I had said:
I also said, "EVERY ATHIEST (ie: high-minded deep thinkers)" MUST REMEMBER IS:
Life is short, and when one seeks Eating, drinking & being Merry as the meaning of life ---there is only a minimum of time to educate oneself before work obligations pull us back into the rat race, whence the over-arching ethos of "Eat, drink & be Merry" as the prime purpose of life.
Yet since life is short and full us misery. work & sufferring [the Buddhist's "1st Noble Truth"] and taxes too ---one should really invest what little time we have in this life to seek out what truths are out there ---but:
Since economic depressions leave the majority of the world's population in want, it is the poor and the meak and the downtroden that gives rise to considering "A Higher Power".
When we are Kings of The world we do not first consider Service to God;
when we are in a Lowly position we cry out to God.
When I said:
"Atheism is simply a lazyman's response to the
lowly place they got them selves into" ---I was condemning the "lowly spot" not the atheist.
If an Atheist find themselves in ideal conditions ---it becomes a loathsome place because of their Atheism.
Where ever Atheism is accepted as the standard we find Abuse by Leaders ---Not the other way around.
Atheism is the same as self-proclaiming master of all one surveys ---and then outlaw anyone that says otherwise.
Atheism is the opiate of dictatorships.
Atheism does not allow for democratic rule of law.
The best example of Atheism as publically practiced by lazy chaletains is the recent Billboard outside New York City:
'You know it's a myth': Atheist banner causes a storm at entrance to New York tunnel | Mail Online
What I have yet to hear from these Atheist spokemen is their theological Argument.
Since when does a non-read person proclaim expertise in a subject that they abhor?
We have Bible haters preaching not to read the Bible?
This is a false argument. They lible the Bible and prove their assertions by relying on any sort of debate except the actual text.
"Have you read the Bible? No? Well don't, because it's false!
Take my word for it, I have never read the Bible and never will, so you better not also! take my word for it."
Read it and then decide afterwards if you want to read it a second time ---remember life is short, you'll have to work hard to fit in th time to attend to such readings.
There are little Osama Bin Ladens trying to play King-of-the-Hill in their own Hoods and aspiring to be romaticised Mafia King-pins ---rather then bowing humbly to the teachers and learning a skill to preform as a redeeming social service ---because they are lazy atheists . . .
I do not believe these guys really can fix their car problems ---they are just poseurs trying to look earnestly busy:
This is what an honest atheist would say.
When a person's karma gets them in the lowly place of a maxium security prison ---they are in the company of other lazy Atheists.
At that point, an honest atheist would say, "Dear God Re-form me"; an laazy atheist would say, "God let this happen to me; so. there ain't no God!"