The question of the soul has to be answered in light of its creator.
Whether the creator was/is/will be, known to us by whatever means of revelation there is, which, is at the core of what the soul consists of.
We can have many different views on what the soul is, yet none, can be set in concrete as the correct answer.
So, we can say then that defining what the soul is, is relative to what beliefs we hold.
In my view I see the creator creating the first soul of which in its self becomes a pro-creator of same, which goes for all creatures as well.
The difference between what is animal and human is the ability to reason, to think and make judgments.
That ability defines us, and one in which defines us, to a point, as gods of our own souls.
That point is beyond our control and rests solely in the hands of the creator, by whatever name you happen to known Him by, if such a name defines for you a creator.
There is however, a structure in place that none of us can discard, and that is in the following:
- Were born into the flesh. (introduction)
- By doing so we are lower then angels (Fallen)
- By reason of intelligence, the ability to reason, we are judged according to our works (Judgment)
- The penalty for 1,2 and 3 above is death, the final answer.
Those for things no one can escape!
Believe what you will, concerning the soul, the answer is still death.
Now: Enter Hope:
Hope is in the message of death being annulled!
No, not physical death, for that we all share in, but spiritual death is where the message of hope is.
That message is that the creator of the first soul, stems life, and its spiritual offspring shall live for ever; never to die again.
So, how do we access that soul of which life stems from, being that we are already born into this one that is already condemned to death?
Very simple! By rebirth!
If that is a hard thing to understand, I wouldnt worry to much, except for the fact that if we did understand it now, we would enjoy the fruits of that life yet while in the flesh.
Something to ponder about.
Blessings, AJ