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What is the best argument for an atheist?

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Bhaktajan, do you have a dartboard of random topics that you toss a dart at before you post?

What did any of that have to do with atheism?


Active Member
What did any of that have to do with atheism?

Declarations of Atheism is simply a lazyman's response to the lowly place they got them selves into.

It is not sincere nor researched.

I have presented multiple arguments to support the "Limited fund of Knowledge" we all have ---and how we must rely on those mentors that went before us.

Religion based terrorists that we see in the News are not sincere nor researched nor intellecturaly gifted ---they are inventing false doctrines, where the only good news is that they have been reported as "dead".

A movement that says one thing . . . yet also, seeks Land & Wealth & whole Populations to claim as their own are not driven by honest philosopy ---they are seeking self-glory of their own concoction.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Bhaktajan, do you have a dartboard of random topics that you toss a dart at before you post?

What did any of that have to do with atheism?

Reminds me of that Dr Sahti/satesh/sarsaparilla guy we have on here.

What is it with these "enlightened" types that make them ramble.

Ohh that's right, it's all that meditation shutting down their beta brain waves.

Ohh well atleast they're not condemning us to hell.


Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Declarations of Atheism is simply a lazyman's response to the lowly place they got them selves into.

It is not sincere nor researched.

I have presented multiple arguments to support the "Limited fund of Knowledge" we all have ---and how we must rely on those mentors that went before us.

Religion based terrorists that we see in the News are not sincere nor researched nor intellecturaly gifted ---they are inventing false doctrines, where the only good news is that they have been reported as "dead".

A movement that says one thing . . . yet also, seeks Land & Wealth & whole Populations to claim as their own are not driven by honest philosopy ---they are seeking self-glory of their own concoction.

You're incorrect, though. Some atheists, like some members of any group, aren't sincere or researched. However, I think you'll find that a majority of atheists -- and particularly those on this board -- are very sincere and researched. I consider myself one of them.

I don't place such a high emphasis on having a teacher though I do understand its utility. Nearly anyone who's engaging functionally on these topics, though, has read a book or two and knows the opinions and arguments of the "giants" who came before them.

The problem arises though when there's an over-emphasis on prior discovered knowledge: it leads to stagnation, and worse, to the fallacy of argument from authority.

I do see far because I stand on the shoulders of giants, but I'm not afraid to question those giants either. After all, I can assure you that many giants throughout history have been wrong on many things.


Superabacus Mystic
I have presented multiple arguments to support the "Limited fund of Knowledge" we all have ---and how we must rely on those mentors that went before us.
Can someone get a doctor, please? I think I've done myself a nasty bashing my head against this wall. :banghead3

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
What is it with these "enlightened" types that make them ramble.

Not speaking about anyone specifically, but someone once said on these boards that the more you babble about nonsensical things while making sure to slip in some cool and trendy words like "vibration" and "energy," the more cool and mysterious you're going to sound to the uneducated. I happen to agree with them.

I think I will stick to using concise speech to relay my thoughts, thanks.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Not speaking about anyone specifically, but someone once said on these boards that the more you babble about nonsensical things while making sure to slip in some cool and trendy words like "vibration" and "energy," the more cool and mysterious you're going to sound to the uneducated. I happen to agree with them.

I disagree i think it makes them look like whack jobs. It smacks of schizophrenia to me.

I think I will stick to using concise speech to relay my thoughts, thanks.


Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Not speaking about anyone specifically, but someone once said on these boards that the more you babble about nonsensical things while making sure to slip in some cool and trendy words like "vibration" and "energy," the more cool and mysterious you're going to sound to the uneducated. I happen to agree with them.

I think I will stick to using concise speech to relay my thoughts, thanks.

Pfft - it's just like a Materialist, such as yourself, to be unable to look inward and see the organized energy, which comprises your Self, for what it is: an expression of the Cosmic consciousness. You see, we are nothing more than energy, as everything is nothing more than energy - different energies vibrating at different frequencies. "God," being the sum total of those combined frequencies, encapsulated by the Mystical syllable "ohm."

You will not see, as long as you are looking. You must close your eyes, for your vision to focus.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Pfft - it's just like a Materialist, such as yourself, to be unable to look inward and see the organized energy, which comprises your Self, for what it is: an expression of the Cosmic consciousness. You see, we are nothing more than energy, as everything is nothing more than energy - different energies vibrating at different frequencies. "God," being the sum total of those combined frequencies, encapsulated by the Mystical syllable "ohm."

