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What is Evidence?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What do you mean by this? Some examples, please.
I don't know what @RestlessSoul will say to this, but to me many things in life are self-evident. "The meaning of SELF-EVIDENT is evident without proof or reasoning." (Merriam Webster) Of course some will differ with that. Maybe many will differ.


Well-Known Member
As I said, you've some (very) basic education
to catch up on before you try to do any critique.

Or offer lessons!

You should try learning from your mistakes instead
of digging in!

Nobody but nobody respects that.

I don’t know what your education has taught you; for myself, I know just enough to be aware of how little I know.

Your respect is of little consequence to me btw.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I think we need to be very careful with genetis and postulating historically with it.

Most archaeogenetics is used to consider human populations over time periods measured in 1000 years or kya, ranging from 5-300kya. With the popularity of genetic testing these days I think the science has been reduced and put into the hands of corporations who are using these tests as a marketing ploy.

My point to make is, the more recent the genetic claim, the larger the pinch of salt to be taken.
I'd say I mostly agree with you, but I probably put more faith in the genetics of more recent migrations. And like many people, I paid for the ancestry.com DNA test to see what came up, and enjoyed it a great deal. :) I don't think the fact that they do these tests for profit means that the tests are unreliable. After all, I have to pay my doctor for his diagnosis and treatment, but I trust he knows what he's doing.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
An evidence: the sun is yellow.
Every child in school colors the sun yellow, because that is what they learn to do. In fact the sun is white, and so intensely white, that we cannot even look at it directly. The reason yellow is often used to depict the sun is because if you color a white sun on a white piece of paper, you get nothing. LOL And yellow is one of the warm colors, so it is a good metaphor for the light and heat from the sun.


Veteran Member
I don’t know what your education has taught you; for myself, I know just enough to be aware of how little I know.

Your respect is of little consequence to me btw.
If youd actually learned even that much you'd know to
quit trying to critique scirnce / offering lessons.

"nobody but nobody" doesnt refer to one person.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
But why is the sky blue?
Could be this is a joke answer meant to humorously deal with the comment that the sun is yellow. But in case you are asking in earnest...

The sky appears blue because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. When sunlight (white, because it contains all colors) enters the Earth's atmosphere, it hits tiny molecules of air, which scatter the light in all directions. Blue light has a shorter wavelength means that it scatters more efficiently from all points of the sky, making it more likely to reach our eyes.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
A big rock will fall faster than a small rock. -- evident.
This is a very common conclusion people have. However, this is not exactly the case.

  1. In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their size or weight. This is because gravity acts equally on all objects in the absence of air resistance.
  2. If there is air resistance, heavier objects generally fall faster than lighter objects because they are less affected by air resistance relative to their weight,EVEN IF THE HEAVIER OBJECT IS SMALLER. However, size and shape can also influence how air resistance affects an object. Larger objects with greater surface areas may experience more air resistance, which can affect their falling speed.
  3. In either case, size alone does not determine falling speed. In a vacuum, size doesn't matter. With air resistance, the interaction between size, shape, and weight affects falling speed.
  4. The common misconception that larger objects fall faster often stems from the fact that larger objects are usually heavier, and heavier objects tend to fall faster in the presence of air resistance. The key factor is the object's weight relative to its surface area, which influences the impact of air resistance.

This topic often brings to mind the very famous story of Galileo dropping rocks off the Tower of Pisa to test this. The Tower of Pisa part is almost certainly just myth, but it is true he did investigate this issue.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don’t know what your education has taught you; for myself, I know just enough to be aware of how little I know.
I'd have to agree, and the more I read, the more technical it gets and scientists in general stick with a narrow scope of information and detail.


Active Member
I'd say I mostly agree with you, but I probably put more faith in the genetics of more recent migrations. And like many people, I paid for the ancestry.com DNA test to see what came up, and enjoyed it a great deal. :) I don't think the fact that they do these tests for profit means that the tests are unreliable. After all, I have to pay my doctor for his diagnosis and treatment, but I trust he knows what he's doing.

I'm not sure where you live but medical practitioners are regulated heavily. To practice without a licence in many places is a felony that can lead to jail time, and impersonating a medical practitioner who never had a licence is even harsher. Those certificates on the wall do give some reassurance :)

DNA testing is the opposite, which is a bit scary. They can use labels saying x ethnicity for y time period etc and give a percentage, but who is going to regulate that information? The companies themselves say it is an "evolving process", which sounds like a commerical slogan.

With archaeogenetics the science is very specific, it relies more on identifying chromosomes and specific genes. I doubt these companies are doing that, and I would bet that, if all the DNA was analyzed from an entire genomic point of view including chromosome, the differences would be far, far, less than what they are portraying it to be.

Ancestory.com is great to find relatives, but I wouldn't take any more from it.


Active Member
@Valjean provided two examples, from before Copernicus and Galileo.

More recently, we have discovered that all the old certainties of classical physics are merely probabilities; that nothing is solid, nothing is fixed, and that facts - about time, for example - are not absolute, but depend upon a frame of reference. The material world, which reduces ultimately to forms of forms of forms, only the arrangements of which are real, is world of illusion,

Yes I see what you mean.

However, would you agree humans are looking for the most probable or most correct outcome, therefore science & evidence based studies do this more than anything else.

Or are you only referring to purely subjective experiences like how you feel about something or thoughts?
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Active Member
I don't know what @RestlessSoul will say to this, but to me many things in life are self-evident. "The meaning of SELF-EVIDENT is evident without proof or reasoning." (Merriam Webster) Of course some will differ with that. Maybe many will differ.

Yeah, I assume what you are referring to is faith? Or simply a subjective experience like how you feel about something.

Or could you explain some examples or situations where something is evident without proof of reasoning.

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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
More recently, we have discovered that all the old certainties of classical physics are merely probabilities; that nothing is solid, nothing is fixed, and that facts - about time, for example - are not absolute, but depend upon a frame of reference.
So far I'm following you.
The material world, which reduces ultimately to forms of forms of forms, only the arrangements of which are real, is world of illusion,
Here I have to disagree. Your conclusion that the world is illusion is unwarranted. The fact that reality includes randomness and chaos does not in any way indicate that it is illusion.


Active Member

Do you mean feelings as in emotions or how you feel about something because I think they are different. Emotions can be measured through self-assessment questionnaires or only with objective psychophysics or brain imaging.

How you feel about something can not be measured?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yeah, I assume what you are referring to is faith? Or simply a subjective experience like how you feel about something.

Or could you explain some examples or situations where something is evident without proof of reasoning.

When you say proof of reasoning I cannot really reply to that, because what I experience is not necessarily what others experience in various respects. I hope that makes sense. For instance, the Bible says that Moses spoke with God and had a very close relationship with Him. Not all believed Moses at the time as written. Same with Jesus. He had followers and persecutors. Then we have religions where there are those that may be called prophets and I do not accept them as prophets sent by the God I believe in. So we each have boundaries in our thinking and the supreme God knows these things and takes all this into consideration as He sees things.


Active Member
When you say proof of reasoning I cannot really reply to that, because what I experience is not necessarily what others experience in various respects. I hope that makes sense. For instance, the Bible says that Moses spoke with God and had a very close relationship with Him. Not all believed Moses at the time as written. Same with Jesus. He had followers and persecutors. Then we have religions where there are those that may be called prophets and I do not accept them as prophets sent by the God I believe in. So we each have boundaries in our thinking and the supreme God knows these things and takes all this into consideration as He sees things.

Yeah cool, I think that's faith, your personal beliefs and your beliefs can have its own evidence