Christians believe in god and then we find things to make us believe it by looking for outside stimuli that suit our already formed ideas/beliefs and concepts? How did we come up with the idea of god then in the first place? We have to come up with the concept of god, and then our brains go over to find proof of this god by looking for outside stimuli. If we believed that peter pan was real, how would we go about looking for evidence that he is real, so that we might be convinced that our beliefs are real? If our brains like to interpret stimuli, then the stimulus has to come first before the belief. That would be sensible to most folk. Yet this god of christians doesnt provide external stimuli. He is invisible and does not stimulate the senses. Our belief in this god does not come from him appearing to us. So we dont believe because we have seen, believe even though we have not seen. So we cant say that our brain is interpreting external stimuli to make this god real.
The christian god is invisible, i believe in him, but i have not seen him. And nomatter how much i believe in him he has not appeared to me. So, i want to see him sure, but he has never appeared. So, what i believe i will see does not exactly work for me or christians. And i want to see god, but i dont. Yet i still believe he is real.
People are capable of it yes. But what plausible reason is there for mass illusion of this kind? Even though there is no external stimuli, christians believe god is real. Why? What is it about our brains, our way of thinking that makes this god real despite no external stimuli. Can we say, its simply because we listen to other people and just believe them? Well then why only believe those who say there is a god, why not listen to those who say there is no-god if all we are going to do is listen to others.
Do we believe in this god because we want him to be real? If this want makes him real, then he will go away when we dont want him. He doesnt go away. If i can wish god into existance i can wish him out of existance.
Remember that I am not disputing the existence of God.
The case with Christianity is simple, according to you first question. Christians did not make up the concept of God. Neither did the Jews. And even though Hinduism is the oldest of the main religions today, they did not invent the idea either. The concept of a God or many gods has existed for a very long time. But the reason for believing on one is for another topic, as we are only dealing with Christianity now.
People do not necessarily go out looking for stimuli to interpret. We have a belief. We have an experience. Due to lack of knowledge perhaps, or some other reason, we attribute that experience to our concept of divinity. We then use it as testimony for our specific beliefs, even though it may very well not be. Even if you did experience something divine, it would be like a confirmation of your Christianity, though the same experience would be a confirmation of my hinduism. Does that make sense? We have a tendancy to interpret things the way we want. btw, only a select few people 'see' or 'hear' God- or what they believe/interpret to be God.
Still though, you haven't explined -why- you believe in the god that you do. And by that I mean the Biblical interpretations.
Heleni, as to the questions in the second last paragraph, it is very easily answered. Firstly, most of us believed in Santa claus (sorry if this example is over used) until our parents told us it was not true. However, many of us had other kids tell us that santa was not real before our parents did. What was the difference? Our parents are the ones who instilled the belief- their word is what you place your faith in. Anybody else seems unrealiable. They are probably lying. What do they know? Would you have realy questioned your parents' authenticity? Did it occur to you to do so? In the same way, it seems that adults are influenced similarly. I've seen it amongst many religious groups. They have a pastor or a guru; it makes little difference. This person seems respectable. They seem trust worthy. And you've also been indoctrinated. People from the 'outside' seem untrustworthy. Why should you listen to them?
God does not exist simply because a person wants Him to. But again, we are not debating or discussing his existence. So the question is, what makes one accept a particular interpretation of the divine? And is the reason for a particular belief valid? What is your belief based upon, and is that belief valid/reliable?