My own religion
OK, I simply disagree with that definition of the word 'information'. The book has a LOT of information. Some people know how to access it and others do not. But the information itself is still there.
And I disagree that if you remove all humans there would be no information. There simply would be nobody to think about it. But it would still be there.
As an example, there is light coming from a star that carries information about the composition and temperature of that star. if nobody actually sees that light or if someone sees it that cannot interpret it, that information is lost. But it was still there. if someone with knowledge of how to interpret it accessed it, they could tell somehting about that star.
Gregory Bateson; an anthropologist who applied cybernetics to the social sciencesIn fact, what we mean by information—the elementary unit of information—is a difference which makes a difference, and it is able to make a difference because the neural pathways along which it travels and is continually transformed are themselves provided with energy.
Information is a process in a brain