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What interesting views Obama's pastor has...

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Obama's speech will air in less than an hour. I want to listen to the whole speech as he delivers it, not the sound bite and spin the drive by media will air later.

I for one will listen with an open mind. Obama is not a bad person, but many times in politics, people get in more trouble with mistruths than the original problem.


But his pastor's words are NOT Obama's words. And the pastor's anger is NOT Obama's anger. And the fact that Obama loves and respects this pastor does NOT mean that he loves or respects the pastor's words or racist feelings.
Then why was he Obama's CAMPAIGN ADVISOR???

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
OK, I listened to the speech. I'm ready to forgive and forget. Barrack expressed my feelings exactly. I did not profit from inheritance or slavery and have worked for everything I own.

I started from scratch and have a big problem with people saying I am where I am because of racial injustice. I have a right to feel how I feel, just as Obama's Reverend has a right to feel how he feels.

Obama got real. He ripped the mask off political correctness as well as the black church. We should no more vote for him because he is black than we should not vote for someone because they are white. Obama admits that there is reverse racism and it is time for all of us to get past all this White Black stuff. I could not agree with him more.

Let's quit pretending about how perfect we all are. If you don't have an attitude about rich white men, you probably have an attitude about poor black men. I would say rich black men have it the worst. It is time for us to get real. Political correctness be damned!

Every person feels like they feel for a reason and no one hold the higher moral ground here.

I am giving Obama the same slack that he deserves as well as I deserve and everyone else does as well.

May the best candidate win this fall and race, sexism and prejudice be damned. May the perfect person throw the next stone. Come on! Who will hold on to the past and be the first to throw a stone at anyone?


Please no sarcasm
Posted in a blog by Obama, 3/14/08:

"The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation. When these statements first came to my attention, it was at the beginning of my presidential campaign. "

In his speech today:

"Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes."



some of "Jeremiah Wright's "profoundly distorted view" of the US." type comments are very old ,going back at least to 9/11 whats a presidential candidate doing within ten miles of somebody like this? were his comments and sentiments prevelent in his congregation ?give him the benefit of the doubt if you like, but i think he hangs around with the wrong crowd. who would rid me of this turbulent priest? indeed


Deviled Hen
The only thing I find ridiculous is the claim that the US started the AIDS virus. However, I don't know much about how the AIDS virus came on the scene...

That idea has been floating around the African-American community for years now. It's hardly a novel idea for the pastor to be speaking about.

While it's being increasingly relegated to tinfoil hat status, perhaps this will explain why it ever got any traction at all:


Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
That idea has been floating around the African-American community for years now. It's hardly a novel idea for the pastor to be speaking about.

While it's being increasingly relegated to tinfoil hat status, perhaps this will explain why it ever got any traction at all:


I watched the black caucus in New Orleans on C-span. There are people who think we are poisoning them. Some sort of chemical genocide I guess.

There was one comment that especially made me laugh when they said we put something in their Schlitz Malt Liquor to make them act a certain way like giving whiskey to the Indians. That one had me rolling on the floor.

If there was something in that beverage, why would they buy it except because they enjoy it's affects?

I need to add that if Malt Liquor is indeed a problem, it was a good thing to shine a light on it. There where many good things brought up that day as well.


Active Member
While it's being increasingly relegated to tinfoil hat status, perhaps this will explain why it ever got any traction at all:


Oh come on. Blacks weren't the only ones subjected to government run human experimentation.


Veteran Member
It says: "Wright, Obama's longtime spiritual adviser and pastor of his Chicago church, was off Obama's African American Religious Leadership Committee as of last night ..." This is hardly the description of a "campaign advisor". And the title "campaign advisor" is itself pretty vague.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Oh come on. Blacks weren't the only ones subjected to government run human experimentation.

And whites were not the only people responsible for the slave trade. It's not like Americans said, lets go out and round us up some slaves. Rival tribes beat us to that idea and was selling slaves long before the first Americans ever purchased one.

I will say that Americans took to this old idea in a new country in a big way and slave ships were terrible packing people like sardines. Those where terrible men who did that. It is a shame we take it out on people who fought to free the slaves however.

Misguidance seems to be the constant. Back then as well as today.