Personally, I think all creation reflects God's attributes. Rather, probably a better way to say it rather than reflects is expresses. All creation expresses God's attributes, mineral, vegetable, and animal (which includes humans).
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made."
~Romans 1:20
The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech,
And night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words;
Their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their utterances to the end of the world.
~Psalm 19:1-4
Sounds to me like all of creation is the image of God.
And this is key. "When they become developed". The other word for development is
evolution. Not all humans have that developed in themselves. If having this developed is the measure of humans over animals, then are those humans who don't have this developed not actually human and still like the animal?
In a particular sense this is true, but not in another. This is something I could go deep on, but since I don't have the time I'll keep it brief. Everything we experience in order for our minds to hold it has to be filtered through what lenses we have available to us. As the analogy before, some lens are more polished and refined, other more dim. As the Apostle Paul says well, and this is one of my favorite verses in the Bible, "
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
We most certain can experience God directly, but how we understand what that is, after the fact, has to be translated by our minds into some symbolic representation. Now here's is where I could spend several pages talking about this, but won't right now. But it is possible to see "face to face". Most definitely so. Direct experience is available to anyone. The only thing preventing that is our own willingness to be opened to that.
Oh, most definitely not! This is one area I'm am very certain of. Do these people have great insights and value to others on their own paths? Sure, of course, yes. But it is not necessary to be taught by them to access God. The grass of the field is scripture, and one can hear the Words of God in every rustling wave of wind blowing over them. One can connect to God through the smile of a child. One can know God in themselves in Silence. Does a Jesus or a Buddha help guide others? Sure. But to say we are dependent on them, to me is a grave error.
I just thought of this wonderful video as I was typing this. You might enjoy it:
Well, what do you mean by the Word of God? If you mean scripture as spoken by prophets, I'd have to disagree very much with that. If you mean the Light of God which shines through everything in every moment, fully available to us at all times, then I'd say yes. It's really just a matter of the scales falling off our eyes and seeing God who is never anywhere but here.
Which are what? What conditions?
Yes, and no as well. If you mean certitude in our thoughts and beliefs and ideas, I think that would be again a grave error. If you mean certitude in the knowledge and being of God, then yes.
Most definitely not. Quite the opposite actually. I know this because I have experienced these states. What you realize is in fact that what is in you, is in all things, living or simply material. It is quite literally, "rivers of living water", that flows from all things, to all things, and through all things. It lives in you and all that is, and you are deeply, and eternally part of that Stream, that Spirit which moves though you out into to the world, and through the world into you. This, is the Word of God. This is Logos.
Our reality as humans, when the veil of our own blindness is pulled back, reveals that our reality is inextricably tied to all life, and we are that Life itself.
The world of God is not separate from this world. It is not our reason which allows us to penetrate God. It is our very being. It is when we set aside trying to contain God in our minds, that we find God in our very breath. Everything that breathes, breathes God. The difference with man, is we create mental models about God. Animals don't do that. Maybe that's not a good thing for us to do, actually.
To quote the Christian mystic Meister Eckhart here, "I pray God make me free of God that I may know God in his unconditional being".
I agree with this from my own experience.
I'd be careful with saying this. What "truth" and what "falsehood". If you mean facts versus errors, I cannot agree with that. It is not about magical knowledge, where you can pick the winning lottery numbers!
To me this is true, but only within a certain understanding. It's true more along the lines of saying you will know Love when you see it.
Absolutely correct. It's also not a matter of determining facts. Truth with a capital T has nothing to do with propositional truths.
I really think you are making a big mistake trying to say we are not animals. Every argument you make to make us not animals actually applies to other animals besides us. Animals do dream. Ever seen a dog running in his sleep, kicking his legs and then actually getting up to chase the animal he was dreaming about, only to hit the wall he didn't see because he wasn't awake?
Signs? That's interesting. I guess I don't need signs. Can you explain what these are to you?