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What evidence for God

All you are doing is talking without really saying anything wombat, take things a little bit slower, maybe a little less text per post and a little more context.

And no, we DON'T want statistical evidence of an Abrahamic God, we want you to hurry up and see how pointless this thing is. Just because the people we are going to come up with don't even compare to one character in a religious story doesn't mean there is a God, it means people fear death and believe irrational things to avoid the concept of eternal unconsciousness
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Resident Liberal Hippie
Otherwise- “Frankly my dears...I don’t give a.....”
You made the claim buddy.
Then you refuse to answer until we follow your formulaic questionnaire.
It doesn't work that way.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary explanations.
Now, as to your claim...

Please present your statistical probability-evidence that points directly to the God of Abraham


Well-Known Member
Ugh, fine. A List of ten of the most influential musicians in history (My opinion of course) in no particular order..

- Michael Jackson
- Nirvana
- Ray Charles
- Jimi Hendrix
- Bob Marley
- Madonna
- Prince
- The Beatles
- Bob Dylan
- Eric Clapton

Do with it what you will...


Facts not Faith
And this is the very reason I ask two simple questions to establish what can reasonably be considered &#8216;probable&#8217;. The >improbability< of two- three- four- five- six+ races in succession in which all horses running fall bar one in each race is >ASTRONOMICAL<. Stewards would be shutting down the race meeting by the second or third race and searching for the trip wire on the track or the guys with dart guns in the trees!

I&#8217;m talking about distinguishing between events that are random/chance and events that are so unlikely/improbable the steward would be shutting the whole show down, retaining Bookies on course, cancelling all bets and calling the police because >obviously< something well beyond reasonable probability is going on.
Sure I would like to &#8220;get to the point&#8221;...Your &#8220;bored&#8221;?...Try being the one asking the same simple straight scenario question and getting nothing but fartaround obfuscation.

These are your &#8220;nine greatest, most popular and influential, Musicians in all history&#8221;.?

US "top nine":
Lady Gaga Katy Perry Rihanna Cee Lo Green The Black Eyed Peas

Glee Cast P!nk Chris Brown Bruno Mars

Gives me some indication of the age and maturity of who I&#8217;m talking to at least...
You wanna stick with that as representative of &#8220;nine greatest, most popular and influential, Musicians in all history&#8221;?

God...it&#8217;s like pulling teeth...I understand the math, I understand your point, I understand the probability.....Do you understand that taking all else into consideration- When you roll Deuce twice in succession you have the Casinos attention, when you roll it thrice in succession you have their suspicion and they are checking the dice, if you&#8217;re brave/stupid enough to roll Deuce 4-5-6 times in succession (excuse me) YOU ARE HAVING EXACTLY THE SAME SERIOUS AND POTENTIALY DEADLY CONVERSATION WITH CASINO SECURITY AS THE OWNERS OF THE SINGLE WINNING HORSES ARE HAVING WITH THE STEWARDS!
Because clearly and obviously some interference in taking place and all reasonable &#8216;chance/probability&#8217; is out the window.
Is that understood and agreed or does this get dragged out further?
I'm happy to leave it at- responding Atheists could not even establish reasonable parameters of probability and couldn't identify any 'greats' in a given field outside their own lifetime.

Ok. I want to continue this discussion about if there were several horses in a race, and all but one fell, and this happened for several races that this could have happen by chance. Maybe, all the horses except one came from an area that has sickly horses. Maybe these horses are from a specific region and cannot tolerate the climate in the race. Maybe somebody damaged all horses but one. Maybe someone is attacking the horses during the race with a trip wire or shotting tranquilizers in a tree. Maybe all the other horses were poisoned. What we do know is that this sort of thing is extremely unlikely in normal conditions. So therefore there must be abnormal conditions that are affecting all horses but one whether natural or created by people. It is more likely that these abnormal conditions are created by people.


Active Member
Ok. I want to continue this discussion about if there were several horses in a race, and all but one fell, and this happened for several races that this could have happen by chance. Maybe, all the horses except one came from an area that has sickly horses. Maybe these horses are from a specific region and cannot tolerate the climate in the race. Maybe somebody damaged all horses but one. Maybe someone is attacking the horses during the race with a trip wire or shotting tranquilizers in a tree. Maybe all the other horses were poisoned. What we do know is that this sort of thing is extremely unlikely in normal conditions. So therefore there must be abnormal conditions that are affecting all horses but one whether natural or created by people. It is more likely that these abnormal conditions are created by people.

Thanks Dan. &#8220;What we do know is that this sort of thing is extremely unlikely in normal conditions.&#8221;
That it is "extremely unlikely" ought be more than sufficient for any 'reasonable' mind to create a high degree of suspicion and investigate the cause/causes of the identified anomaly in probability. It is good cause and high cause to investigate because the 'evidence' is that something other than "normal conditions" is at play.
Thus the speculative "Maybe's" you propose.

All the &#8220;Maybe&#8217;s&#8221; come after and are investigated after recognition of the above.

You provide straight answer to straight question. I appreciate it.

No doubt that is because you are Danforreason and not Danforevasionandobfuscation.;)
If you would be so kind...would you care to throw in-
3/ From any single realm of human endeavour- Politics, Art, Warfare, Music, Science...please pick eight or nine figures in from one field who represent &#8216;the Greatest&#8217; in history. i.e The nine greatest, most popular and influential, Musicians in all history.

