ground
The other explanations are your own
Religion defines the human personality
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Veteran Member
I'm not talking about the mother of Jesus
She was also one of the descendants of Jewish Daoud says history
If you do not respect the mother of Jesus, you respect Dawood

The point is
I explained to you that the synagogue was on the ground
The other explanations are your own
Religion defines the human personality
You are not explaining anything, because it looks like you're using Google Translate and I can barely understand a word you're saying.
The synagogue was on the ground? Who is talking about a synagogue? What ground? What does that have to do with anything?
And most importantly, do you think I enjoy having to try to puzzle out what you are trying to say?


Veteran Member
I think that I might know whats he's talking about. The rebuilding of the temple would theoretically be in that place, or expanded, etc., to match the original. In Xianity, the Temple is rebuilt, but I forget the details regarding this.

So, my take is, I think he is saying, that the Temple should be rebuilt...

could be wrong
So he's saying we should rebuild the Temple where the Mosque is now? I think he's a Muslim. I don't think he'd support knocking down the Mosque.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to-Tumah Well-Known Member
During a talk show with you
You wrote harsh words about Mary
It was after that Post No.127 I do not know who or why deleted post after NO-127
I told you that Mary the Mother of Christ is a Jewish origin, one of the tribe of Dawood
And also I am a Christian
I believe that the al-Aqsa mosque is Solomon's Temple. I hope to be friends in this forum
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Veteran Member
During a talk show with you
I have never been on a talk show in my entire life.
You wrote harsh words about Mary
I was just stating facts.
It was after that Post No.127 I do not know who or why deleted post after NO-127
Life moves on.
I told you that Mary the Mother of Christ is a Jewish origin, one of the tribe of Dawood
Yes. And I don't see what the point of that is either.
And also I am a Christian
Then I suggest you brush up on your Bible studies.
I believe that the al-Aqsa mosque is Solomon's Temple.
Solomon's Temple was destroyed over a thousand years before the al-Aqsa mosque was built.
Herod's Temple was destroyed over six hundred years before the al-Aqsa mosque was built.
[URL='https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/temples.html' said:
Jewish Virtual Library[/URL]]Muslim tradition is especially adamant about the existence of the First Temple, built by Solomon, who appears in the Qur'an as a prophet and a paragon of wisdom.
You are claiming that an Islamic religious site is the Temple that Muslims place more emphasis on.
Don't you think that sounds fishy?
I hope to be friends in this forum
I think if you learn English, that will make it easier.
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