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What is blasphemy of the holy ghost? will I be forgiven?


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12I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. 14“He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. 15“All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you." Jn 16
This is a paraphrase of Deut 18:18 which insists that every citizen test the person who wants to change the country and be listened to. I think you might compare this to modern times where we are supposed to test politicians to make sure they're not murderous scum, however it is about prophets in Israel.

Spirit is MEDIA connecting God with everything else. Jesus points that is universal order that cannot be ever denied. He speaks to the people who supposedly theologically learned to a high degree ( 24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.” Mt.12) but purposely pervert the truth.
I have heard people say that the Pharisees blaspheme by speaking against Jesus in this passage, but actually they are doing their duty. He is the loud voice drawing attention to itself, and so they are supposed to test him. If it were me, I'd test him too. He could potentially get lots of people killed after all. When Jesus says its OK to speak against the Son of Man I think that settles the question. When he says not to speak against the Holy Spirit he's referring to Deuteronomy 18. A prophet may not speak against the Law or he is put to death.


Active Member
This is a paraphrase of Deut 18:18 which insists that every citizen test the person who wants to change the country and be listened to. I think you might compare this to modern times where we are supposed to test politicians to make sure they're not murderous scum, however it is about prophets in Israel.

I have heard people say that the Pharisees blaspheme by speaking against Jesus in this passage, but actually they are doing their duty. He is the loud voice drawing attention to itself, and so they are supposed to test him. If it were me, I'd test him too. He could potentially get lots of people killed after all. When Jesus says its OK to speak against the Son of Man I think that settles the question. When he says not to speak against the Holy Spirit he's referring to Deuteronomy 18. A prophet may not speak against the Law or he is put to death.
we need to understand this in the light of Matt 5:20. and Matt 13:11 and Jn4:22. What Jesus says is the whole new world for human consciousness.


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God's elect people are which come out during the tribulation, to stand up against the Antichrist.
Had you any knowledge about what the book of Revelation reveals and confirm's about God's elect people and what's their mission is during the tribulation.

Many different opinions on this subject. Am genuinely interested in your view.

blü 2

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As to what 'blasphemy' means: It's from the Greek βλασφημία, literally 'injurious speaking', and could apply to speaking about humans (defamation) or the gods. As for what it means in practice, these days nothing. The English, who have an established religion, still had trials for blasphemy into the 1990s but abolished the offense in 2008.

As for the US, Wikipedia will tell you:

The Blasphemy Act 1697 (9 Will 3 c 35) was an Act of the Parliament of England. It made it an offence for any person, educated in or having made profession of the Christian religion, by writing, preaching, teaching or advised speaking, to deny the Holy Trinity, to claim there is more than one god, to deny the truth of Christianity and to deny the Bible as divine authority.
This became part of the received law of English colonies, including the North American colonies, up to the time when having obtained their own legislative powers they chose to change it. The First Amendment (1791) to the US constitution replaced it at the Federal level. The Due Process part of the 14th Amendment (1868) has been interpreted in the 20th century to extend the religious part of the First Amendment to the states. (Although the offense of blasphemy is still on the books in several states, these days a prosecution could be successfully defended.)

As for the Holy Ghost, he or she or it is part of the Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity is not supported in the NT; for instance, in all four gospels Jesus denies (in direct speech) that he's God, and there's no suggestion that the Holy Ghost is anything but God's messenger or errand boy. (The Holy Ghost is descended from the Jewish 'ruach' or breath of Yahweh, but as I understand it, the ruach is a manifestation of Yahweh himself, not a distinct agent.)

A further problem with the Trinity doctrine is that it's incoherent: it claims that God is a single being with three persons (Father / Yahweh, Son / Jesus, and Holy Ghost) but that each of those persons is individually 100% of God as well. A moment's consideration will show you that 100%+(a completely distinct) 100% + (a completely distinct) 100% = 300% = three gods. And if you consider that God is 100%, then each of his equal constituents can only be 33.333% of God, and would presumably form a board of directors where the majority vote prevails. There are no other important options. The RCC and the Anglican / Pisco churches (and I assume all the other Trinitarian churches capable of clear thought) attempt to finesse the problem by calling it 'a mystery in the strict sense' and to declare that it is not contrary to reason but above reason: you will instantly recognize that as meaningless nonsense, there being no test which can distinguish what is 'above reason' from what is contrary to reason.

So to blaspheme the Holy Ghost must mean to speak contemptuously of God. If you speak contemptuously of Jesus you're not speaking about God unless you're a Trinitarian, in which case you're in a zone where reason has been abandoned. If that's where you are, I respectfully suggest you find your way to the door.

