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What is Medusa


Active Member
I read a very interesting history about Medusa I write here and wait your comments about it

We are explaining the unknowns about Medusa with the significant historical document which hasn’t appeared until today.
Rumours,believes,mystic stories etc. and a lot of different story-telling about Medusa have come until today.
In addition a lot of legends have been told until today.
Medusa is female.She has hair with snakes.I won’t tell you at great length like the rumours that she turns into stone whoever gazes at her etc.
We saw the character of Medusa in the film named Clash of the Titans in the first part of 2010.When we look at the poster of the film;Medusa’s cut head with snakes for hair was put on billboards in big cities,in everywhere.

There is a few information about Medusa in our history.Whoever you ask they are going to say:”There is visage of Medusa/Medusa’s head piller in Basilica Cistern(Yerebatan Sarayi-Sunken/Underground Palace) in Sultanahmet,Istanbul.Giant marble columns,a few marble columns engraved on blocks with Medusa’s face and with snakes for hair and some figures like these…In addition some information takes place in brochures about Medusa
We don’t know how much of these tellings are true or false…
Now we’re going to show some documents to whom says “history is made with documents.”Let’s look for the dusty pages of history.Sırdaş have an information and document you newer saw such an information and document.you will forget all the informations about Medusa you learnt.Now let’s follow the matter from Sırdaş’s registrations:
Year 1456.An Italian delegation comes from Venice into the presence of Fatih Sultan Mehmet.They have a lot of valuable gifts beside them to present to Sultan.They want to talk to Fatih Sultan Mehmet insistently,they want help from some envoys and important people to mediate them for this talking.The Ottoman Sultan doesn’t accept this delegation into his present inspite of all the request and favour/favor.Sultan commissioned his Grand Vizier(Vezir-i Azam) for speaking to ambassadors/envoys of Venice..The delegation comes from Venice has a contact with Grand Vizier inevitably/unconditionally…Theme/matter of the meeting is about “Basilica Cistern in Sultanahmet and the treasure containes in there”.The theme of the interview/the topic is rather interesting.The delegation talks about the treasure but doesn’t tell its place/location to Grand Vizier.They lay down conditions for telling the place of treasure:”They are going to tell the place/location of treasure only to Sultan Mehmed.”So they want another interview/conversation from Sultan again.
Grand Vizier tells/conveys all the dialogues to Sultan Mehmed that he made with Venice delegation.Fatih Sultan Mehmed Khan’s political genius/cleverness is well-known.He accepts to talk to Venice delegation because he thinks to himself that there can be wheels within wheels.The chosen ambassador comes into the presence of Sultan at the appointed time and tells to Sultan following:
‘There is a treasure in Basilica Cistern.The treasure isn’t gold,silver,jewellery or something else like that,it doesn’t have any material value,it doesn’t contain any precious stones.The treasure is a specially made sarcophagus and the corpse inside the sarcophagus.’
According to the Venetion representative this sarcophagus and the corpse inside it valuable like a treasure.It is made conspicuous that the corpse is belonging to a legendary person named ‘Medusa’.This corpse is in mummified state.Medusa is like a creature with her snake head ,snake hair,snake braids.Their wish/demand from Fatih Sultan Mehmed;they request this sarcophagus and the corpse that are very important for them.In return for this sarcophagus and the corpse;if both of them are given to the delegation,it is known that they suggested/offered lots of things to Fatih Sultan Mehmes Khan.
There are some other informations in Sırdaş except the other informations:’The delegation comes from Venice aren’t relevant to the Christianity,there is an information that they are the members of a mysterious/enigmatic paganistic sect.
There isn’t much more information about this matter…
