Hi Windwalker,
Not true, and false assumptions?
How come this is not true. It is reality. I thought you like
reality, isn’t it? Do you pay taxes? Do you submit to your parents? How about to your boss when you’re working? We cannot eradicate those reality. Jesus Christ also submit to His Father. How can you erase that reality?
You apparently did not read my words, yet once again. That or your reading and comprehension skills are challenged here. Yes, that type of organization exists. No, it is not the "natural order of things". There are other types of organizational models as well. The hierarchical model you citing is only one type, not the only or all types. I said all this, yet you did not understand.
Anything that you will name has authority on top of it. In a church, there are members, layman, ministers, Associate pastor, Senior pastor, and above them is God. Some have Board of Directors inside the organizational structure of a church. In summary to that, there is still authority, and that is God.
I've never said it doesn't exist. I said it is not the only model. I cited several examples. Here's another example that doesn't follow the line model,
http://www.psychology-lexicon.com/cms/glossary/36-glossary-c/1578-consensus-model.html Perhaps
@Orbit could offer other examples for your learning. I'm pretty sure she is aware of other social structures that do not follow the head warlord or CEO at the top hierarchical models. As I said, there are others more knowledgeable than I in these areas, but at least I am aware they exist and your One Ring to Rule Them All model is not the natural order of things. Monarchies are only
one type of organization structure.
God started his creation, He created angels. Those angels submit to God because He is the Creator. Jesus Christ submit to the Father. Now, what’s the use of saying the early church’s organizational structure that has no leaders?
The early church is still under the authority of God.
You missed what I said, of course. I'm tired of having to retype all this because you don't read what I say. Go back again and read it over.
If you are created as a man that has “no submission” since when you are born, I think you are a rare and extra-ordinary man who make himself as self-authority.
Never said it doesn't exist. Go back and read it over again.
When it comes to biblical interpretation, there is also a submission and authority. How?
No. There are other modes of approaching scripture, not just the model you were programmed with.
I shared this story over in another thread I'll add here as example of a different approach which is totally foreign to the mode of thinking you were programmed with. There is a story of a well-respected Jewish Rabbi around the time following the destruction of the temple who was a master of reimagining and reinterpreting the Torah. In fact, that practice was common in Judaism. The story tells how that Moses decided to come down from heaven to hear this famous Rabbi himself. He sat in the 8th row back so as to be inconspicuous. As he listened, he couldn't understand anything the Rabbi had said about the Torah which had been revealed to himself! Moses then stood up and exclaimed with great joy saying, "My sons have surpassed me!", and he made his way back to heaven.
You see, I think that story really speaks to the validity of how it is acceptable to reimagine and reinterpret things, and why in fact we should. The best students are those who surpass their own teacher's understandings! The mark of a good teacher is having students who do! Your model of "authority" squelches the spirit of creativity and imagination. Life creates and unfolds. You preach death, a finality of meaning. You kill God.
First, we received and submit to the Holy Spirit—as the Spirit of truth that guide us in biblical interpretation.
Bull****. The Spirit of Truth does not guide us in biblical interpretation. Where is THAT taught in scripture? The only thing it says it the Spirit will guide you into all truth, and that it will bring to mind the things Jesus said. It is your interpretation that that means good bible interpretations! Ridiculous. It doesn't say that anywhere.
Having the words of Jesus come back into mind takes on many and varied understandings of them, as his words bristle with meaning. Your model of how the Spirit works is curious, strange, and non-biblical to say the least. Magical thinking is the best description.
Second, we submit to the biblical standard of interpretation.
There is no such thing. You are going beyond what the Bible teaches.
You may do research about this if you’re not familiar. That standards should be followed to make sound interpretation with consistency and without contradiction.
That's a
modern methodology that was invented by men. That is a fact. Accept it. And also accept it is flawed, faulty, and the method leads to inconsistent results. It does not escape the fact that it is still an interpretation, even if it is a group-think consensus interpretation.
The Pope is still under God’s authority. No man is over the authority of God.
And who interprets God's word above the Pope? Again, you need to read my posts more carefully. I'm tired of having to repeat these points when they were clear the first time around. You need to take more responsibility for reading carefully.
Regarding the gospels in the New Testament, we (naturally) saw their narration in a different angle/views. But if we collect those narratives, they are a complete and assembled narratives into one.
No, they are not. There are irreconcilable contradictions of events and things said. Those contradictions cannot be interpreted away using your man-made
modern interpretive approaches from the conservative schools of thought.
One thing that we can assure with the synoptic gospels are their consistency and non-contradictory narration in the same setting.
Only if you ignore evidence and make convoluted interpretations of the stories to make them "fit" together into some strained narrative, making two donkeys and one donkey mean the same thing by saying it was a single magical donkey with 12 legs and 2 heads kind of beast that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on. Of course, that's a new "Mashup" Gospel and none of the ones in the Bible. Talk about interpretation gone wild!
If you believe that the “Spirit” or “Holy Spirit” does not have the final word (as authority), then that shows what you are claiming as your light (as the Spirit of truth) is not God, the Creator.
No it does not. Your black and white modes of thinking assumes this. That assumption is wrong.
I am, and did say, that Spirit is the Groundless Ground. There is no final end to it, as if it were it would not be Infinite, it would not be the Living Word. Truth unfolds into truths, again and again and again. The notion that truth is static, such as the model you espouse with your mind, does not apply to the Absolute. God is not a fixed point. Truth is not a single truth. I made the case how that if you make it that, then you kill God. Only death is final.
Now, who is that Spirit that is spoken to you?
There is only Spirit. It's not a "who". And it doesn't work the way you imagine coming from your own ideas and interpreting the world around you to fit into those. It's nothing I could communicate that you would be able understand.
If we apply your interpretation of
“final word” is the stopping point of understanding, then who is that
“final word” who is making you to stop?
This question makes no comprehendible sense.