You will not see, as long as you are looking. You must close your eyes, for your vision to focus.

You are so full of faecal matter


Industrial Strength Linguist
That is, IMO, very thin logic for stating that intelligence (ungraspable) is emergent property of matter (graspable) -- which I have been hearing recently.
Emergence as a phenomenon should not be hard to grasp. Every system is an emergent property of its functioning constituents. You can describe the system at a high level without making necessary reference to the physical components that comprise the system.

That "all mental functions are dependent on healthy brain activity", is readily apparent and probably no science is required for that. For what else a brain would come into existence for? What for legs are there, if not for walking?
Indeed. I think that the ancients also understood the brain-mind connection, even though their religious doctrines rejected the necessity of that connection. After all, they witnessed enough brain injuries and their effects on human behavior.

But ability to walk and the intention to walk are not exactly same and may not belong to same entity. You may intend to go to a place and use a car.
You just lost me from this point on. I never claimed that ability and intention were the same thing. This has nothing to do with what I said. Thought, sensation, actuation, etc., are all distinct mental functions. The brain enables all of them.

Similarly, mental activity and the intelligence are not same. What I mean is that these organs are instruments. It is not necessary that the user of the organ 'leg' is leg. It is not necessary that user of material brain is brain. The user of the body may not be the body. Can we ever imagine that?
Why yes. All of that is perfectly obvious and contradicts nothing that I said. Physical brain activity is behind all mental functions. What is difficult to imagine is not the separation between mind and brain, but the inseparability of the two. Yet there is simply too much evidence that two are inseparable. Brain injuries have all kinds of effects on mental activity. If there were separability, one would expect some mental function not to correlate with brain activity.

What may not be easily apparent, however, is that a some sort of body -- a body of bone and flesh (as in waking time) or a body made of light (as in dreaming time),is required for mental talk, and all consequent beautiful or ugly creations, and enjoyments -- at least in dream (and actually also in waking). In deep sleep, the body gone -- talk stops. One cannot grow wheat in thin air.
I get your point about growing wheat. The rest of it strikes me as a bit nonsensical. Dreaming correlates with brain activity. It can be detected and studied instrumentally. Also, one's body actually does remain physically present when one is in a deep sleep or even a coma. Consciousness comes and goes, but it still needs a functioning brain to be present. We know that, because we can easily correlate periods of consciousness with the physical states of bodies and brains.

Just wanted to plant a few seeds of skepticism. These are some reasoned opinions only...
Right back at ya. :)
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Declarations of Atheism is simply a lazyman's response to the lowly place they got them selves into.


we are are not in a lowly place, if anything were more in touch with reality then living behind a myth written by ancient man that didnt know which end was up.

I find your statement to be barbaric and primitive to put yourself in a postion above anyone else despite religion or lack of.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Declarations of Atheism is simply a lazyman's response to the lowly place they got them selves into.

I don't know about that -- but, for us non-lazy atheists who have fulfilling lives, atheism is nothing more than a natural conclusion of being honest and rational.


Active Member
The problem arises though when there's an A] over-emphasis on prior discovered knowledge: it leads to stagnation, and worse, to B] the fallacy of argument from authority.

Then at this point, let me point out this:

A] "The Scientific method"
Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Scientific method is also how all cooking recipes are perfected.


Then at this point, let me point out this:

B] "Encyclopedia"
An encyclopedia is a reference work, a compendium holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge.
Encyclopedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Q) What is wrong with today's Pop music, especially Rap-Music?
A) "over-emphasis on prior discovered knowledge"

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Then at this point, let me point out this:

A] "The Scientific method"
Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Scientific method is also how all cooking recipes are perfected.


Then at this point, let me point out this:

B] "Encyclopedia"
An encyclopedia is a reference work, a compendium holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge.
Encyclopedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Q) What is wrong with today's Pop music, especially Rap-Music?
A) "over-emphasis on prior discovered knowledge"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that makes EVERYTHING clear now


Active Member
Grandpa, what did you do during the war back at the beginning of the millenium?

us non-lazy atheists who have fulfilling lives, atheism is nothing more than a natural conclusion of being honest and rational.

Well thanks grandpa!