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What evidence is there that the Koran is the word of God?


Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
Do you believe everything you read? You quoted from an internet website. I could form an internet website and claim that Moses got all his information from an Egyptian God. If I avowed that I were a Hebrew scholar would you simply believe it because it was written in an authoritative manner?

Do YOU believe everything you read? Do you jump to conclusions so quickly without researching the matter. Yes, I quoted from an internet website. So what? Are ALL internet websites corrupt and unreliable? You could form a website containing false information but I would question your motives as a Christian. If you avowed that you were ANY scholar, I would compare your works against various sources beginning with the Holy Bible, then (if need be) with other scholars, including sources on the internet.

The Bible says nothing about Terah having or not having idols. The Qu'ran does say that Terah had idols. There is no contradiction there. However Laban a descendant of Haran, son of Terah, did have household idols so it is not unlikely that Terah did also.

Yes there is a contradiction! The focus is not on the idols but who LEFT the city of UR. Read it again: "In the Koran Abraham goes against his father leaving idols and such. But in the Torah it is Terah, Abraham’s father, who leaves Ur and goes toward Canaan."

But I noticed that you ignored one of the most important contradictions between Qur'an and the Torah; that is: "The Koran claims Ishmael rather than Isaac, as the Torah reports, receives God's blessing and is nearly sacrificed by Abraham. But if the internet is so unreliable to you, consider the Holy Torah's account:" :facepalm:

"And AELAHYIM said, Sharah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Yitzchaq : and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, [and] with his seed after him. And as for Yishmoael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Yitzchaq , which Sharah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year."
---- First Holy Book of Mashe (aka Genesis), Chapter 17, Verses 19 through 21. :angel2:

Now please, tell me where in the Qur'an will you find it stating that God (aka Allah) will establish his covenant through Isaac (Yitzchaq) instead of Ishmael (Yishmoael).

If you cannot find this verse, then the blatant contradiction stands between the Qur'an and the Holy Hebrew Torah; furthermore, this particular information that I extracted from

The Torah and the Koran agrees with the ultimate source: The Holy Bible. :clap
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