The secret informations transferres to Abdul Hamid Khan whether Fatih Sultan Mehmed gave permission to remove/dig up the sarcophagus and its contents or not.Abdul Hamid Khan follows these missing registrations with great interest and he has the theme/matter analysed/examined to the experts.Abdul Hamid Khan interests in this theme/matter and follows it,so he prevents the historical mistakes,makes the informations safe about Medusa.With Sultan’s foreseeing some information has come until today truthfully although these information distorted/covered up tendentiously/intendionally.Sultan adds such an evidence in Sırdaş,we are going to present this historical document to you for the first time.This evidence is going to contribute to history of Turk and to the history of world.
It is known Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan is interested in mysterious events,secret stories.It is known he had Sherlock Holmes stories translated from English into Ottoman,he shelved the books in his library,by the same way he had Homer’s the Iliad and the Odyssey translated,and it is known he read all of them.Except the registrations in Sırdaş the reason why Sultan interested in Medusa;Some delegations come to Sultan about this theme,and they whispere to his Viziers about the treasure in Basilica Cistern,this maximizes his interest about this matter.
Abdul Hamid Khan didn’t neglect this matter in spite of administrative tasks of Ottoman Empire’s(Devlet-i Aliye). He gave work/commissioned some people and he had this matter analysed/investigated.The officers Abdul Hamid Khan commissioned had a contact with the delegation came about Medusa.The informations learnt from the delegation had been reported/forwarded to the Sultan.As a result of the research,Abdul Hamid Khan learns the real/true identities of the delegation and which organization they belong to(possibly/probably an organization similar Illuminati),he refuses delegation’s wish/request and decides to remove/dig up the sarcophagus by the informations transferred from the delegation.(Many events had happened but we don’t tell them at great length for the present,we are going to skip,that’s all for now.)
The officers Abdul Hamid Khan gave work to begin to endeavours/works about Medusa under the authority of Dervish(Derviş),Stars Intelligence Organization’s(Yıldız İstihbarat Teşkilatı) most conspicuous,most distinguished,most chosen members accompany to this delegation.As a result of the long efforts and the searches the sarcophagus is found in the corridors/vestibules that closed today in the Basilica Cistern.
It is useful to write a short/small note in here.Basilica Cistern has got a lot of vestibules/galleries today.It is known that one of the way goes to Golden Horn(Haliç) an the other way goes to Hagia Sophia(Ayasofya),so much so that it is known that these ways are connected to each other with The Cistern of Philioxenos(Binbirdirek Sarnıç)
The corridors had been surrounded with walls,they had been closed and many secrets had kept until today.
As it can be remembered recently a tumult broke called “The Secret of Hagia Sophia Discovered” and this had an effect,had a broad repercussion in press and media. (AYASOFYA’nýn sýrlarýna daldýlar - Hürriyet) One of these corridors was penetrated and filmed/shot.These works/searches was done by a group of scientist and archaeologist.
As a result of these works it was understood that there are water wells intra Hagia Sophia,150-200 metres depth.Also it was understood that English soldiers penetrated in these water wells and died during the English occupation of Istanbul.The materials of the dead soldiers were shown/presented.As a result of these works/searches unfortunately it isn’t known where these corridors end,we don’t know what about these searches/Works.I wonder are all of these works/searches about Medusa?Are these works in an association with the sarcophagus of Medusa?
And recently Istanbul’s rontgen (radiograph) was made/x-rayed.As a result of these rontgens it had been located that there was a building under Cemberlitas resembles Basilica Cistern.There are a lot of news in the media about the Basilica Cistern must be protected/preserved.('Yerebatan Sarn) It is told some places is going to be closed to protect the Cistern.It is known that Wordbank allocated budget about this matter.I wonder what is the reason of this isterest to this area?Why the interest to this area/place is so big?Let’s return to our theme/matter:
Abdul Hamid Khan’s searches had come to end and the sarcophagus had been found.Abdul Hamid had seen the sarcophagus personally in its place.Tons of weighted lid/cover of this sarcophagus had been put down,a horrific and a terrible creature had been seen in the sarcophagus,whoever had seen this horrific creature horrified.
A few people had seen this mummified creature much like a human head,like a wriggled wriggled giant snake,but it had begun to go bad,whoever had seen the creature had been shocked and lost in amazement.

