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What is more important for the future well-being of humankind: Faith or Reason?

Faith or Reaon?

  • Reason

    Votes: 70 90.9%
  • Faith

    Votes: 7 9.1%

  • Total voters

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
As my final point, I'd like to say that I never claimed it was rational. So finding that it was irrational was sort of expected.

Well we could have saved a lot of time then, if you'd have said "By the way my system is irrational" I would have said "Oh! :areyoucra Well. Um, have you seen the new Harry Potter movie?" and we'd have been on with our lives ;)

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Some seem to think that reason should take a backseat to faith. While others seem to believe not only is faith unnecessary but it is detrimental.

So which do you think is more important to humanity and why?

Reason. Faith is too misleading. Disraeli, a former British Prime Minister used to say that where Faith begins, knowledge ends. And for lack of knowledge, Hosea said, "My People perish." (Hosea 4:6) No wonder almost a thousand of the faithful of Jim Jones were poisoned to death.


Left Hand Path
It is interesting how many define things and is hostile to simple logic. How could reason exist or happen if no one ever had faith in it? Faith and reason are compatible concepts not polar or diametric opposites. The problem of logic in understanding anything comes only by trying to use one without the other.


I agree.

If something had no reason to exist, then it wouldn't exist.

Opposition is necessary for a singular concept to have a good foundation. That goes without saying, all things have Opposites.

The hostility comes from trying prove points over other points that are not understood. Its pretty easy to laugh at. :D

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
No, that's pretty much what it means.

I thought you were all about the whole crazy use-words-however-we-want-even-if-it-contradicts-until-no-one-can-understand-us business? You were defending exactly what you just refuted like a day ago.
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Left Hand Path
What is the opposite of energy?

Try and understand from my position once here...

What exactly is energy?

What exactly is up? What exactly is good? What makes factual perception fact?

Do you know of energy when you are dead?

These things that we know, isn't really knowledge. I mean sure, there is a foundation for general stimulus, such as sticking your hand in a fire hurts, or jumping of a two story building will hurt or possibly kill you.

What I am trying to get across, is that there is also something to Oppose something. I believe I have had this sort of discussion with you already.

What stops a car from moving? The breaks? Or a wall?

What I am trying to get across is, how energy is defined, is irrelevant to how existence is defined.

Existence is some type of "enigma", but only to those who give it an engimatic concept. Yes, we move, we feel, we have senses and such, but how does energy describe our perception of what we feel?

They say energy is imminent, it can never be destroyed, only reformed or dormant.

So exactly, what is Opposite of dormant?

The point is, its just that perception. People hearing their conscience may assume it is a higher being, others may just label it as their "conscience". The difference between us and everything else, is that we are the combination of spirit and matter.

There is a perception of God, but there is also a perception of Anti God. There is a perception of Good, but there is also a perception of bad. There is down, to describe up, and left to situate right. Yet, when in reality, all these things are the same (when facing one, your left may be their right). So in order for perception to be, there needs to be an Opposite of something to define and be able to describe and make it concrete.

What is Opposite of energy? Non-energy, non existence.

If it doesn't exist, it cannot be. That is so. Non-existence does exist.

Willamena and StrikeviperMKII also add onto my point.

I can Oppose God, yet I may not be the Opposite of him.

Why exactly are you Atheists? Because you don't have a factual foundation for the existence of God?

So then do you consider yourself "human", though you don't have a factual foundation for that perception either?

I haven't seen the word abstract thrown around that much here...I wonder what it means.
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Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Try and understand from my position once here...

That was difficult to understand, but you essentially said by the end that the opposite of energy is non-energy or non-existence. That isn't very helpful. I think the reason you had to go through a huge monologue about "What is energy?" is because energy is a good counterexample to the dualism you see in the universe. The only thing you can find to "oppose" energy is nonexistence, which doesn't really answer the question any more than saying the opposite of "up" is nonexistence.

Energy is the capacity to perform work, or to move a mass over a distance. It's measured in joules. It's a property of matter. The only thing that could possibly be an "opposite" to energy is just the absence of energy in the same sense that "darkness" (a non-entity) is the "opposite" of light since it is the absence of light. Darkness-light isn't a real opposition though because "darkness" doesn't even exist as an entity. It's just a fancy way of saying that the opposite of light is the absence of light, which isn't a true opposition. Same with energy.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Even that view of the opposite of energy seems inscrutable & without application. I simply assume that not
everything has an opposite, which would be an arbitrary requirement to impose upon "stuff" in the universe.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Even that view of the opposite of energy seems inscrutable & without application. I simply assume that not
everything has an opposite, which would be an arbitrary requirement to impose upon "stuff" in the universe.

This is what I was arguing. The hyper-dualistic statement "all things have an opposite" simply isn't true.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
And stasis isn't "inactivity."

Nor is it the "opposite of energy." Things in stasis still have energy.

Also, several definitions of stasis indeed have it synonymous with "inactivity," so if you're using a different context you might clarify.
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Well-Known Member
What is the opposite of energy? Void. Jeez, you people are wordy. :D

In the beginning, there was a point of zero diameter and infinite volume - lowest possible entropy. As everything that follows has been a matter of increasing entropy, it's a one-way street; and there is energy in the void. But we require background. There has tobe a you to define me. There has to be white for these black glyphs to differentiate meaning from void.
In the end, everything is information. What is the opposite of information?

This thread, perhaps? :D