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What evidence for God

Incontrovertible evidence of God is found in God's scriptures, especially the Quran because it is the last, and it is preserved mathematically.
For instance there is mathematical evidence that the Quran is divinely composed, in many ways, and especially with number 19:
Miracle Of 19 - islamrevolution.org


Left Hand Path
Incontrovertible evidence of God is found in God's scriptures, especially the Quran because it is the last, and it is preserved mathematically.
For instance there is mathematical evidence that the Quran is divinely composed, in many ways, and especially with number 19:
Miracle Of 19 - islamrevolution.org

Sounds a bit sketchy my friend.

People aren't attracted to "hidden meanings". Not to mention that we cannot change the genetic structure of Life, such an ability would lead us to cure all disease and perhaps immoratality.

Honestly, it just sounds like another fanatical site, that makes me fear for my own life.
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Active Member
I highly doubt when he said space that he meant what you are thinking, there are numerous other things it could have been talking about.

Ah huh....and your "doubt" is based on open minded reason and inquiry?

You have looked into it?

Read what was written in the Quran and determined "numerous other things it could have been talking about"?

Any examples of these "numerous other things it could have been talking about " ?

Perhaps when the Quran, in precise Arabic making explicit reference to the firmament of the physical (not spiritual) heavens was referring to a Seafood Platter with a side order of fries? ;)

The Bible, The Qur'an and Science. by Dr. Maurice Bucaille
The Bible, The Qur'an and Science
Ah huh....and your "doubt" is based on open minded reason and inquiry?

You have looked into it?

Read what was written in the Quran and determined "numerous other things it could have been talking about"?

Any examples of these "numerous other things it could have been talking about " ?

Perhaps when the Quran, in precise Arabic making explicit reference to the firmament of the physical (not spiritual) heavens was referring to a Seafood Platter with a side order of fries? ;)

The Bible, The Qur'an and Science. by Dr. Maurice Bucaille
The Bible, The Qur'an and Science

You hide the uncertainties and unspecificness of your argument with gross exaggerations of childish and simpleminded allegories and comparisons.

First off, what makes you think he is talking about outer space? Secondly, if if IS, what does this have to do with God, and thirdly, give me quoted scripture that leads you to believe he is making a statement about quantum physics, something that had yet to be invented.

Childish really, the statement could mean nothing more then more people are dieing so heaven is getting bigger.

There's your side of fries.
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Left Hand Path
You hide the uncertainties and unspecificness of your argument with gross exaggerations of childish and simpleminded allegories and comparisons.

First off, what makes you think he is talking about outer space? Secondly, if if IS, what does this have to do with God, and thirdly, give me quoted scripture that leads you to believe he is making a statement amount quantum physics, something that had yet to be invented.

Childish really, the statement could mean nothing more then more people are dieing so heaven is getting bigger.

There's your side of fries.



Active Member
There is no evidence to support a God, either, because all such evidence is also evidence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster..

Ah huh...And your 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' has left an evidence trail through history worthy of investigation? A string of discreet but successive prophets/messengers who lay claim to revelation from this ‘Flying Spaghetti’? Texts that can be and are studied by millions for not only their inspiration but also for the ‘evidence’ of prophetic insight and historical and scientific veracity (See prior post- M Bucaille).?

No....your trite dismissivenes of the evidence to support a God would be funny...if not for the fact that-

A theory can only be right if it can be differentiated from similar theories.

...and clearly anyone who cannot differentiate between the consideration of the valid evidence for God and the lame non comparative devoid of evidence joke that is the Flying Spaghetti Monster is not serious.


Active Member
You hide the uncertainties and unspecificness of your argument with gross exaggerations of childish and simpleminded allegories and comparisons.

First off, what makes you think he is talking about outer space? .

Because I bothered to read what was said in the Quran and read what was said in the link provided and bothered to ascertain the information and bothered to pass it on to you and that would have headed this exchange off at the pass had you bothered to do likwise.

Childish really, the statement could mean nothing more then more people are dieing so heaven is getting bigger..

