Veteran Member
Ive read the Qu'ran front to back twice, two different translations. There is much hate and bigotry in the text.You should cross check your references one by one, not just do blind copy pastes.
No matter how wrong one believes a person to be, one should be accurate in one’s accusations
I gave up on the Bible by doing the same thing, reading it from Genesis to Revelation. I realized it is hypocrisy to condemn bigotry and hate, while at the same time defending a book that promotes it.
I admire Jesus because he didn't raise up an army that conquered people (like Muhammad). He preached "love your enemies, turn the other cheek" and forgave those who crucified him.
So, I can love Jesus, because most of what he taught doesn't go against my conscience.
But anything in the Bible that is hateful, violent, bigoted, and cruel (like the Qu'ran) I reject, otherwise i'm a hypocrite.