'Maya' is a fact of existence. How can we ignore it? Everything in the universe is constituted of Brahman. I always mention in the forum that Hitler, Stalin, Caliph Ibrahim and Osama bin Laden, Pol Pot and Idi Amin, Saddam and Gadafi, too were none other than Brahman. Even a street dog or a stone in Himalays is Brahman, as nothing other than that exists. To see them as that is 'maya'. In reality it is the dance of Shiva as Fritjof Capra would say.
Aup. You are right. I don't deny it.
But, why keep on making differentiation of Maya and Reality, if everything is Brahman?
Let it be Maya or Let it be Reality, why to differentiate Brahman as 'Vyavaharika' and 'Paramarthika', 'Maya' and 'Reality'?
Even Shankara sees the stone as stone, Aup as Aup, Viswa as Viswa - the thing is nothing affects them in seeing them as duality too. Can you understand?
They see 'Maya' as 'Brahman', 'Reality' as 'Brahman' and remain free from all forms and Names though perceiving it in duality. It does not mean they see the stone as Quantum Waves. They too see stone as stone, this as this, Hitler as Hitler, etc.,
Why you are very much interested in creating duality of 'Maya' and 'Reality' in Brahman, like Sankhya does for 'Purusha' and 'Prakriti'?
What's your intention in differentiating 'Illusion' and 'Truth', if both illusion and truth is Brahman? Even for enlightened beings, Illusion remains to be perceived as Illusion but they remain free from it, and they free from everything as they perceive all the Illusion and Truth as 'Brahman- One'. Right??
They do continue to perceive the dream/illusion/Maya as Maya itself - but not the perception of Maya changed into Advaita (said in Mandukya verse 7), like you are expecting that "if we achieve enlightenment we can see quantum waves and emptiness beyond it in waking/dreaming/deep-sleep state, and that is Reality." No, not at all. Maya is Maya and Advaita is Advaita, and the laws cannot be broked for senses/mind/intellect, but one just remain free from it even while perceiving it as the same. The eyes don't get a magnification power to see the quantum and beyond, just the Himalayas as Himalayas, Hitler as Hitler, etc.
But, after death, one don't be born back in Illusion and go to that "Shantam Shivam Advaitam", Pure peace and Silence, the Nirguna Brahman outside the Bubble in my profile pic. Until death even after enlightenment, bubbles and Relativity still be perceived as such but not as Quantum or etc..
But, if you want the power to see the Quantum things, you can attain siddhi power by sadhana of going to cave/Himalayas, keep on contemplating about the God/Brahma for many lifes by closing your eyes and remain without food, and God will appear before you and you may ask your wish for Magnifying eyes and the boon will be granted for sure.