As to whether blasphemy of God can be forgiven, it depends whether you think God is an irrational, irascible, insecure being who can only thrive on constant grovelling (think Trump), or who understands all and therefore forgives all, and does so with even more pleasure if asked. Such a being would never acknowledge a word like 'unforgivable'.


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we need to understand this in the light of Matt 5:20. and Matt 13:11 and Jn4:22. What Jesus says is the whole new world for human consciousness.
I am having difficulty understanding you. This is a mouthful 'the whole new world for human consciousness'. I have looked up the verses.


Active Member
I am having difficulty understanding you. This is a mouthful 'the whole new world for human consciousness'. I have looked up the verses.

Consciousness of Pharisees was based on the Law, what means exceed consciousness of Pharisees? If you do not exceed it you can not enter the Kingdom. It is a new world.
Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father "“God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”



Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
What does blasphemy mean? I have asked 3 priest and two baptist preachers. They have different views. How do I know if I can ever be forgiven? I seen where Jesus said blasphemy is not forgivable. Is the Holy Ghost more powerful than God?
The answer is more simple that what one can imagine.

Do you have a desire to seek God and/or go to church?


Here is an interesting and informative article on the subject...

"Again, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit cannot be repeated today, although some people try. Jesus Christ is not on earth—He is seated at the right hand of God. No one can personally witness Jesus performing a miracle and then attribute that power to Satan instead of the Spirit.

The unpardonable sin today is the state of continued unbelief. The Spirit currently convicts the unsaved world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). To resist that conviction and willfully remain unrepentant is to “blaspheme” the Spirit. There is no pardon, either in this age or in the age to come, for a person who rejects the Spirit’s promptings to trust in Jesus Christ and then dies in unbelief. The love of God is evident: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). And the choice is clear: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:36)."
What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?


Veteran Member
What does blasphemy mean? I have asked 3 priest and two baptist preachers. They have different views. How do I know if I can ever be forgiven? I seen where Jesus said blasphemy is not forgivable. Is the Holy Ghost more powerful than God?

The Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit. According to Baha’i beliefs, the Holy Spirit is the light of God. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is detestation of the light of God, the divine perfections. In a sense then it is detestation of God since one hates the divine perfections (God’s qualities).

Jesus and the other Messengers of God were like lamps that brought the Holy Spirit; they brought the light of God to humanity because they reflected God’s attributes. It is forgivable to hate the lamp, because one might not recognize that the lamp is from God because they might not see the divine perfections of God in the lamp.

Matthew 12:31-32 “So I tell you, every sin and blasphemy can be forgiven—except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. Anyone who speaks against the Son of Man can be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come.”

In those verses Jesus said it is unforgivable to hate the Holy Spirit (light of God) and one will not be forgiven in this life or in the afterlife.

I can only surmise why that is unforgivable. It is a Baha’i belief that heaven and hell are states of the soul, not geographical locations. Heaven is nearness to God and hell is distance from God. It is impossible to come near to God if one is repelled by the light of God because God does not force His love upon anyone. God only draws those near to Him those who reach out for His mercy. If one hates God they will not reach out for God’s mercy and they will thus be distant from God; in such a state they will make their own hell. Maybe that correlates with the unforgivable sin.


Question.—“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”—(Matt. 12:31–32)

Answer.— If a soul remains far from the manifestation, he may yet be awakened; for he did not recognize the manifestation of the divine perfections. But if he loathe the divine perfections themselves—in other words, the Holy Spirit—it is evident that he is like a bat which hates the light.

This detestation of the light has no remedy and cannot be forgiven—that is to say, it is impossible for him to come near unto God. This lamp is a lamp because of its light; without the light it would not be a lamp. Now if a soul has an aversion for the light of the lamp, he is, as it were, blind, and cannot comprehend the light; and blindness is the cause of everlasting banishment from God…..

This is why many people who were the enemies of the Manifestations, and who did not recognize Them, when once they had known Them became Their friends. So enmity toward the Manifestation did not become the cause of perpetual banishment, for they who indulged in it were the enemies of the light-holders, not knowing that They were the shining lights of God. They were not the enemies of the light, and when once they understood that the light-holder was the place of manifestation of the light, they became sincere friends of it.

The meaning is this: to remain far from the light-holder does not entail everlasting banishment, for one may become awakened and vigilant; but enmity toward the light is the cause of everlasting banishment, and for this there is no remedy. Some Answered Questions, pp. 127-128


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about having blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, then you haven't blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. This is what every single Christian will tell you, regardless of denomination.