Yea..."could mean" that...if not for the fact, >allready provided and pointed out to you with substantiating/verifying link<, that the Arabic is >explicit< and the referance >IS NOT< to "spiritual heavens' but to the firmament of space.

So carry on flinging lame "Childish really" Ad Hom when you cannot even muster the maturity to read what is already in front of you...........that's working:slap:

There's your side of fries.

Cold, soggy and limp.

Back to the kitchen and try cooking up a pov snack that does not completely ignore the substantial and substantiated meal already on the table.
Since you seem to enjoy being a cynical smart-*** as much as I do, how about you try providing this link to me since I am late to the party.

Secondly, does it say what kind of space he is talking about? Was he talking about an expanding world perhaps?

And since you seem to love dodging the question, where is the proof he even wrote this himself, or where, in fact it came from? Is the paper it was originally on carbon dated with some sort of hand writing identification? I would be quite happy with that, where in fact is there any proof, that this is proof of the divine? Just because he knew something then that the average 13 year old knows now.

Eat your soggy fries and be happy with them.

(Going over a friends, feel free to start a private message conversation with me, i feel less rushed that way. It was fun chatting with you.)
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Active Member
Any evidence of god is nothing more than evidence of people imagining god. .

No. At various discreet and sequential points in history people have laid claim to having an experience of God, claiming God spoke/revealed a message to them.

Rational options-
1/ They are deluded/mentally ill.
2/ They are trying to palm off imagination, fiction or scam as fact for influence, profit or gain (possibly in combination with 1/)
3/ They did have such an experience and are conveying revelation from God.

History and scripture provide >evidence< by which these posibilities can be rationaly examined and considered and millions have done so concluding 3/ to be worthy (on the evidence) of investing faith/belief therein.

If imagination counts as evidence, then there's as much evidence that a boy named Harry Potter exists, who attends a school of witchcraft and wizardry, as there is that god exists.

No. Sorry. Lame and unworthy of consideration.Harry Potter is openly presented as a fiction and a product of imagination. The Major Living Faith traditions are not and therefore there is no comparison. If you wish to argue that these faith traditions are the product of imagination as a product of madness or a tool of scam then go for it...


Active Member
Since you seem to enjoy being a cynical smart-*** as much as I do, how about you try providing this link to me since I am late to the party.

"Late to the party"???!!!

You knock, I answer- #727, (the post you responded to when you picked up the "fries" and left the main course behind in your haste to "enjoy being a cynical smart-*** ")

"Any examples of these "numerous other things it could have been talking about " ?

Perhaps when the Quran, in precise Arabic making explicit reference to the firmament of the physical (not spiritual) heavens was referring to a Seafood Platter with a side order of fries? ;)

The Bible, The Qur'an and Science. by Dr. Maurice Bucaille
The Bible, The Qur'an and Science"

Secondly, does it say what kind of space he is talking about?

Perhaps the one between your ears Mellonhead?

(Going over a friends..... It was fun chatting with you)


Just remember- "Friends are people who like you even though they know you&#8221;....don&#8217;t push it. ;)


Admiral Obvious
But I doubt you can rationaly explain how an uneducated individual from that period in the Arabian peninsular knew-"the heavens and the earth were joined together" before being "clove asunder"...that "every living thing (is) from water"....
that "the Firmament (space) is "expanding".

Or how such glaring accuracies are not accompanied by an equal or greater number of glaring inaccuracies.;)
I already have.
You on the other hand are merely grasping at straws in order to promote your wishful thinking.


That is still expanding if I might add.

I think it could be plausible for a "God" to be and the Big Bang to still have happened.


they are not connected at all

creationist will try and use the big bang as a starting point for having a gods hand in things though.


Resident Liberal Hippie
No. At various discreet and sequential points in history people have laid claim to having an experience of God, claiming God spoke/revealed a message to them.

Rational options-
1/ They are deluded/mentally ill.
2/ They are trying to palm off imagination, fiction or scam as fact for influence, profit or gain (possibly in combination with 1/)
3/ They did have such an experience and are conveying revelation from God.

