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What if a Friend Made a Joke You Found Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Disrespectful of Your Religion, etc.?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Dave Chappelle lives right up the road from where I am moving in Ohio. He lives in Yellow Springs and I will be moving to Xenia!
I used to live in Kettering. Yellow Springs has some really cool shops downtown.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
OK so here are my two favorite jokes, and they are both pretty complicated:
A man moves from Dallas (or other big city) to the Ozarks and he is trying to live off the grid. One day he hears a knock on his door and answers it, and lo and behold, there's a REAL MOUNTAIN MAN standing there (stand like a mountain man and spit to one side). "Hi!" he says, and the mountain man says "Howdy. Wanted to invite you to a shindig at my house this SatDay night around seven." "Ok, great," says the city guy, "I admit, I've been a little out of touch." "Whale," says the mountain man, "I gots to warn ya, there's gonna be some drinkin'." "Fine by me!" says the city guy. "Whale," says the mountain man, "I gots to warn ya, there's gonna be some dancin." "That's fine by me too!" says the city guy. "Whale," says the mountain man, "I gots to warn ya, there's gonna be some lovin." "That's fine by me too," says the city guy, "I admit, I've been a little lonely. But before you go, tell me - what should I wear?" "Don't much matter," says the mountain man, "Ain't nobody gonna be there ceptin you and me."

Here's the other one:

There's a poetry contest and the two finalists are from Texas A and M and University of Texas. The commentator gets up and says, "OK so here's the deal - create a poem using the word Timbuktu. One two three, go!" The two contestants start scribbling furiously, and then the UT guy says, "I got it, I got it!" The commentator says, "Stand up and cite your poem," and the UT guy stands (stand and put your hands together like you are reciting a poem,) "Slowly cross the desert sands, treks the dusty caravan. Men on camel, two by two. Destination - Timbuktu." Everyone politely claps. The commentator then says to the Texas A and M guy, "Do you have a poem? Stand and recite it." The Texas A and M guy stands and says this: "Me and Tim a huntin' went, met three whores in a pop up tent. Didn't know what else to do, so I bucked one and Tim bucked two."


New Member
Hello everyone,

Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged.

I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.

Laughter’s a great bridge between hearts and minds, isn’t it? Looking forward to hearing more from this wonderful community.


New Member
Hey there,

Hope everyone's having a great day! I've been scrolling through and couldn't help but notice the warm and respectful vibe here. Thought I'd drop in a couple of light-hearted jokes to add a bit of laughter to our day. Here goes nothing:

  1. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He will stop at nothing to avoid them.
  2. I asked the librarian if the library had any books on paranoia. Whispering, she replied, "They're right behind you..."


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
This is a spin-off from the other thread I recently started:

What if You Found Out That a Friend Was Racist or Otherwise Hatefully Prejudiced?

What if you were in a friend group and then someone made a joke that you found to be racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, etc.? For example, if that person made a joke mocking sexual assault survivors or using racial slurs such as the N-word, how would you react, and why?

If you're a religious person and would find jokes mocking your religion to be disrespectful or perhaps even blasphemous, like most people where I live would, then please include such a scenario in the above hypothetical when answering.

Whenever you tell a joke, you risk someone finding it offensive. Humor is always at someone else's expense.


Well-Known Member
This is a spin-off from the other thread I recently started:

What if You Found Out That a Friend Was Racist or Otherwise Hatefully Prejudiced?

What if you were in a friend group and then someone made a joke that you found to be racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, etc.? For example, if that person made a joke mocking sexual assault survivors or using racial slurs such as the N-word, how would you react, and why?

If you're a religious person and would find jokes mocking your religion to be disrespectful or perhaps even blasphemous, like most people where I live would, then please include such a scenario in the above hypothetical when answering.
My religion or faith in general as well as race and gender is mocked all the time on this forum, publicly, in the media and Hollywood. One needs to have thick skin and the conviction of truth! Thats true for all of us. Things said that aren't true shouldn't bother us. But in todays hypersensitive environment EVERYTHING has become offensive to people who wake up offended and go out into the world looking to be offended!
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Really? Tell me a joke.
I make humorous comments here on the forum all the time, and aside from the ones that are self-decpracating, they are rarely at the expense of others.

That said, I'm not good with humor-on-demand, so here are a couple I pulled from the Reader Digest website:

Two men are on opposite sides of the river. The first man shouts, “How do I get to the other side of the river?” The other man yells, “You are on the other side of the river!”
I was wondering why the baseball kept getting bigger and bigger, and then it hit me.
If those are unsatisfactory, I'll be more than happy to tag you whenever I crack a funny on the forum.


Active Member
It depends on if it was mean-spirited or just ribbing.

I am a chick, I almost ran into an old man with a shopping cart, and he pointed at me and loudly said, "Woman driver! Woman driver!' We both had a good laugh and I apologized.

I'm part Filipino, and my relatives and I have passed some funny vids back n forth poking fun at us. They're funny because some of those stereotypes were true. I could instantly remember my family doing and saying things exactly like that.

Before anyone accuses me of being laid back, I'm actually very sensitive,short-tempered and prickly.

If it's mean spirited, or using slurs then it's not funny at all. It's just someone being a major bully, and they can p*** off.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I make humorous comments here on the forum all the time, and aside from the ones that are self-decpracating, they are rarely at the expense of others.

That said, I'm not good with humor-on-demand, so here are a couple I pulled from the Reader Digest website:

Two men are on opposite sides of the river. The first man shouts, “How do I get to the other side of the river?” The other man yells, “You are on the other side of the river!”
I was wondering why the baseball kept getting bigger and bigger, and then it hit me.
If those are unsatisfactory, I'll be more than happy to tag you whenever I crack a funny on the forum.

