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What interesting views Obama's pastor has...


Nonsense. Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen and Iraq are all examples of democratic states within the Middle-East, and there are many more (such as Iran and Bahrain) which incorporate democratic tendencies into their governing structure.

Representative democracy is certainly less prevalent then in, say, Latin America, but it is also certainly not the case that every country in the region bar Israel is uniformly autocratic. To pretend otherwise is to indulge in simplified inaccuracies.

welcome to the forum yes i see the elections are going well in Iran


Veteran Member
It really doesn't matter what views Obama's pastor has. Here in america we have people who hold all kinds of views, and we like them, often, anyway. I love my mother, for example, but I disagree with her views on many things. Yet I see no reason that I should need to go around "disavowing" things that she says. And I would take offense at anyone who suggested to me that I should.


Please no sarcasm
It really doesn't matter what views Obama's pastor has. Here in america we have people who hold all kinds of views, and we like them, often, anyway. I love my mother, for example, but I disagree with her views on many things. Yet I see no reason that I should need to go around "disavowing" things that she says. And I would take offense at anyone who suggested to me that I should.

My position on this is not focusing on Reverent Wright's views. As a supporter of Romney's former campaign, I am sensitive to questioning one's religious beliefs. What bothers me is Obama denying he knew of Wright's statements. They had a close relationship for 20 years. Wright's comments were very public and, yes, noisy. How could Obama have not been aware of them? This is why I'm questioning his honesty. He is now vehemently denouncing Wright's statements. If they are so objectionable to Obama NOW, then why weren't they objectionable before?
Wright was let go from serving in the campaign just a day or two ago. It looks like Obama is trying to cover up or make excuses for something he had to have been aware of long ago.

Again, it's not the Reverend's views, it's Obama denying he knew about them.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
My position on this is not focusing on Reverent Wright's views. As a supporter of Romney's former campaign, I am sensitive to questioning one's religious beliefs. What bothers me is Obama denying he knew of Wright's statements. They had a close relationship for 20 years. Wright's comments were very public and, yes, noisy. How could Obama have not been aware of them? This is why I'm questioning his honesty. He is now vehemently denouncing Wright's statements. If they are so objectionable to Obama NOW, then why weren't they objectionable before?
Wright was let go from serving in the campaign just a day or two ago. It looks like Obama is trying to cover up or make excuses for something he had to have been aware of long ago.

Again, it's not the Reverend's views, it's Obama denying he knew about them.

The thread will slip off the pages now. You nailed the problem perfectly. This is how Liberals debate. They pick your words to death and put a negative spin on things hoping to label and discredit your position, OR they ignore what is said when you hit the nail on the head.

Obama is their savior and can do no wrong.


Veteran Member
My position on this is not focusing on Reverent Wright's views. As a supporter of Romney's former campaign, I am sensitive to questioning one's religious beliefs. What bothers me is Obama denying he knew of Wright's statements. They had a close relationship for 20 years. Wright's comments were very public and, yes, noisy. How could Obama have not been aware of them? This is why I'm questioning his honesty. He is now vehemently denouncing Wright's statements. If they are so objectionable to Obama NOW, then why weren't they objectionable before?
Wright was let go from serving in the campaign just a day or two ago. It looks like Obama is trying to cover up or make excuses for something he had to have been aware of long ago.

Again, it's not the Reverend's views, it's Obama denying he knew about them.
I don't believe it's the views themselves that are really the issue, here. I think it's the incemniary way in which the pastor voices them. I am disappointed in Barrack Obama now "disavowing" his pastor's speeches. It was sufficient for him to simply state that he does not agree with everything his pastor believes, and to leave it at that. We all know this is just a political attempt at smearing a candidate, so none of us would think any less of Barrack, and in fact I would have thought more of him, if he'd simply cut this nonsense off right at the beginning and then refused to be drawn into it again. The more he tries to "explain" what does not need to be explained, the more this nonsense will not go away.

