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What is blasphemy of the holy ghost? will I be forgiven?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Maybe you should read Mark 13 again. For Christ Jesus does make mentioning of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. And when it will take place and who can commit it.

Look in Mark 13:11, Christ Jesus giving for warning his elect people, that when they are delivered up before the antichrist, Not to premeditated nor give any thought beforehand what they are to say, for it is not them that shall speak, but the Holy Spirit speaking thru them.

Now if the elect speaks, before the Holy Spirit speaks thru them, Then the elect just Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Which will only happen during the tribulation and no other time.

Therefore in Mark 13:11 Christ Jesus has give what the Blasphemy of Holy Spirit is.

By not letting the Holy Spirit speak thru them first. But speaking before the Holy Spirit speaks thru them. This is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

When does this take place, only during the tribulation.
By God's elect people, when they are delivered up before the antichrist.

Who in your opinion are Gods elect people? Christians in general or a particular group of them?


Well-Known Member
Who in your opinion are Gods elect people? Christians in general or a particular group of them?

God's elect people are which come out during the tribulation, to stand up against the Antichrist.
Had you any knowledge about what the book of Revelation reveals and confirm's about God's elect people and what's their mission is during the tribulation.

David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Welcome to RF.

From a Baha'i perspective it is about emnity or hatred towards God's teachers.

Bahá'í Reference Library - Some Answered Questions, Pages 127-128
Yes. But it's proper to realize they can be totally clueless lost in outer space understanding absolutely zero!!! Which then brings up the question how do you know? But if the question then arises how do you know, then you actually dont need the teacher in the first place. It's because because the teacher you select is determined by how you understand. And since you are seeking a teacher to understand you this have no clue to whether the teacher actually understands anything or not!!!! So the whole process is really really really wierd. I might say, a good teacher might take their holy texts with them out to the forest out to the wilderness, have a ceremony, where the religious text, the holy science text evolutionary biology, math text, and dictionary, and build a fire, and sit and askhiw did these holy texts manifest reality? Get some drums out, get a bit of music going, and contemplate that question with more question. All of it directed by the teacher to break the intellect bottlenecking the brain from functioning fully. Presence always presence ids the teachers goal. To bring that presence to the conscious state. The old niel young song, "don't let it bring you down its only castles burning, find someone who's turning and you will come around"

"Nature alive or extinction what do you choose?"

That I think destroys the castles, and at the same time brings the participant into being a participant in life, it should destroy the fantasy state of the intellect rather than enhance it. And must flip nature from dead scientifically religiously, to alive and from seeing it as house and allowing it be home. That is all a bit of tricky teaching to say the least.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yeah, That's the fruit of the Spirit,
Now what's the Spirit of the word ?

You have what is Written down, being the Written word.
Now what is the Spirit of the word.

Let's take what Christ Jesus said in Matthew 24:19--"And Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days"

Ok, so you have what is written down.

Now what's the Spirit of the word that Christ Jesus is saying?

Christ Jesus is not literally speaking about a woman with child. But in the Spiritual Realm of the word.
So how does this fit into the Tribulation ?
Someone who goes off topic worse than me? I am surprised! :D


What? Me worry?
Maybe you should read Mark 13 again. For Christ Jesus does make mentioning of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. And when it will take place and who can commit it.

Look in Mark 13:11, Christ Jesus giving for warning his elect people, that when they are delivered up before the antichrist, Not to premeditated nor give any thought beforehand what they are to say, for it is not them that shall speak, but the Holy Spirit speaking thru them.

Now if the elect speaks, before the Holy Spirit speaks thru them, Then the elect just Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Which will only happen during the tribulation and no other time.

Therefore in Mark 13:11 Christ Jesus has give what the Blasphemy of Holy Spirit is.

By not letting the Holy Spirit speak thru them first. But speaking before the Holy Spirit speaks thru them. This is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

When does this take place, only during the tribulation.
By God's elect people, when they are delivered up before the antichrist.

I'm afraid you have accented the problem with trying to get a legitimate answer to a Biblical question. I went back and reread the passage and I still don't see the word "blasphemy" anywhere in the verses. You, like most of the evangelicals I had have the dubious privilege of knowing, seem to be interpreting the Bible to fit you own world view. Even the transgressions listed in Mark 13 can be forgiven, IMHO; so we're back to square one.


What? Me worry?
Hold the phone I have cracked it! I looked it up in Leviticus. I'm amaaaazing, awwwsome and astonishingly good looking. Turns out 'Unforgiveable' is a figure of speech for a certain crime punishable by death.

If we look at Leviticus 24:16 which is a law against blaspheming and provides some context, though not a pure definition. 'Unforgiveable Sin' is (in the NT) a figure of speech for this crime in the law that is punishable by death! So you see, 'Unforgiveable' is a figure of speech.

Ok, so there is a definition for blasphemy. Rock on! That was hard work.

"Amaaazing, awwwsome, and astonishingly good looking..." huh? Well, two out of three ain't bad. The problem is this: there's garden variety blaspheming which can be defined, and then there's blaspheming against the Holy Spirit which can't be defined.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid you have accented the problem with trying to get a legitimate answer to a Biblical question. I went back and reread the passage and I still don't see the word "blasphemy" anywhere in the verses. You, like most of the evangelicals I had have the dubious privilege of knowing, seem to be interpreting the Bible to fit you own world view. Even the transgressions listed in Mark 13 can be forgiven, IMHO; so we're back to square one.

When God's elect people are delivered up before the antichrist and they speak before the Holy Spirit can speak thru them.

What would that be called, But the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

If God's elect people speaks first. Before the Holy Spirit speaks thru them, they just committed the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.