It would be helpful if those selected (in whatever field) weren&#8217;t just confined to the modern era... because clearly obviously it is hard to determine the &#8220;most influential&#8221; if it happened yesterday. Perhaps a field other than music but providing a full historical perspective? Up to you.

Thanks for rejoining the discussion. Was going nowhere fast without some preparedness to answer basic questions/set reasonable and mutually agreed parameters on probability.


Rogue Theologian
All you are doing is talking without really saying anything wombat, take things a little bit slower, maybe a little less text per post and a little more context.

And no, we DON'T want statistical evidence of an Abrahamic God, we want you to hurry up and see how pointless this thing is. Just because the people we are going to come up with don't even compare to one character in a religious story doesn't mean there is a God, it means people fear death and believe irrational things to avoid the concept of eternal unconsciousness

Does this mean you are not afraid to die?
and become nothing?

6billion people will die within my life time.....no survivors?
Any 'point' to human existence?

No spiritual life at all...not a chance of it?

No rational on your part?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Does this mean you are not afraid to die?
and become nothing?

6billion people will die within my life time.....no survivors?
Any 'point' to human existence?

No spiritual life at all...not a chance of it?

No rational on your part?

Fear of non-existence as a motivator for belief in God?


Facts not Faith
You know, the typical argumentive ones; nothing new. We're just finding new ways of clarifying subjective.

Wow. Philosophical. I have never been good with the philosophy.

What arguments are these? How do you clarify the subjective? I think I would be happier to clarify the objective.:)


Active Member
Guys...Mestemia, Commoner, Mellonhead, Tumbleweed41, RitalinO.D.
The question was posed by an Agnostic Atheist in #1-
&#8220;Simple, what evidence is there of there being a god, a higher being, or any of the like?&#8221;

Since joining the discussion some 50+ posts ago I have seen, documented and put before you evidence of the most astounding array of evasion, misrepresentation, falsification, fabrication, disingenuous extrapolation and projection and semantic obfuscation from the non theist/Atheist contingent.
Even when abundant evidence and empirical proof positive is put forward as to these behaviours the entire issue and all evidence is cut and ignored or more astounding quoted and ignored. When it is pointed out (numerous times) that it is extremely unlikely you will find/see evidence of God if you cannot see/acknowledge proof positive of your own behaviour...that is ignored too or deemed &#8220;ad hom&#8221;.
Collectively you scream and argue that all &#8216;evidence&#8217; must be &#8220;irrefutable objective empirical&#8221; and when provided with such on a simple matter you cannot even acknowledge its existence...let alone refute it.
For a dozen+ posts I have posed three simple straightforward questions that sought to establish reasonable and mutually agreed parameters for &#8216;probability&#8217;...and you either refuse to respond or make this a blood from a stone issue. No appeal to logic or reason will sway you to establish reasonable parameters/foundation for further investigation...what possible hope is there of answering the OP question in the face of such steadfast obfuscation?
The first two of my three questions have been answered, should someone answer the third I will continue to put forward &#8216;evidence&#8217; that would prompt any reasonable and enquiring mind to investigate further...clearly such evidence will have no import or significance to you.
You may then continue to howl from the sidelines...indifferent, impervious and irrelevant to any subsequent discussion.


Resident Liberal Hippie
If non-existence is the actual end.....there is nothing to fear.
And if not? What is to fear?

Are you sure that you are nothing but dust?
I am much more than dust.
I am Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulfur, Chlorine, Sodium, Magnesium, Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Fluorine, various bacteria and other microorganisms.


Facts not Faith
Thanks Dan. &#8220;What we do know is that this sort of thing is extremely unlikely in normal conditions.&#8221;
That it is "extremely unlikely" ought be more than sufficient for any 'reasonable' mind to create a high degree of suspicion and investigate the cause/causes of the identified anomaly in probability. It is good cause and high cause to investigate because the 'evidence' is that something other than "normal conditions" is at play.
Thus the speculative "Maybe's" you propose.

All the &#8220;Maybe&#8217;s&#8221; come after and are investigated after recognition of the above.

You provide straight answer to straight question. I appreciate it.

No doubt that is because you are Danforreason and not Danforevasionandobfuscation.;)
If you would be so kind...would you care to throw in-
3/ From any single realm of human endeavour- Politics, Art, Warfare, Music, Science...please pick eight or nine figures in from one field who represent &#8216;the Greatest&#8217; in history. i.e The nine greatest, most popular and influential, Musicians in all history.

It would be helpful if those selected (in whatever field) weren&#8217;t just confined to the modern era... because clearly obviously it is hard to determine the &#8220;most influential&#8221; if it happened yesterday. Perhaps a field other than music but providing a full historical perspective? Up to you.

Thanks for rejoining the discussion. Was going nowhere fast without some preparedness to answer basic questions/set reasonable and mutually agreed parameters on probability.


1. Charles Darwin.
2. Isaac Newton
3. Albert Einstein
4. Gregor Mendel
5. Archimedes
6. Thomas Edison
7. Nicholas Copernicus
8. Mendeleev
9. Louis Pasteur