No one gives a damn what his pastor believes, except those who want to use it to slander Obama, and they don't matter, anyway. So Obama should quit taking this fool's bait, and move on to m ore important issues.


Please no sarcasm
Until recently I've had very little opinion about Obama. I knew nothing about him.

Now, the more I hear about what Obama's church advocated, the more disturbed I am. I must cut him a lot of slack, because being LDS, I know how it feels to have one's religion scrutinized and critcized. However, in Romney's case, the only problem people ever had was with statements and policies from the LDS Church's past, which I will not go into here.

Obama is saying that these statements, as currently taught in his church, are typical in "black" churches. This bothers me because many of them are very anti-America. Also Obama claims to have not heard some of his pastor's speeches and was not aware of them. Now some reporters are coming forward saying they were in the congregation with Obama during some of these speeches.

Side note: Apparantly Oprah Winfrey attended this same church for a while and then dropped out. Some say she didn't want to be tied to such explosive views. This may be just an opinion.

If Obama knew about his pastor's speeches and has been taught this way, along with his wife and children, then it would explain Mrs. Obama's recent controversial comment. If this is all the case, I have some major objections to him becoming president.


Depends Upon My Mood..
No one is 100% certain, but a common theory is that humans first contracted the virus in Africa, from eating the meat of a monkey infected with SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus), which acts in monkeys the way HIV acts in humans.

There was a really interesting movie supposedly based on facts...That indeed it started in africa..But also an international flight attendant contracted it..Was very permiscuous..and had sex with different people in different coutries around the world...Then there was some ego filled scientist in America and in France arguing about who dicovered the virus.Who got to get credit for the discovery..THEN the idiots (the powers that be) didnt want to spend the money to test blood doners for years after it was well known it could be contracted through the blood reserves...Many people died needlessly over self centered pride filled people and concern over the mighty dollar bill.

It was the people at the CDC that were the heros...




It really doesn't matter what views Obama's pastor has. Here in america we have people who hold all kinds of views, and we like them, often, anyway. I love my mother, for example, but I disagree with her views on many things. Yet I see no reason that I should need to go around "disavowing" things that she says. And I would take offense at anyone who suggested to me that I should.
It's not a matter of 'disavowing', there's an implication that if Obama has been attending this church for twenty years (almost his ENTIRE adult life), then he needs DOES need to distance himself from it (which he has DONE, Rev. Wright resigned from the campaign, and Obama did "disavow" the things he said). The fact is, this is a church with very radical views (which doesn't make them bad). These views cannot help but reflect on Obama's politics.


Veteran Member
It's not a matter of 'disavowing', there's an implication that if Obama has been attending this church for twenty years (almost his ENTIRE adult life), then he needs DOES need to distance himself from it (which he has DONE, Rev. Wright resigned from the campaign, and Obama did "disavow" the things he said). The fact is, this is a church with very radical views (which doesn't make them bad). These views cannot help but reflect on Obama's politics.
He doesn't need to do any such thing. If we want to know what Barrack Obama thinks about any issue, all we have to do is ask him. We can also look at the books he's written, and the history of his behavior. His pastor's speeches have nothing to do with anything. This is just a stupid attempt to smear him by association.


Please no sarcasm
He doesn't need to do any such thing. If we want to know what Barrack Obama thinks about any issue, all we have to do is ask him. We can also look at the books he's written, and the history of his behavior. His pastor's speeches have nothing to do with anything. This is just a stupid attempt to smear him by association.

But it's Obama's comments that have hurt himself, IMO.


He doesn't need to do any such thing. If we want to know what Barrack Obama thinks about any issue, all we have to do is ask him. We can also look at the books he's written, and the history of his behavior. His pastor's speeches have nothing to do with anything. This is just a stupid attempt to smear him by association.
If John McCain attended an extreme church that preached bigotry against homosexuals and blacks, we'd certainly hear about it.


