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What is Happening in Our Schools?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why should school be a place to push things related to sexual identity and other things that are none of anyone's business?.....
They aren't pushing anything. Role-playing is a normal part of most types of therapy, and homosexuals and transgender people are frequently targeted. Nothing is being pushed. Just because a school says homosexuals and transsexuals exists and they too deserve to be treated with dignity and respect is not taking power away from parents, it is not pushing anything, and it's not even saying you have to agree with them. But, what tends to happen when your taught to respect people is you aren't going to condemn them just because you're told you're supposed to. The very fact you use the term "gay agenda" shows just how biased and prejudiced your views are, because there is no such thing, and it's only ever spoken of, as a boogeyman, by those who try to discredit and attack the LBGT community. You certainly don't see or hear of us going on about our secret agendas to enlist the Illuminati and take over the world.
Sorry, that is Catholicism...NOT Christianity. Please don't confuse the two.
Catholics are Christians. And more than Catholics have done their share of violence, brutality, repression, oppression, and demanding that those who do not believe be legally bound to their dogma anyways.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Schools in Australia are breeding grounds for all manner of unsavory conduct. The fact that most people don't consider then "unsavory" any more is beside the point.

Yeah. All sorts of interracial mingling and other such unsavory conduct that is no longer frowned upon by society. Like young lades learning maths and young gentlemen forced to do a semester of Home Economics. Because as we all know, tradition automatically equals right!!

Teens are freely having sex...a lot of it under the influence of drugs and alcohol, so it is largely unprotected. That means that STD's are on the rise as well.

Teens have been having sex since the dawn of time and unlike previous generations we can actually cure many diseases. Thankfully.
Drugs and alcohol have been a part of youthful escapades for centuries. Literally centuries.
I mean good god, you don't expect us to believe the older generations (especially the Baby Boomer generation) were sober and sex free during their teen years do you? Lol pull the other one mate. The stories of rebellious adventures the older generation has under it's belt makes this generation look like veritable angels.

Interestingly enough, the idea that one should not have sex during the teenage years is a very recent phenomenon. Up until post WWII there wasn't even a concept of adolescence or teenager. And even when it first came about, it was more about marketing than anything else. People were usually married off by the age of 15. The age of marriage slowly increased over the 20th century, especially in the latter half. The so called "traditional values" that is constantly being raved about as pinnacles of the good old fashioned days are not even a century old in the West. (Younger in other regions of the world I'm sure.)

Parents are almost forced to allow their teens to sleep with whoever they like under their own roof.

Wow. Those must be some pretty lazy weak willed parents!

They will accept things today that would have shocked the socks off them decades ago. Is this a good thing? Are people happier with all this freedom? Or is it causing more problems than the old ways ever did? Have we just swapped slavery to one set of rules for an equal form of slavery, causing an equal amount of heartache?

Yes. My grandfather was indeed initially quite shocked that young ladies were wearing pants and had friendships with young men openly all the way through their lives. Ah the corroding of the old ways. Liberating in many ways.

I fail to see what heartache befalls people with kids being taught that gay people don't deserve to be demonized. Are the churches so hatefilled that they literally need their younglings to hate, judge, condemn and shun gay people? The growing lack of which causes them heartache? Wow. That's some strong *** hate right there!

How many of today's children even know what a father is in a family setting?

Probably more than at least two of the generations of kids who literally grew up without fathers due to the "Great Wars."

How many know what being faithful to a mate means?

I don't know? Cheating doesn't automatically evaporate if you're religious, though. So I fail to see the connection.

Is the world a better place because we have thrown all the Bible's rules out of the window?

Don't secular European societies continuously outperform America and Australia in every conceivable way though?
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Well-Known Member
You know what we teach our children? I invite you to visit our website JW.ORG and see for yourself what we teach our children. Its called morality and good manners, love of God, appreciation for family unity and self sufficiency...something sadly lacking in this world....actually something sadly lacking in Christendom also. Isn't that the reason why you have drifted in and out of the Catholic Church so often? What draws you back...what drives you away again?

