Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Cute. but I've seen less holes in a sieve. To wit:I have noticed that many (not all) of those with the postmodern emergent/contemplative/mystical mindset and approach to spiritual matters and the biblical scriptures have some common traits. There are several, but I will highlight a few:
1.They deconstruct language taking biblical words and passages, imposing upon them their own mystical/ metaphysical / culturally relevant/ postmodern interpretations making them mean whatever they choose, rather than accept the straightforward text and meanings accepted throughout historic Christianity.
“Postmodern liberalism, which has slithered into the Church with the Emergent movement, shares intellectual roots with fascism. One of the most popular postmodernist tendencies within aesthetics is deconstruction. Deconstruction is a postmodern and Emergent tactic of textual analysis, typically literary critique, that questions presuppositions, ideological underpinnings, hierarchical values and power structures within any given text. Deconstructive approaches apply techniques of close reading of the text without reference to information outside of the text or an authority over the text such as the author.”
"The Emergent method of deconstruction seeks to ridicule the ability of God and humans to communicate clearly through language, all the while they expect the readers of their books to understand what they mean through the use of conventional language. In other words, deconstruction is not convenient when applies to Emergent writings. It’s only useful to Emergents when applied to the Bible, religion, philosophy and morality.
"These irrational and deconstructive seeds and thoughts will inevitably lead to moral breakdown and apostasy in the church that will subsequently unleash a monster comparable to those fascist regimes of the 20th century unless Christians contend for the faith once delivered to the saints".
excerpts from:
2.In an effort to persuade others, they often and repeatedly create strawman and false dilemma fallacies. After creating a distorted view of Christianity, which they claim is held by those adhering to the fundamentals of the biblical faith, they then attack this distorted strawman and proceed to lift up their practice and perspective as the superior alternative. Yet, anyone who knows the scriptures and beliefs of a born again Christian knows these to be totally erroneous and contrary to the Bible and the life of the believer. The fundamental, evangelical believer knows that life in Christ is not “do’s and don’ts, the law brings bondage, but the Spirit of Christ brings freedom to live the new life which God desires for us and that God’s perfect love casts out fear.
Or making blanket statements such as, traditional, fundamental Christianity is a “dysfunctional, diseased, system devoid of love and compassion in which no spiritual growth occurs”. Again, against this caricature they present their way, their community and movement as offering a higher alternative for spiritual growth, empowerment, love, and compassion. Yet, this is another fallacy and complete distortion since the entire message of the gospel revolves around Christ’s sacrificial love, the injunction to love God and one another, and to live victoriously over sin through a life transformed and empowered by Jesus Christ.
3. Another strategy Emergents/contemplatives use is brazen self-contradiction. I’m not sure if it is deliberate or they are simply lost in their upside down world of synthesis and confused unreality. They assert, for example, that truth cannot be known with any certainty. Therefore anyone’s truth can be truth (except fundamental biblical truth claims). They deny the historic, Christian perspective of absolute truth revealed in the scriptures as the Word of God. This claim of theirs they consider to be ABSOLUTELY TRUE and they are ABSOLUTELY certain! They say that it is wrong for any segment of Christianity to arrogantly claim the Bible holds objective truth doctrines or practices which can be understood and apply to everyone, yet they repeatedly claim to have a loftier, superior understanding of these things than conservative Evangelicals do. While they claim standing for conservative biblical moral standards is wrong, they often insist that their views of liberal morality and social causes are correct.
I see that because of the self-contradictory nature of the relativism they embrace, emergent writings abound with these and endless contradictions creating a mindset and community of confusion. Since the true God, the Creator God who inspired and revealed Himself in the biblical scriptures is not the author of confusion ( 1 Corinthians 14:33), He is certainly not present in their it must be another "god" who is leading this movement, the same one who has been questioning God’s truth and leading it from the beginning ( Genesis 3:1)
1) There is no "straightforward meaning accepted throughout historic Christianity." Meanings of words and texts have always been problematic, since from the time of Jesus, there have been differences in language and culture that demand a deeper probe of meaning. There has historically been a need for textual criticism and exegesis, and that has always been part of biblical scholarship. Rather, it's fundamentalists who dismiss the necessity of credible, biblical scholarship. The presuppositions, "ideological underpinnings," hierarchical "values," and "power structures" are generally "extra baggage" that has been imposed on the texts by a lack of scholarship. Asserting to gullible people that "they don't need scholarship in order to embrace Jesus," fundamentalists conflate the need for scholarship in reading and understanding the texts accurately with a "faith that's in the head -- not the heart," and thereby curtail information that might prove a too-narrow interpretation unworthy of the texts.
Today, we read only a translation of a translation, yet fundamentalists, instead of realizing the true nature of the texts they read, insist that what they are reading is "infallible," "the true words of Christ," etc. The source is wrong, since Emergents don't parse out words of the texts, because, by and large, they don't place nearly the emphasis on the bible that fundamentalists do. They don't care what the texts say, so much as they care what Christians do.