Ok you win. I should have left the "else" out as I meant to include the self deprecating ones.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
This is a spin-off from the other thread I recently started:

What if You Found Out That a Friend Was Racist or Otherwise Hatefully Prejudiced?

What if you were in a friend group and then someone made a joke that you found to be racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, etc.? For example, if that person made a joke mocking sexual assault survivors or using racial slurs such as the N-word, how would you react, and why?

If you're a religious person and would find jokes mocking your religion to be disrespectful or perhaps even blasphemous, like most people where I live would, then please include such a scenario in the above hypothetical when answering.
Simple. I just wouldn't interact with that person anymore.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
This is a spin-off from the other thread I recently started:

What if You Found Out That a Friend Was Racist or Otherwise Hatefully Prejudiced?

What if you were in a friend group and then someone made a joke that you found to be racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, etc.? For example, if that person made a joke mocking sexual assault survivors or using racial slurs such as the N-word, how would you react, and why?

If you're a religious person and would find jokes mocking your religion to be disrespectful or perhaps even blasphemous, like most people where I live would, then please include such a scenario in the above hypothetical when answering.
I have tried to train myself to say, "I realize you don't mean anything by it, but quite honestly, that word is a derogatory reference to that group, and makes me very uncomfortable."

In reality, I'm often emotionally flabbergasted when people use racist or other hateful terms. I freeze up. I hope that with time, I will get better about this.


Well-Known Member
I find jokes funny.

Many jokes have been made at my expense or the expense of a group I belong to, a good deal of them by yours truly. I have no idea why people take jokes so seriously.

I think people need to laugh more and stop taking themselves so damn seriously.
I agree. When I was a child, everyone parent taught their children, that sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me. This life lesson was about not letter a fragile ego, make you lose track of physical reality; science of matter versus religion of words.

Words do not hurt, like rocks, in the sense, words only hurt if you let them. Word pain was subject to will and choice. Rocks will hurt whether you let them or not since, will and choice cannot change the laws of physics. The best strategy to neutralize name calling, was to not blink to these imaginary rocks. Name calling for a bully is not fun, unless you play the role of being hurt by the imaginary rocks. If you do not play, people leave you alone. You also play by fake exaggerating the pain. This will also neutralize the game.

Back then this was part of male hazing. The girls did not do this. It is still done on Construction sites. Like in football practice, you learn to endure your friends and teammates punishing you in practice, so when strangers and enemies do it to there for real, they are more desensitized; toughened by the practice. Football practice and name calling practice was like solider training in the male world. Males would usually not attack the girls, since this was more of a part of male culture. One day you may have to fight in a war, and being soft in any way, would make you more vulnerable to the enemy.

Female name calling was less about male team development; soldier training, and more about gang bullying. This rose with the rise of feminism, female teams were less about team spirit and more about brutalizing; mob against one. Liberal boys lost their male team building skills; broken homes, as females started to dominate, using name calling in the spirit of bullying, and not building team spirit.

Back then males did more of the name calling at any time, but the women were careful not to do it in front on men, since they wanted to appear more feminine and above it often for the sensitive children. They learned to attack each other, at parties, in subtle two faced ways. One face might say, "your house is so nice", and then the other face turns to a third woman and says. "she has no taste in furniture". Men were up front and if practice became bullying, men would fight.

My theory this is this two faced way of the females; cancer coated in sugar, appears to have morphed in a way to take away of our freedom of speech. It is no longer was the exact words, but words that when might be use by an anticipated good face. The next step was what was called PC or politically correct, which told what you could say, thereby, allowing the Left to control the narratives, with their two faced shuffle. For example, if you wanted to talk about black crime in Democrat run cities, that was called racist and not PC, therefore the Democrats could never be put on the spot to address this crime.

Back in the day, if men said this, they said it because they noticing this was black male crime; not black female crime, and they needed to get those men with the team; men to be more lawful. The Liberal ladies would assume this was being too faced, and saying crime was the nice face; code, to hide the bad face saying the n-word. It was not addressed.

When Trump ran in 2016, the one thing that he did, that made him popular was to confront the PC word censor game, along with the dual and two faced standards. All whites males had become evil, unless you were a white male on the Democrat party then the white male rules changed. These weee men with the team building standards. The liberal ladies would give them a pass.

It is important to allow humor, especially for male team building and not be sucked in this diabolical game that divides the country. People who can laugh together can break down walls. If you ever went to a comedy club, with people from all walks of life, when the audience is laughing, all the differences disappear. Look around and everyone is smiling and you feel no sense of threat. Go to a PC rally and all you feel is tension and egg shells. Most Lefties were weaned on tha,t and do not know there is a better way.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I think there are cultures where people never laugh.
My friends and I laugh 24/7 because we make fun of each other's flaws 24/7.


Premium Member
This is a spin-off from the other thread I recently started:

What if You Found Out That a Friend Was Racist or Otherwise Hatefully Prejudiced?

What if you were in a friend group and then someone made a joke that you found to be racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-trans, etc.? For example, if that person made a joke mocking sexual assault survivors or using racial slurs such as the N-word, how would you react, and why?

If you're a religious person and would find jokes mocking your religion to be disrespectful or perhaps even blasphemous, like most people where I live would, then please include such a scenario in the above hypothetical when answering.
Its a Joke, if it was funny laugh at it, if not nod to acknowledge the attempt. If and when they acted in a hateful manner, I would address it with them and if I found they continually acted in a hateful manner I would probably end the friendship; however, I would never end a friendship over tasteless jokes. People today are much to sensitive.