You think you and your church are the only ones who teach children these values? That is simply ridiculous. I was raised to be polite, to have good manners, to say yes sir and no sir, or ma'am. We were taught that no elder ever goes into a nursing home, something I see Christians doing all the time. We were taught to work and do our share from the time I was able to gather eggs from the hen coop. I was taught to put half my earnings in savings while I worked in school and so on. There was no outside activities until homework was done and checked. And we were encouraged, strongly so, to get the best grades we could. And not just pass but actually learn. We did not watch TV. We played outside and were active in sports or whatever activity we enjoyed. You seem to think that the only children who are raised correctly are those who are raised within a church. That is simply untrue. And btw..I was bullied all through high school which I hated. The fact that programs are now in progress to stop bullying is something I applaud with all my heart.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I mean good god, you don't expect us to believe the older generations (especially the Baby Boomer generation) were sober and sex free during their teen years do you? Lol pull the other one mate. The stories of rebellious adventures the older generation has under it's belt makes this generation look like veritable angels.
Yes. Even my lifestyle that many disapprove of, over certain things, even this Gen-X degenerate pales in comparison to the likes of Hunter S. Thompson. Nobody would consider me a saint, but he sure makes me look like one.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Recently attention has been drawn to an "anti-bullying program" introduced into Australian schools supposedly in an effort to help children who are "different" to stand up to bullies. But this has gone too far in the opinion of many, where children are asked to role play gay or transsexual teens. Children are also being urged to question their sexuality when they are not really old enough to understand sexual identity at such a young age.
Gender starts to become a thing definitely by age 2, though more primitive identifications are earlier.

See quote below
The general conclusion reached in this brief analysis is that role playing, case studies, and simulation games can all improve the effectiveness of learning when used as teaching aids. The results of the experiment reported here indicate that
these techniques improve students' understanding of complicated material when combined with lecture presentations. However, the amount of impact each technique has on students varies directly
with the amount of time required, as would be expected.

Role playing helps in giving students a better understanding of the decision-making environment, but does not allow for much detail in the information presented or in the variables being studied. Students are exposed to the stresses of a particular situation of interest, yet the exercise lasts only a short time.

So, we have the first link describe that gender identity comes much sooner than you assume and the second link describes the reliability of role playing. Given the facts, this seems an appropriate assignment so far.

"Australian Christian Lobby spokeswoman Wendy Frances says the Safe Schools material “discriminates’’ against heterosexual kids. “This is bullying in reverse,’’ she says.
1. Do gays normally harass heteros? In what sense is this reverse bullying?
2. Does she know what "pretend" means? It's so frustrating to have children learn the difference between fantasy and reality when the parents don't know the difference either.

It will NEVER be "socially acceptable" to God.
I think Jesus would disagree with you, given Matt 19:12. Even Paul, someone I consider to be a blasphemous Trojan Horse, was right that under Christ, we are ALL equal in God's eyes.

The only ones trying to kick certain groups out of heaven is people like you, not God.

I have no problem with anyone being 'gay'
You have made it abundantly clear you think they should be considered lower than normal human beings.

Since when is gender identity or transsexualism something that should be learned at school? Whatever happened to parents balancing the opinions of educators at home?
The supporters of abstinence argue that it is the only infallible way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. But, by definition, abstinence works only when teens are sexually inactive -- without exception. Unfortunately, statistics indicate that one-fourth of 15-year-olds have had sexual intercourse at least once, and more than half of 17-year-olds are sexually active, according to the Institute.

The risks are even more startling: A sexually active teenage girl who has sex without contraception has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year, according to the Institute. Just as disturbing is that in a single act of vaginal intercourse with an infected male partner, a female teenager has a 30% risk of contracting genital herpes, a 50% chance of contracting gonorrhea, and a 1 in 100 chance of acquiring HIV.

And leaving it up to parents will only generate more teen pregnancies and STDs.

JW's take an active role in their children's education to make sure that the influences of the world do not rub off on them unnecessarily.
Like facts? Is this not the denomination you have bragged about elsewhere "respecting medical professionals" by ignoring all of our data?

Do you know anything about JW's except for what comes from our opposers? What do you know first hand, StF?
I know I try real hard not to judge an entire group based on stereotypes, but when a member of said group pulls out all the stops to verify those ...


Well-Known Member
Recently attention has been drawn to an "anti-bullying program" introduced into Australian schools supposedly in an effort to help children who are "different" to stand up to bullies. But this has gone too far in the opinion of many, where children are asked to role play gay or transsexual teens. Children are also being urged to question their sexuality when they are not really old enough to understand sexual identity at such a young age.

"Australian Christian Lobby spokeswoman Wendy Frances says the Safe Schools material “discriminates’’ against heterosexual kids. “This is bullying in reverse,’’ she says. “A lot of children are still pretty innocent about this stuff; there’s a lot in the program that is age-inappropriate."

It is disturbing to me that the gay agenda has been carried too far and is now infiltrating to the point of making something that is still morally objectionable to many people, into something socially acceptable. It will NEVER be "socially acceptable" to God.

The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras held in Sydney has become a "family" event. I am sorry, but there is no way I would expose my young children to this...or to teach them that this is "normal" or "acceptable" human behavior.

