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What faith would you support banning???

What faith would you suppoort banning?

  • Total voters


What about a religious school that, as a matter of religious principle, did teach them the choices available, including no religion?

Such things are possible. Heck, they even exist.

So long as they banned religious garb and did not teach their version of 'the truth' I take my hat off(no pun intended) to the stance that France have tried. Kids in school should not be religiously identifiable...(in secular societies) - And I would have teaching of the choices...including islam taught as part of the curriculum.
...just with no bias.


Deviled Hen
So long as they banned religious garb and did not teach their version of 'the truth' I take my hat off(no pun intended) to the stance that France have tried. Kids in school should not be religiously identifiable...(in secular societies) - And I would have teaching of the choices...including islam taught as part of the curriculum.
...just with no bias.

And your sig line reads:
Freedom of expression should be paramount. Unfortunately the powers that be make sure, time and time again, that that is not the case.
Apparently you only believe in real freedom of expression when it applies to yourself.

That's rather revealing.


What about religious universities, do you have a problem with those as well? Or is it just for the younger children?

I have absolutely no problem with adults (or in fact kids from about 16ish) going on as a 'choice' to study religion. My issue is with kids.
It is a scientific fact that children up to around 11/12 take in what their parents teach them, as FACT.
I could make my young child believe that black was white, if I so desired. Kids that age should be taught basic truths, not debatable fantasy stories, as fact.


Veteran Member
I have absolutely no problem with adults (or in fact kids from about 16ish) going on as a 'choice' to study religion. My issue is with kids.
It is a scientific fact that children up to around 11/12 take in what their parents teach them, as FACT.
I could make my young child believe that black was white, if I so desired. Kids that age should be taught basic truths, not debatable fantasy stories, as fact.

Could you quote this so-called fact? At age 9/10 I was already starting to question what my parents taught me.


And your sig line reads:

Apparently you only believe in real freedom of expression when it applies to yourself.

The freedoms of religious people whose religions you do not approve of are conveniently tossed aside as a matter of personal whim.

Thank you for revealing the hypocrisy I suspected was there. Now I know for sure.

Ok twist it to suit if you like.
My wish is that the young not be indoctrinated.
I have no problem with the teaching of (specific) religion to older students.


Could you quote this so-called fact? At age 9/10 I was already starting to question what my parents taught me.

I will try to dig it out. I just reformatted my HDD :/ But the age varies.
But we all know how suggestable?(sp) the brain is when young. Teaching one belief of thousands, as FACT imo is tantamount to child-abuse
We should give children the FACTS, an let them decide.
To give an example. I saw a documentary the other week, and the parents were ravinng racists.
They were telling their 7/8 year old duaghter that n*****s were evil.
That child will almost certainly become a racist...
Not definitely, as some of us break out of those chains.
But it is very likely.
If you questioned your parents at 9/10 then that is great!
No matter what you think I am like, I absolutely regard your view as important! - No matter how daft I may think it is


And your sig line reads:

Apparently you only believe in real freedom of expression when it applies to yourself.

The freedoms of religious people whose religions you do not approve of are conveniently tossed aside as a matter of personal whim.

I find it unfair that you come to the conclusion you do. Religious identification in a mixed race/religion school to me is not freedom of expression, but forced by over-zealous parents.
Kids should not have to be part of such nonsense until a time that they decide to become so, as adults. At which time I would personally fight for their rights to do so...accepting the laws of the land...


Deviled Hen
I find it unfair that you come to the conclusion you do.

I find it logical.

Religious identification in a mixed race/religion school to me is not freedom of expression, but forced by over-zealous parents.

This merely a premise, and my observations in life demonstrate it is incorrect.

Kids should not have to be part of such nonsense until a time that they decide to become so, as adults. At which time I would personally fight for their rights to do so...accepting the laws of the land...

The laws of the land here in the U.S include freedom of religion. The Constitution couldn't be clearer.

It's a protection for everyone -- even atheists.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I haven't really paid a whole lot of attention to this thread to be perfectly honest, but now that I've checked out the votes, I've got to say that I'm stunned. I thought we were a bit more grown up. And I'll tell you what surprized me most: Pagans who voted that they'd like to see Christianity banned. Of all the religious people I've come to know on RF, pagans are among the most considerate and tolerant. Something doesn't fit here.


Well-Known Member

These fantasy stories are an important part of culture - teaching truth to its members so they can better function within society.


Idiosyncratic Muslim
I find it unfair that you come to the conclusion you do. Religious identification in a mixed race/religion school to me is not freedom of expression, but forced by over-zealous parents.
Kids should not have to be part of such nonsense until a time that they decide to become so, as adults. At which time I would personally fight for their rights to do so...accepting the laws of the land...

Before I was Muslim and I called my fiancee's hijab an "oppression cap" she told me it was her decision to wear it.



Booko said:
It's a protection for everyone -- even atheists.

'There is no such thing as a christian child : Only a child of christian parents.' - Richard Dawkins.
This for me sums it up. The freedom of religious expression in schools, is not the freedom of expression of the child, but of the parent.


mcteethinator said:
Before I was Muslim and I called my fiancee's hijab an oppression cap; she told me it was her decision to wear it.

Her decision, but with a childhood of indoctrination.


To Save A Lamb
Her decision, but with a childhood of indoctrination.

Riddle me this. While there's lots of different faiths in my family, I was raised by my Christian mother with little to no contact with any Muslim members of my family, as well, most of them are dead and or oceans away. I became agnostic at a very young age,long before your unverified age of 11/12 (ah but it varies, which is another excuse for just plain bad science), before even knowing what agnosticism is. Even before 11/12 I studied different religions and was always drawn to Islam.

Why did I choose Islam? Why do I choose to wear hijab? This was never forced on me as a child, and yet as a teenager it was my decision.


Riddle me this. While there's lots of different faiths in my family, I was raised by my Christian mother with little to no contact with any Muslim members of my family, as well, most of them are dead and or oceans away. I became agnostic at a very young age,long before your unverified age of 11/12 (ah but it varies, which is another excuse for just plain bad science), before even knowing what agnosticism is. Even before 11/12 I studied different religions and was always drawn to Islam.

Why did I choose Islam? Why do I choose to wear hijab? This was never forced on me as a child, and yet as a teenager it was my decision.

Ok. The 11/12 I just cannot remember where I saw it, but we can all agree I hope, that a child is a learning sponge.
And most children will take the beliefs of their parents to some extent.
This of course is not always the case. I would never say that.
But how many muslim children leave the faith?

As for your decision, that is fine. It's up to you...as an adult. I simply think that religious indoctrination should not be allowed in the classroom for the most impressionable minds.
In fact I personally regard certain faith schools, where the national curriculum is thrown out of the window, as child-abuse.


Well-Known Member
i didnt vote because i know from the bible that it will be Jehovah God who will put it into the hearts of certain ones to destroy false religion , these ones will think it is their own thoughts doing this, but the bible says it will be the most highs thoughts .
Jehovah puts his thought into the hearts of the wild beast and its militarized horns.
because Jehovah God, who judged her,(babylon the great) is strong. babylon the great is all of false religion . and she is soon To be destroyed , bible prophecy ALWAYS comes true . and we are now well along into bible prophecy, but Gods people have got out of babylon the great , they have heeded Gods command to GET OUT OF HER REVELATION 18;4