* It is whispered in to ears that in the unpublished book of Kafka there are ‘informations about this creature’…

to read the full history here is the link:
Medusa and Basilisk With Documents / ON ALTI YILDIZ
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I want Khilafah back
i think it refers to that woman whose hair were snakes and would turn you into a statue (rock) if you looked her in the eye. she is/was a myth that she lived in ancient greece or something at the time of hercules the sun of Zeus (a few more mythical creatures) or something like that. you could call them made up stories i guess, don't know if anyone believes them to be true.


New Member
Medusa is a creature from Greek mythology who, as eselam has pointed out, could turn creatures into stone if they looked into her eyes. According to the mythology she was slain by the Greek hero Perseus at the behest of King Polydectes. Her head was then mounted upon a shield given to Perseus by the goddess Athena and used as a weapon.


Active Member
Sorry, link isn't working for me ankarali.

We debate ''Medusa's Religion''

The treasure trove of unpublished Kafka works is said to contain thousands of decaying manuscripts, postcards, drawings and letters composed by the Czech-born, Jewish writer who is considered one of the most brilliant and revolutionary German language authors of the 20th century.
Yet for more than 40 years, the huge cache of unseen yet potentially vital Kafka literature lay stacked in piles in a humid, cat-infested first-floor flat in a suburb of Tel Aviv. Watching over them was the former secretary of Max Brod, the author's friend who claimed to be protecting his legacy.
Yesterday, after a legal battle lasting more than two years, papers from the hidden Kafka collection began to emerge from the vaults of a bank in the Swiss city of Zürich. A group of German literary and manuscript experts are now assessing their importance – possibly the first readers of the documents since they were written more than 80 years ago.
The sheer volume of the cache may lead to a radical re-assessment of the reclusive and psychologically tormented author, who died from tuberculosis, aged just 40, in 1924.
The pile of hidden documents has caused feverish excitement in the literary world for decades. There has been speculation that Kafka's lost papers could contain unpublished works by the author of masterpieces such as The Trial and The Metamorphosis, or at least the manuscript of his unfinished novel: Wedding Preparations in the Country. "Whatever they contain, they are bound to be of huge value to Kafka research and could shed new light on the author's complex personality," said Wilko Steffens of Germany's Kafka Society.
Just why it has taken so long for the hidden manuscripts to see the light of day is a story of Kafkaesque proportions in itself. Born in Prague in 1883, Franz Kafka – whose surname means "magpie" in Czech – was a little-known Jewish writer with a handful of published German stories to his name when he died.
However, just before his death in a Vienna sanatorium, the ailing writer entrusted his friend, Max Brod, with his collection of unpublished handwritten documents, famously insisting that all the papers "should be burned unread and without remnant" after his death.
Yet Brod, who like Kafka was a member of Prague's German-speaking Jewish community, blatantly ignored his friend's last wishes and chose to publish several key works including The Trial, The Metamorphosis and The Castle, quickly securing Kafka a posthumous place among Europe's literary giants.
With the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939, Brod, who was an ardent Zionist, stuffed Kafka's collection of manuscripts into a suitcase and fled to Israel. He quickly settled, setting up home in Tel Aviv and employed Esther Hoffe, a fellow German-speaking Jewish refugee from Prague. Hoffe became Brod's housekeeper and secretary (and – it is rumoured – his lover). Brod died in 1968, having passed some of the Kafka documents on to Israeli public archives. However he left the rest of the manuscripts with Esther. For the next four decades, the papers remained stacked in unseemly heaps in her dingy ground-floor Tel Aviv flat, which was inhabited by dozens of free-roaming cats.
Nurit Pegi, an Israeli academic who is writing a dissertation on Brod, explained that, ever since, academics have been forced to guess what the documents contain. "It is an outrage that no one was allowed to see them," he said.
Hoffe claimed it was her right to do what she wanted with the documents and indeed sold several items from the archive at auction. At Sotheby's in 1988, she sold an original manuscript of The Trial to a book dealer acting on behalf of the German literary archive in the city of Marbach. The manuscript fetched £1.1m. On another occasion, when she was arrested by police at Israel's Ben Gurion airport on suspicion of smuggling, a travel journal and letters by Kafka were found in her bag.
Israel's state archive was later allowed to catalogue Hoffe's collection, yet suspicion remained that she had hidden away the most valuable portions of it. It was not until her death two years ago, at the age of 101, that the battle for ownership of the lost Kafka archive began in earnest. Hoffe's two daughters, Eva and Ruth, claim to be the rightful inheritors of the documents, which, following their mother's death, were put in safe-deposit boxes – five in Israel and one in Zürich.
But they have incensed many in Israel with their talk of removing some of the papers from the country and selling them to Germany's Marbach archive (where they argue they would be better looked after).
Israel – which regards Kafka's legacy as a national treasure and a key to a lost way of pre-Holocaust European Jewish life – is furious. The national library is leading a court action against the Hoffe daughters that claims that the documents are the property of the state of Israel because Brod emigrated there in 1939.
It is contesting the daughters' claim and has been fighting ever since Esther Hoffe's death to be allowed to open the boxes in order to establish exactly what is inside them. The two women counter that they are being subjected to a campaign of vilification within Israel.
"I cannot believe how this country is behaving. It has no right to intrude," 75-year-old Eva complained in an interview earlier this year. She argues that if the papers are made public, her "property, assets , rights privacy and human dignity" will be compromised.
While the Israelis charge that the Hoffes are gold-diggers out to make a quick fortune from the Kafka manuscripts, the sisters insist that Israel is simply not the right place to keep the documents. "We have other things to do. We have terror and the fight for survival," maintains Eva. "Sorry, but culture is not first on the list. In Israel there is no place to keep the papers so well as in Germany."
Israel's academics think otherwise. They point to the fact that Kafka is part of the national school curriculum and that the writer's works are constantly put on as plays at theatres in an attempt to bring Israelis closer to a lost European past.
"Franz Kafka is a key figure," says Professor Dov Kulka of Jerusalem's Hebrew University. "Israelis are looking back to their European and Middle Eastern roots. He belongs to the intellectual map of Israel," he maintains.
The arguments used by Israel's national library to reinforce the country's claim to the Kafka documents are even more forceful. Meir Heller, the lawyer who is representing the library in the legal dispute over the documents, insists that Kafka's own diaries, which show that the author studied Hebrew, contain evidence that the author dreamt of emigrating to Palestine. "He had a dream of coming to Tel Aviv and opening up a restaurant," Mr Heller said. "He wanted to be a waiter. Kafka was no ordinary fellow."
Yet more than 80 years after they were written, the legal battle for Kafka's unpublished documents may only have just begun.
Last week Israeli experts who perused the Kafka documents lying in a Tel Aviv bank vault were confronted by an angry Eva Hoffe shouting: "It's mine, it's mine," and attempting – albeit in vain – to keep the vault shut.
Ultimately, Israeli judges will decide whether the documents should be returned to their deposit boxes or be published for the benefit of future generations. But before that, the courts have to rule on whether the Hoffe sisters' demands that the contents of the deposit boxes must stay secret should be upheld. No doubt Kafka would have loved it.