Veteran Member
If John McCain attended an extreme church that preached bigotry against homosexuals and blacks, we'd certainly hear about it.
We hear about all sorts of nonsense. Especially during political campaigns. The important thing is to use our heads, and to see who is saying what and why they're saying it.


We hear about all sorts of nonsense. Especially during political campaigns. The important thing is to use our heads, and to see who is saying what and why they're saying it.
I agree. I think what's most important that people are saying right now is HOW Obama is responding to this situation. I think the things that he is saying are most telling.


Please no sarcasm
Since Obama is relatively new on the scene, compared to the other candidates, we are just getting to know who he is. Part of the process is to look at what has influenced him.
He says the two most influential people in his life are his wife and his pastor. Did we see the real Mrs. Obama in her recent controversial comment, or not? If Reverend Wright is such a big influence--how could one not be concerned? He is full of bigotry towards whites and America.

We have a right to examine this before choosing a president.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Obama is giving a speech addressing this issue in Philadelphia tomorrow morning at 10:30 EST.

There is no way that Obama is not going to get the nomination. He has the delegates and no matter how much Hillary petitions the superdelegates that Barrack is unelectable, the Democratic party will implode if Obama does not get the nomination.

Let's give Obama the benefit of the doubt until tomorrows speech about this, but he has painted himself into a corner. He has stated that he was not sitting in the pews when this vile that his Reverend has spewed. I'm sure Bill and Hillary is working hard to find a video to prove that he is a liar.

Let's get something straight. It is hard to believe he did not know about speech that some has said is common place in black churches. I would rather that Barrack be honest about this, because at the minimum, he is naive and at the worst an out right liar.

This issue will make swift boat look like a fart in the wind compared to recent press attention and the Democratic party is hamstrung with Barrack as their candidate.

I'm not going to site polls, but has anyone looked lately? :rolleyes:

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
And McCain is any better?

Honestly, you throw the mud at someone but refuse to throw it at your politician of choice.

Bishka, this thread is not about John McCain and your feeble attempt at shifting the focus and getting off topic is testament to the fact that Barrack Obama is a sinking ship and the Democratic party is obligated to go down with him.


Veteran Member
Since Obama is relatively new on the scene, compared to the other candidates, we are just getting to know who he is. Part of the process is to look at what has influenced him.
He says the two most influential people in his life are his wife and his pastor. Did we see the real Mrs. Obama in her recent controversial comment, or not? If Reverend Wright is such a big influence--how could one not be concerned? He is full of bigotry towards whites and America.

We have a right to examine this before choosing a president.
He is full of anger, not bigotry. And black men of his generation have plenty of reasons to be so angry. What is particularly upsetting about this is that it's being used as a way to play the "race card". There are plenty of white racists out there who are just looking for an excuse to dismiss Obama as a 'black crusader' like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and so also dismiss him as a legitimate candidate for president. By tying those angry words of his pastor to him, somehow, they will have what they need to do exactly that.

But his pastor's words are NOT Obama's words. And the pastor's anger is NOT Obama's anger. And the fact that Obama loves and respects this pastor does NOT mean that he loves or respects the pastor's words or racist feelings. I love and respect my mother, but I do not share her racist feelings, nor do I agree with her racist words. And it would be exceedingly unfair of someone to disregard me for a job simply because I happen to love my mother, and she happens to be prejudice against black people.

Do any of you believe this is would be fair or reasonable?

I think it says more about Obama that he can love and respect a man who he does not fully agree with. To me, that exemplifies both intelligence and character far more than a man who surrounds himself only with people who agree with him.

And by the way, the "real" Mrs. Obama is not a 2-dimensional cut-out. She is a complex human being who is capable of thinking and feeling different things at different times for different reasons. Once again, dismissing a human being based on one statement or idea that doesn't happen to reflect your own feelings would be exceedingly narrow-minded and I think, and foolish.