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What is "Bad" Science?


Admiral Obvious
Yes and yet the system permits this sort of abuse. What does it even mean to say research is peer reviewed if it just something one pays for, $150 for a rating of excellent.
It appears you did not read what you quoted.

At least, not with comprehension and understanding in mind.


Admiral Obvious
**** off. The CDC deleted the page that Reuters used to support their allegation against Martin.
Rather convenient claim.

Given your history of presenting already refuted out the ying yang sources, you will need to do better than that.


Premium Member
David Martin covid summit (Brave browser)

Dr. David Martin, a financial researcher and businessman, made a startling assertion at the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III on May 3, 2023, claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic was a pre-meditated act of domestic terrorism. He presented evidence supporting his claims and highlighted the historical context of the pandemic.

Key Points:

COVID-19 was first isolated in 1965: Dr. Martin stated that COVID-19 was first isolated in 1965, more than 50 years ago, and that it was recognized as a pathogen with the potential for modification and utilization in various contexts.
Coronavirus research continued throughout the years: Dr. Martin emphasized that coronavirus research continued throughout the years, including the modification of the pathogen in animals such as pigs and dogs. He also highlighted that Pfizer filed the first patent for a spike protein vaccine for coronavirus in 1990.
The virus was identified as a potential tool for biological warfare: Dr. Martin characterized the virus as a “financial heist” and a “financial fraud” in which the scientific community was manipulated. He also stated that the virus was identified as a potential tool for biological warfare.
Dr. Martin’s presentation was met with skepticism: Some critics questioned Dr. Martin’s expertise in the field of biology and medicine, while others praised his presentation and the information he shared.
Reactions and Responses:

Some experts questioned Dr. Martin’s credibility: Some experts in the field of biology and medicine questioned Dr. Martin’s credibility and expertise in the field.
Others praised Dr. Martin’s presentation: Some individuals praised Dr. Martin’s presentation and the information he shared, citing his expertise in patents and his ability to provide evidence to support his claims.
The European Parliament did not sponsor the event: It was clarified that the event was a private, non-government related event and that the views presented did not represent those of the European Parliament.


Dr. David Martin’s claims at the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III sparked controversy and debate. While some experts questioned his credibility and expertise, others praised his presentation and the information he shared. The event highlighted the ongoing discussions and debates surrounding the origins and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
More down right lies

The Covid-19 Virus was NOT isolated in 1965. There are actually a number of Covid virus and some cause the common cold.


Coronavirus Evolution​

Scientists first identified a human coronavirus in 1965. It caused a common cold. Later that decade, researchers found a group of similar human and animal viruses and named them after their crown-like appearance.

Seven coronaviruses can infect humans. The one that causes SARS emerged in southern China in 2002 and quickly spread to 28 other countries. More than 8,000 people were infected by July 2003, and 774 died. A small outbreak in 2004 involved only four more cases. This coronavirus causes fever, headache, and respiratory problems such as cough and shortness of breath.

MERS started in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Almost all of the nearly 2,500 cases have been in people who live in or travel to the Middle East. This coronavirus is less contagious than SARS but more deadly, killing 858 people. It has the same respiratory symptoms but can also cause kidney failure.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

I'd like to compile a list of indicators of "bad" science, particularly the poor methods and deceptive practices in use by religious people attempting to misuse and or abuse the label "science" to fraudulently assert credibility and to attack the skeptics and critics of their so-called scientific conclusions: "You're denying science!"

  • Improper or limited sampling of data
  • Poor method engineering which does not accurately test the hypothesis
  • Lacking critical self-analysis on completion and avoiding making necessary changes in future
  • Hiding results which are uncomfortable for the researcher and their community

Follow-up question: How many of these faults need to present before even the labeling: "bad science" becomes untenable. When do the faults warrant: "That's not science at all!"

@Jayhawker Soule , @jimb , you are both cordially invited to participate and hopefully contribute.
I would add.follow the money to the list. This is where tobacco companies and the NFL have something in common, and that is they have both hired researchers and doctors to publish favorable results.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes and yet the system permits this sort of abuse. What does it even mean to say research is peer reviewed if it just something one pays for, $150 for a rating of excellent.
I do not understand what you are saying. What system? What rating? Predatory journals are not recognized academically at all. They are fake. Its like counterfeit money. No academician gets ratings if they publish in predatory journals....just as you cannot fool the bankjs by depositing fake currency.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No, I didn't say that. It's a heuristic that can be used to identify ideas that are unpopular but true.
But it can't do that unless it too has a clearcut definition of 'truth'.

If it has one, what is it?


Well-Known Member
But it can't do that unless it too has a clearcut definition of 'truth'.
No, it can do that without a precise description of truth because in the context of debate the truth is represented by ideas that cannot be logically refuted.

For example leaked audio from an expert then describes problems with public health leads to the truth that actual problems exists when that audio is attacked with fallacies.



Veteran Member
So you have no objective standard for truth, you say.

I guess you find that very handy.
That is one distinction between "bad science" and "not science". Scientists, even the bad ones, agree that there is an objective reality and that facts are facts and there is no such thing as "alternative facts".
That's why scientists are usually pretty good at dealing with trolls. They don't feed them.


Well-Known Member
"Because the five cases occurred in a population of more than 130,000 vaccinated persons, we propose that they represent a rare vaccine-related variant of spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia that we refer to as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia,"

5/130 000 = 1 in 26 000 (60% fatality)
70/2 000 000 000 = 1 in 28 600 000
actually at the time 34 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine has been distributed in Europe alone. and since then a total of 3 billion vaccines have been given