What? Me worry?
When God's elect people are delivered up before the antichrist and they speak before the Holy Spirit can speak thru them.

What would that be called, But the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

If God's elect people speaks first. Before the Holy Spirit speaks thru them, they just committed the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Uhhhh....alrighty then...


Well-Known Member
"Amaaazing, awwwsome, and astonishingly good looking..." huh? Well, two out of three ain't bad. The problem is this: there's garden variety blaspheming which can be defined, and then there's blaspheming against the Holy Spirit which can't be defined.

That's all because you have no Spiritual discernment of the word of God.

Christ Jesus very much defines what the Blasphemy of the Spirit is.


2 cents

"give us this day our daily bread" Holy Ghost would seem to be the apparent aspect of that. Hey! As long as you won't take a sandwich off the plate, you're going to go hungry and eventually starve. Take a sandwich!


ALL in all
Premium Member
What does blasphemy mean? I have asked 3 priest and two baptist preachers. They have different views. How do I know if I can ever be forgiven? I seen where Jesus said blasphemy is not forgivable. Is the Holy Ghost more powerful than God?

blasphemy is denying the truth, or speaking a falsehood.

denying the Holy Spirit, or stating a falsehood against the idea is blasphemy of the idea intrinsic in everything.

like denying the Absolute is part of self and self is part of the Absolute. only self can ask for forgiveness and only self can accept the truth.

a sin, mistake, can be against god, others, and self. the holy spirit is a sin against self because god's spirit is inherent in it's offspring, creation.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.


What? Me worry?
blasphemy is denying the truth, or speaking a falsehood.

denying the Holy Spirit, or stating a falsehood against the idea is blasphemy of the idea intrinsic in everything.

like denying the Absolute is part of self and self is part of the Absolute. only self can ask for forgiveness and only self can accept the truth.

a sin, mistake, can be against god, others, and self. the holy spirit is a sin against self because god's spirit is inherent in it's offspring, creation.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

But aren't these forgivable sins?

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
What does blasphemy mean? I have asked 3 priest and two baptist preachers. They have different views. How do I know if I can ever be forgiven? I seen where Jesus said blasphemy is not forgivable. Is the Holy Ghost more powerful than God?
Contextually, it all started when some clergy started griping about Jesus, saying he was working with the devil or something. So, I would guess it is something like calling morality immorality or whatever. The weird thing is, blasphemy against the Father and Jesus are forgivable, but not the Holy Spirit. Maybe the Holy Spirit is more like Karma/Dharma? Like, some as objective as it gets type of morality/duty? This is why it is unforgivable. On the other hand, because God sees the hearts of people, supposedly, I guess it's possible you could do it unknowingly and just be considered an idiot. :) In the South, when we saw someone we couldn't really help but wonder how they got dressed in the morning, we'd say "well, bless your heart." LOL.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
That's all because you have no Spiritual discernment of the word of God.

Christ Jesus very much defines what the Blasphemy of the Spirit is.
I mean no disrespect to you or your spirit and just do not want people living in fear and being controlled.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11)


What? Me worry?
Contextually, it all started when some clergy started griping about Jesus, saying he was working with the devil or something. So, I would guess it is something like calling morality immorality or whatever. The weird thing is, blasphemy against the Father and Jesus are forgivable, but not the Holy Spirit. Maybe the Holy Spirit is more like Karma/Dharma? Like, some as objective as it gets type of morality/duty? This is why it is unforgivable. On the other hand, because God sees the hearts of people, supposedly, I guess it's possible you could do it unknowingly and just be considered an idiot. :) In the South, when we saw someone we couldn't really help but wonder how they got dressed in the morning, we'd say "well, bless your heart." LOL.

Funny you should say this. I had a customer who "blessed my heart many times", lol. He's gone now, bless his heart.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Funny you should say this. I had a customer who "blessed my heart many times", lol. He's gone now, bless his heart.
Heaven is likely filled with a bunch of people who were just morons. Being an idiot isn't being a villain. Look at God: can't kill the first two people to disobey Him. Why? Because they were being impulsive children, not supervillains. God shouldn't be able to be threatened by people literally born yesterday, LOL.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
"Amaaazing, awwwsome, and astonishingly good looking..." huh? Well, two out of three ain't bad. The problem is this: there's garden variety blaspheming which can be defined, and then there's blaspheming against the Holy Spirit which can't be defined.
Floating J, its a little tricky, but I feel that this session has been productive for me. Hopefully it has not been confusing for Dusco. Certainly holy spirit is not directly defined in the NT, but I do have a definition that works which I have not mentioned in this conversation in order to keep things confined and simple. I never said we couldn't discern the meaning of the terms, but I did say that they are not defined. It takes interest and time to find them out plus a lack of fear. Fear certainly is a mind killer.


Active Member
The terms 'blasphemy' and 'holy spirit' are not explained in the Bible. Look wherever you want, and there are no definitions. The thing to do is to stop listening to whomever got you into this mess. Why are you treading water and almost drowning? Its wrong and shouldn't be happening to you or anybody. Somebody stuck this into your hand and told you to read it, and they didn't know what they were doing. Its just like if I stuck a book about building subs into your hand and told you to manufacture a submarine. Here's a book about submarines, and if you don't build me a sub by tomorrow you are fired.
12I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. 14“He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. 15“All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you." Jn 16
Spirit is MEDIA connecting God with everything else. Jesus points that is universal order that cannot be ever denied. He speaks to the people who supposedly theologically learned to a high degree ( 24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.” Mt.12) but purposely pervert the truth.