Equating post-modern liberalism with fascism, is not only wrong (since fascism is not "liberating" in any way), but inflammatory and a scare tactic.
The "Emergent method" doesn't "ridicule the ability" of anyone to clearly communicate anything through language. Post-moderns simply recognize the texts for what they are, and not for what some wish they were. In fact, if anything, the "Emergent method" (itself a misnomer, since Emergents eschew "methods" and "systems") celebrates the intellect and ability of the human mind to move beyond cheap emotionalism where ancient texts are concerned, and to study them effectively and dispassionately, in order to arrive at consistent and valid meanings.
Note the scare tactic here. Emergents seek to shore up morality that has heretofore been lacking in the exclusionary and, at times, militant approach of imperial Xy to evangelism and dividing the human family into the "elect" and the "lost." The only thing that may be broken down is the chokehold fundamentalism has had on American Xy for far too long, with it's "gospel" of conformity to arbitrary and unreasonable standards."These irrational and deconstructive seeds and thoughts will inevitably lead to moral breakdown and apostasy in the church that will subsequently unleash a monster comparable to those fascist regimes of the 20th century unless Christians contend for the faith once delivered to the saints".
Emergents claim that God is love, and that the gospel is a gospel of love, shown in egalitarian acts of mercy. This is a "distorted view" of Christianity?After creating a distorted view of Christianity, which they claim is held by those adhering to the fundamentals of the biblical faith, they then attack this distorted strawman and proceed to lift up their practice and perspective as the superior alternative.
"Believe in God and in the 'fact' that Jesus died to save you from your sins, or spend an eternity in hell" isn't fear?? I grew up and have spent most of my adult life in the bible belt. I've lived close to a lot of fundies, and not one person among them has ever fostered anything but the tightest systems of dos and don'ts. you either believe like them and act like them, or they see you as condemned.they may charge evangelical Christians with having a, “tightly defined system of "do's and don'ts" or “Fear”.
Yet, all we hear is, "You can't dance, go to the movies, drink, smoke, or have premarital sex. Or be homosexual, or you're going to hell." That sounds a lot like a list of dos and don'ts to me.The fundamental, evangelical believer knows that life in Christ is not “do’s and don’ts, the law brings bondage, but the Spirit of Christ brings freedom to live the new life which God desires for us and that God’s perfect love casts out fear.
But, apparently, "They deconstruct language taking biblical words and passages, imposing upon them their own mystical/ metaphysical / culturally relevant/ postmodern interpretations making them mean whatever they choose, rather than accept the straightforward text and meanings accepted throughout historic Christianity." and ""The Emergent method of deconstruction seeks to ridicule the ability of God and humans to communicate clearly through language, all the while they expect the readers of their books to understand what they mean through the use of conventional language. In other words, deconstruction is not convenient when applies to Emergent writings. It’s only useful to Emergents when applied to the Bible, religion, philosophy and morality." aren't blanket statements, themselves, that present the fundamentalist alternative as being higher? This is disingenuous, not only because it presents a straw man, itself, but it accuses the other side of doing the same things it, itself, is doing.Or making blanket statements such as, traditional, fundamental Christianity is a “dysfunctional, diseased, system devoid of love and compassion in which no spiritual growth occurs”.Again, against this caricature they present their way, their community and movement as offering a higher alternative for spiritual growth, empowerment, love, and compassion. Yet, this is another fallacy and complete distortion since the entire message of the gospel revolves around Christ’s sacrificial love, the injunction to love God and one another, and to live victoriously over sin through a life transformed and empowered by Jesus Christ.
In fact, "Christ's sacrificial love, the injunction to love God and one another, and live victoriously over sin through a life transformed and empowered by Jesus Christ" is precisely what Emergents believe and promulgate. Unfortunately, I don't see that message coming through in fundamentalist circles.
See above.Another strategy Emergents/contemplatives use is brazen self-contradiction.
Your whole statement about truth claims is just as true for fundamentalists as you claim it is for Emergents. The difference is that Emergents tend to take an objective, more fact-oriented approach to the texts, while most fundamentalists throw around words like "infallible," "God's words," "absolute," etc., which are more subjectively-based. What you don't like is that Emergents and post-modern liberals don't share your emotional view of the texts, which can cloud the reality of what the texts are.
It's really sad that you pit Evangelicals against Emergents, creating this false dichotomy, without realizing that there is such an animal as an Evangelical Emergent. In fact, the Emergent Movement began in the Evangelical church as a backlash against rampant emotionalism, judgment, and exclusivism. As I said, the post is too full of holes to be called an argument. Better to call it a screen, keeping out bugs of truth that otherwise bother you and bite you in the butt.