I have no problem with anyone being 'gay'...it is a genetic hiccup, but to promote the gay lifestyle as morally acceptable is something a Christian cannot condone.

For those who do not care what God thinks....I guess its party on. :(



Are children in other countries exposed to this too?
Just what exactly is the "gay agenda"?

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Recently attention has been drawn to an "anti-bullying program" introduced into Australian schools supposedly in an effort to help children who are "different" to stand up to bullies. But this has gone too far in the opinion of many, where children are asked to role play gay or transsexual teens.

It's designed to generate empathy for victims of bullying in the same way kids roleplay other bullying scenarios. Stop being homophobic.

Children are also being urged to question their sexuality when they are not really old enough to understand sexual identity at such a young age.

Doubt it.

"Australian Christian Lobby spokeswoman Wendy Frances says the Safe Schools material “discriminates’’ against heterosexual kids. “This is bullying in reverse,’’ she says. “A lot of children are still pretty innocent about this stuff; there’s a lot in the program that is age-inappropriate."

Bullying in reverse? No. It's teaching gay and trans kids to handle bullying that will undoubtedly come their way because people like you don't want your kids to see how they shouldn't treat people who are different.

Since when are straight kids ever bullied for their sexuality?

It is disturbing to me that the gay agenda has been carried too far and is now infiltrating to the point of making something that is still morally objectionable to many people, into something socially acceptable.

And your argument fails automatically for playing the "gay agenda" card.

It will NEVER be "socially acceptable" to God.

Considering this god thinks it's socially acceptable to own slaves and force a rapist to marry his victim, I'm not sure that civilised people care if it matters to him.

he Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras held in Sydney has become a "family" event. I am sorry, but there is no way I would expose my young children to this...or to teach them that this is "normal" or "acceptable" human behavior.

Because gays and lesbians can and do bring up children. People of all ages should be taught that it's okay to be proud of who you are, and that our societies won't mistreat you for it.

I have no problem with anyone being 'gay'

Clearly you do. You also have a problem with anyone who is gay and is not afraid to show it the same way straight people exhibit their sexuality.

...it is a genetic hiccup

Is that your professional opinion, doctor?

but to promote the gay lifestyle as morally acceptable is something a Christian cannot condone.

Stick to your voluntary straight lifestyle then.

Brian Schuh

Well-Known Member
Someone doesn't understand evolution.

Sex ed doesn't even teach you how to have regular sex let alone gay sex, what sort of utopia do you live in?

Can't tell what this is about. Is this about the trans washroom thing?
You're a ****ing idiot.

People have to pass grade 12 English to get any scholarship (at least here in Canada), highly doubt someone without fundamental reading skills would be in any way capable of doing so where you live.
My failure to believe evolution has nothing to do with whether or not I understand it.

No, utopia is not understanding how to have gay sex and many gays would agree.

And you know nothing about schools in USA where countless students just get socially promoted for reasons a lot less than a sports scholarship.

Any other ignorance you need addressed?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Is that a "wow" because it is sadly true or for another reason?

Schools in Australia are breeding grounds for all manner of unsavory conduct. The fact that most people don't consider then "unsavory" any more is beside the point.

Teens are freely having sex...a lot of it under the influence of drugs and alcohol, so it is largely unprotected. That means that STD's are on the rise as well.

Parents are almost forced to allow their teens to sleep with whoever they like under their own roof. Many older people today have become as desensitized as the youth. They will accept things today that would have shocked the socks off them decades ago. Is this a good thing? Are people happier with all this freedom? Or is it causing more problems than the old ways ever did? Have we just swapped slavery to one set of rules for an equal form of slavery, causing an equal amount of heartache?

How many of today's children even know what a father is in a family setting? How many know what being faithful to a mate means? Is the world a better place because we have thrown all the Bible's rules out of the window?

It's wow because there are broad brushes, and then there is simply making up a narrative based on worldview before squishing the world around you into it.

The comment to which I responded (which wasn't yours) appears to do exactly that, without even an attempt to look credible.

Your post here, on the other hand, does attempt to look credible. I'd like to respond in detail, but it will need to wait until I'm at a computer. Too hard to address this on my phone.


Well-Known Member
My failure to believe evolution has nothing to do with whether or not I understand it.

No, utopia is not understanding how to have gay sex and many gays would agree.

And you know nothing about schools in USA where countless students just get socially promoted for reasons a lot less than a sports scholarship.

Any other ignorance you need addressed?