There are six ways to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. If you are worried that you might have committed this sin, in either one of the six ways, then you can be sure that you have not committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
One may be moving in the direction of either one of two ways out of the six ways that one can blaspheme the Holy Spirit, despair and presumption. Despair is opposed to the virtue of hope.
God's gift at baptism, faith, hope and charity. There is nothing we can do that God will not forgive as long as we approach Him with a contrite heart and sincerely seek his forgiveness. But the person who despairs of God's mercy, who believes that his sin is too great for God to forgive, refuses to hope upon this particular promise of God. It is by virtue of our hope that we actually seek out his forgiveness. The person who despairs of God's mercy will not seek out His forgiveness for he chooses to despair of that forgiveness. One will never receive it because the precondition for receiving it is that we seek it out.


Well-Known Member
What does blasphemy mean? I have asked 3 priest and two baptist preachers. They have different views. How do I know if I can ever be forgiven? I seen where Jesus said blasphemy is not forgivable. Is the Holy Ghost more powerful than God?

The fact that you asked five different 'experts' and none of them could agree might suggest that they're all just making it up and that maybe you should start thinking for yourself on the matter.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
I was told that this is total and complete rejection of god, knowing God's will.

And God's will is to create and save life and avoid ever having to punish or destroy one person.

I would definitely accept God on those terms. But I don't see God as a reality.

They say God is a giver, not a taker. But to be contrary to God is death deserving hell.

The main idea is that eternal life is all about compassion, and empathy, and true love. Those are God's attributes.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
The terms 'blasphemy' and 'holy spirit' are not explained in the Bible. Look wherever you want, and there are no definitions. The thing to do is to stop listening to whomever got you into this mess. Why are you treading water and almost drowning? Its wrong and shouldn't be happening to you or anybody. Somebody stuck this into your hand and told you to read it, and they didn't know what they were doing. Its just like if I stuck a book about building subs into your hand and told you to manufacture a submarine. Here's a book about submarines, and if you don't build me a sub by tomorrow you are fired.

How about the spirit of truth being the holy spirit. IOW knowing the truth and speaking against it being true?

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. -John 16:13

I have thought the Holy Spirit to be the spirit of truth. Where you no longer try to convert the truth to fit your beliefs.

If however being at this point of knowing unbiased truth and purposely lying altering misleading others to a false understanding. That's pretty evil isn't it?

It's one thing to be mistaken or misled yourself, but to know what is true and purposely lead others away from it. I think this would be a pretty grave offense.


Well-Known Member
I was told that this is total and complete rejection of god, knowing God's will.

And God's will is to create and save life and avoid ever having to punish or destroy one person.

I would definitely accept God on those terms. But I don't see God as a reality.

They say God is a giver, not a taker. But to be contrary to God is death deserving hell.

The main idea is that eternal life is all about compassion, and empathy, and true love. Those are God's attributes.

That's what man's teachings will tell you, total rejection of God.

But what does Christ Jesus tell you, what the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is ?


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
That's all because you have no Spiritual discernment of the word of God.

Christ Jesus very much defines what the Blasphemy of the Spirit is.

It's interesting how folks can make use of the Bible to reinforce the certainty of their own beliefs.

Was this the intent of Jesus I wonder. I've seen it enough to understand the scriptural basis.

Use this passage and that to justify that "I" a Christian, who has been gifted with the Holy Spirit can speak the true meaning of the Bible.

The Holy Spirit provides access to God's secret decoder ring. Blasphemy is anyone speaking against those with access to God's secret decoder ring.
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Nothing my eye, Something for sure
That's what man's teachings will tell you, total rejection of God.

But what does Christ Jesus tell you, what the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is ?

I don't believe in taboo. So it has to be a final intention of rejection in speaking.

Words mean nothing without commitment and intention.


Love everyone, meditate often
What does blasphemy mean? I have asked 3 priest and two baptist preachers. They have different views. How do I know if I can ever be forgiven? I seen where Jesus said blasphemy is not forgivable. Is the Holy Ghost more powerful than God?
Look, if it's freaking you out, you probably haven't done it.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
Makes me wonder what a sinner is this stuff. How far is too far gone, and what is forgivable.

Obviously it takes a commitment to blaspheme the holy ghost.

If you just like to babble, or you think something awful, I myself don't see any crime in that.

It takes full intention to do something evil.

I grew up with the kjv 1611. And I remember struggling with that book for many of my youthful years.

My advice is to expose yourself to other realities, such as nature and science and think through your own conscience very carefully.

After doing that, which I have done, that book lost all it's power over me. I scrutinize it and look back on the Christian book and I am amazed that it ever got to me.

The key is to know your own self, before totally immersing yourself in other proclamations of authority over you.

At the end of life, if I know that I was honest and did my best, in all endeavours, then I have no regrets.

It's good to take time and be totally alone and then be totally honest with yourself.

If you never break away from the group pressures, and get to know your own self, then you have cheated yourself.

Imho group pressures during formative years can lead a person where they might not otherwise go as individuals themselves.

It is clear to me that most religious groups really put social pressure on conformity. Why lose yourself in that?