History and scripture provide >evidence< by which these posibilities can be rationaly examined and considered and millions have done so concluding 3/ to be worthy (on the evidence) of investing faith/belief therein.
Hearsay is hardly evidence of God. And it is surely not objective empirical evidence.
"Late to the party"???!!!

You knock, I answer- #727, (the post you responded to when you picked up the "fries" and left the main course behind in your haste to "enjoy being a cynical smart-*** ")

"Any examples of these "numerous other things it could have been talking about " ?

Perhaps when the Quran, in precise Arabic making explicit reference to the firmament of the physical (not spiritual) heavens was referring to a Seafood Platter with a side order of fries? ;)

The Bible, The Qur'an and Science. by Dr. Maurice Bucaille
The Bible, The Qur'an and Science"

Perhaps the one between your ears Mellonhead?


Just remember- "Friends are people who like you even though they know you”....don’t push it. ;)

How mean spirited and irrelevant, I still see no proof of a God.


Yes, so to make the claim that there is no evidence for god is to merely pick the definition you like and ignore all the other definitions:
"WordNet (r) 2.0"
n1: your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to
base belief; "the evidence that smoking causes lung
cancer is very compelling" [syn: grounds]

2: an indication that makes something evident; "his trembling
was evidence of his fear"

3: (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact
whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is
established or disproved

v 1: provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's
behavior, attitude, or external attributes; "His high
fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome
manifest a high level of architectural sophistication";
"This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness" [syn:
attest, certify, manifest, demonstrate]

2: provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the
father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"
[syn: testify, bear witness, prove, show]

3: give evidence; "he was telling on all his former colleague"
[syn: tell]

That's fine - then, as long as I think I'm god, there is evidence for me being god - since whatever I based my belief on must be, by definition, evidence. That's what you're saying, right? In fact, there is nothing, for which there is no evidence.

Take a trip to your local hospital and explain to a veteran how he can't say he's lost his leg in a war, since one of the definitions of "leg" is "one of the supports for a piece of furniture", and clearly he's just picking the definition he likes and ignoring all others. The hell with context, right?


Active Member
Hearsay is hardly evidence of God. And it is surely not objective empirical evidence.

Nice sleight of hand criteria shift...we go from “no evidence” to no “objective empirical evidence”...What’s next? No “objective empirical physical forensic evidence such as one would find on CSI”?
No thanks.
I am opposing the proposition (frequently erroneously put by atheists) that there is “no evidence” for the God proposition.
When the evidence stands as the application of logic, reason and the calculation of probability in regard the content of scripture, it’s veracity in the face of contemporary science and the anomaly in the historical pattern of the revelations themselves...the charge of “no evidence” falls.
All that remains is the Lord Nelson approach to the issue of placing telescope to blind eye and confidently asserting- “I see no ships”


Well-Known Member
I am opposing the proposition (frequently erroneously put by atheists) that there is &#8220;no evidence&#8221; for the God proposition.

There is no evidence. Period. You can try and twist it anyway you like. At the end of the day, all you have are individual claims that someone spoke to/was spoken to by/saw proof of God. Or just blindly believes in their respective holy books, and claims that as evidence.

Nothing has ever happened that was experienced by a group of people that hasn't been debunked by simple science, or was eventually discovered as a fraud. Bleeding statues of Mary and faces in the clouds don't fool anyone that still has their brain wired properly.

You can argue semantics all day long, but it's not going to convince anyone.


Active Member
There is no evidence. Period..

Well..that's a rational,logical, open minded, critical thinking, scientific approach;)

Guess it saves a lot of time having to look at, consider, think about and refute all the bothersome eveidence....just say it does not exist without even looking at it.

And then present a string of baseless presumptions as to what the evidence was supposed to be as if you had allready considered it.

No wonder the Global Atheist Convention had 'Fundamentalist Atheism' raised as a convention topic of concern.