Let me ask what is the source of all your ideals concerning gays and transexuals? You mentioned evolution so I get a hint of religion in there.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes. Even my lifestyle that many disapprove of, over certain things, even this Gen-X degenerate pales in comparison to the likes of Hunter S. Thompson. Nobody would consider me a saint, but he sure makes me look like one.
My father was born in the late 20s. He was a veritable renegade.
Though it did make for some easy convincing to let me off the hook whenever I got into trouble. Because although I inherited his talent for mischief making, he always had a story of something worse he had done.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
You think you and your church are the only ones who teach children these values? That is simply ridiculous. I was raised to be polite, to have good manners, to say yes sir and no sir, or ma'am. We were taught that no elder ever goes into a nursing home, something I see Christians doing all the time. We were taught to work and do our share from the time I was able to gather eggs from the hen coop. I was taught to put half my earnings in savings while I worked in school and so on. There was no outside activities until homework was done and checked. And we were encouraged, strongly so, to get the best grades we could. And not just pass but actually learn. We did not watch TV. We played outside and were active in sports or whatever activity we enjoyed. You seem to think that the only children who are raised correctly are those who are raised within a church. That is simply untrue. And btw..I was bullied all through high school which I hated. The fact that programs are now in progress to stop bullying is something I applaud with all my heart.

Jo, can I ask what age group you are in and how long ago the upbringing you describe was actually experienced? It wasn't recent decades, was it?

You describe my childhood and I am not young. My grandchildren are being raised to be responsible, thoughtful children, but their mother is thinking about hauling them out of school because of the influence of many of the other children. Home schooling is now a common option for parents who want to counteract the awful school environment...especially the bullying, the attitudes and the language. Anti-bullying school programs should be addressing the cause of bullying....because usually the bullies have been bullied themselves or have appalling home situations and are just trying to regain some power in their lives.

My brother in law drives the school bus in our small town and he is constantly lamenting about the appalling conduct and complete lack of respect shown by even small children these days. There are no manners and he has little control over their conduct because of the rules he must follow....and the kids know it. How can he concentrate on driving a bus full of kids when half of them are distracting him in the worst way?

I don't see that we will ever get on top of this problem. It is just continues to get worse.


Well-Known Member
Jo, can I ask what age group you are in and how long ago the upbringing you describe was actually experienced? It wasn't recent decades, was it?

You describe my childhood and I am not young. My grandchildren are being raised to be responsible, thoughtful children, but their mother is thinking about hauling them out of school because of the influence of many of the other children. Home schooling is now a common option for parents who want to counteract the awful school environment...especially the bullying, the attitudes and the language. Anti-bullying school programs should be addressing the cause of bullying....because usually the bullies have been bullied themselves or have appalling home situations and are just trying to regain some power in their lives.

My brother in law drives the school bus in our small town and he is constantly lamenting about the appalling conduct and complete lack of respect shown by even small children these days. There are no manners and he has little control over their conduct because of the rules he must follow....and the kids know it. How can he concentrate on driving a bus full of kids when half of them are distracting him in the worst way?

I don't see that we will ever get on top of this problem. It is just continues to get worse.
Whose fault is the behavior of these children you speak of on that bus? Its certainly not the bus driver's nor the children. It is the parents. Parents who sit their children in front of TVs and computers and laptops and tablets and ignore them. And when I speak of parents, I do not mean the quintessential classic mother/father and 2.5 children. Parents can be one mother, one father, two fathers, two mothers, foster parents, adoptive parents, etc. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs may have thought they were doing the world a favor but IMO, they did not. And in point of fact, I have written several graduate level papers about the detriments of using technology to the exclusion of other methods. Did you know that one of the biggest complaints that patients have today is that doctors and nurses no longer even look at them. They look at a computer screen. What happens if all the PC's go down and hospitals have no computer access? Nurses today would be lost, literally. In this town, children from the age of kindergarten are required...REQUIRED...to have a tablet or laptop to start school. What of the parents who cannot afford such a thing? And trust me, there are many. Home schooling is an option but there are detriments to that as well. Had I had that option, I might have done it rather than be bullied every single day at school. All because we started out poor; farmers., and through the genius of my father who was "flipping this house" long before it became a popular TV series and he became wealthy through that, very wealthy. Poor kids in my town were spat pon. Kids today have it worse, or so I am told. I sort of doubt that. I just think its more recognized and people are now seeing how badly it affects children. As for my age, I am older. Older than you I suspect as my grandchildren have children. My mother is a great great grandmother. And could become a great X3 grandmother soon. Unless we, as a society, unplug and get involved in our childrens' lives, nothing will change and it will get worse by far. However, as one of the world's greatest thinkers said...“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” Socrates. Circa 400 BCE