Then why bother saying it?
Because you are the rock against which I smash the clay jugs containing my own competing ideas.
Nothing like telling us what we think to make us accept what you think about what we think, right?
Yeah I see how that sounds, apologies just my own insecurities on display there.
Apparently, anyone who doesn't think like YOU DO.. are utterly closed minded. What a coincidence.
The better to influence the naive person. I don't give UP my rational mind when I am to consider a bunch of ideas. Sorry. Not as EMPTY here as you might like me to be.
Believe it or not this was naive attempt to explain the process of having an open mind. As I only have my self as a frame of reference I can see how this sounded arrogant.
I'm not as lucky as you, I'm not so sure of anything. So I convert to everything. Try it out, see what good it holds.
Nothing gets written into my core beliefs unless it works.
I can put things in a mental sandbox.
Apologies for making assumptions and generalisatons, sorry if I offended you.
I didn't read your probably fascinating theories. I thought your insulting introduction was quite enough.
You know what they say about getting offended?
Nothing happens when you get offended. It's not like you go to bed offended and wake up with a horrible disease.