The bitter legacy of Franz Kafka - Features - Books - The Independent


Active Member
I would like to be informed if there exist a secret religion of Medusa? Or maybe we have no more the followers of Medusa because I also heard in Basilica Cistern they make some prayers

My second theory:

There was really a Medusa in the history. According to islamic ressources the Snake who helped the Evil to enter the Heaven can walk but after helping the Evil he must creep then maybe Medusa was the first form of this Snake?


God Among Men
I do not understand how people can be so incredibly stupid. It honestly mystifies me. I simply cannot comprehend it.


God Among Men
I would like to be informed if there exist a secret religion of Medusa? Or maybe we have no more the followers of Medusa because I also heard in Basilica Cistern they make some prayers

My second theory:

There was really a Medusa in the history. According to islamic ressources the Snake who helped the Evil to enter the Heaven can walk but after helping the Evil he must creep then maybe Medusa was the first form of this Snake?

I have been to the Basilica Cistern. I have seen the statues. People pose and take pictures with it. No one worships it. No one has EVER worshiped Medusa, or any other Gorgon. They were considered demons. The concept that someone actually believes that Medusa was once a living creature in this day and age is simply idiotic beyond belief.


New Member
There are people still worshipping the Greek gods and one of the old temples was re-opened for worship a few years ago in Greece if I remember correctly. Perhaps some of these people may worship medusa in some fashion.

As for your other theory, are you suggesting that there was some sort of confluence of Greek mythology and Islam??


Active Member
I am not sure according to Christianity the Snake helped the Evil to enter into Heaven but in islam the first Snake could walk, he had legs but after helping the Evil he has been punished and he must creep

My theory is not related to Greek Myths.


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
I would like to be informed if there exist a secret religion of Medusa? Or maybe we have no more the followers of Medusa because I also heard in Basilica Cistern they make some prayers

My second theory:

There was really a Medusa in the history. According to islamic ressources the Snake who helped the Evil to enter the Heaven can walk but after helping the Evil he must creep then maybe Medusa was the first form of this Snake?

I wouldn't relate the serpent to Medusa. I'd say if there is any parallel, then the serpent from the Garden of Eden story is more like Prometheus from ancient Greek mythology. Both offered mankind a forbidden divine knowledge and both were punished for it.

Like all religious myths, the story of Medusa is meant to teach a lesson. The interesting question, is what lesson does the story teach? If I remember correctly, wasn't she turned into a monster by Athena to punish her vanity?


The Lost One
reptilian said:
If I remember correctly, wasn't she turned into a monster by Athena to punish her vanity?

Poseidon either seduced or raped Medusa while they were in Athena's temple.