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What is the best argument for an atheist?


Active Member
yeah i honestly haven't seen a single argument come from his mouth, he just keeps blathering on about absolutely nothing. i see no point in this thread anymore.

he can do nothing but call other people dumb for thinking something other than what he thinks.


Intentionally Blank
MM and many other atheists are not even on the same level as me. It isn’t even really much of a debate.
People who actually win debates don't have to boast--others can tell.

I try to do that with atheist but usually I am the only one that gets anything out of it. I have known and debated many atheist and none of them resort to this BS. Usually they are straight forward.
I'm skeptical of this claim.


Intentionally Blank
Cough - even though that was not my intentions I did plan on getting some more theist responses to bashing atheist than I did atheist trying to defend their systems of beliefs. Funny how the world turns eh? I usually hate it when I'm put on the defensive I'm sure it is no different than some of the atheist that have displayed their displeasure with my OP. ;)
I love your OP. I love your whole thread, because it blatantly displays your lack of an argument.


Intentionally Blank
The only reason is because God is hypothetical to you. God isn’t and doesn't mean God is to people that know and believe.
I have answered more than enough questions and responses on this thread and I’m actually done with it now, because it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

*Strikes a match..
*Throws the match onto this thread.
*Watches the entire thread go up in flames!
How can it go anywhere when you don't engage with the arguments, you just call other people names? If you want the debate to go somewhere, you have to debate. Let me know if you're ever interested in doing that.


Intentionally Blank
Okay, why do Christians feel as if they have been sent to this world to prove everyone that doesn't have faith and belief in god or a religion that they are wrong and not capable of thinking for themselves? Is that not prejudice? Because it does seem that way and prejudice can lead or relate to a number of things. Is there no bias in your argument either to say, “this sort of thing isn’t necessary for religion?”
Do you think for no apparent reason at all, that religion doesn’t serve any real purpose in people’s lives? You should try to reevaluate your position and think again.
I'm sure it does, or it wouldn't exist. That doesn't, however, make it correct.

Did it ever occur to you that it might be atheists who are the ones with the petty arguments? - Like I have already stated in the OP. Are you sure it isn’t your comprehension level that is having a hard time being applied to this topic. Maybe you are stuck on the tangible and having a hard time thinking abstractly?
O.K., Gloone, go for it. Show us (don't tell us, actually show us) that are arguments are petty. Employ your devastating college transcript mind and lay out for us simple atheists the fallacies and factual innacuracies in our petty arguments. Any time now.
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Intentionally Blank
Alright!!!!!!!!! Since you are an atheist, would you say atheist are superstitious? I'm still trying to understand why leprechauns are important for a debate.
I suppose some are, but in general, probably less superstitious than the population at large.

Gloone: It's a metaphor. People are trying to give you examples to engage your brain and analyze the problem. Your main point seems to be that it's fine to believe something (God) without any evidence. People are trying to get you to see whether that applies to other things, for you. For example, if I tell you I've got a diamond mine in my back yard, and for a small investment you can become rich, might you ask me for some evidence? Get the analogy?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Okay, why do atheists feel as if they have been sent to this world to prove everyone that has faith and belief in god or a religion that they are wrong and not capable of thinking for themselves? Is that not prejudice?
Which atheists are doing this, exactly?

Because it does seem that way and prejudice can lead or relate to a number of things. Is there no bias in your argument either to say, “this sort of thing isn’t necessary for atheism?”
I'm not sure what you mean. What I said is true: if a person simply thinks that theism hasn't met its burden of proof, he can rightly be called an atheist even if he doesn't go around telling theists that they're wrong.

Do you think for no apparent reason at all, that religion doesn’t serve any real purpose in people’s lives? You should try to reevaluate your position and think again.
When do you think I said anything like that? Religion is used by many people for many real purposes. I don't think that religion fills any legitimate need that can't be filled in a non-religious way, but I do recognize that it's important to many people.


New Member
Yea, 'prove your god exists' is probably the best excuse out there.

You say athiests have no ground of belief, and that's true. They also have a right to argue on your religion based on their beliefs.

And here's why

Being athiest=not believing in any theistic religion because it does not make sense to them
your religion=has no science or archeological evidence to back it up
so there for it is perfectly understandable for
athiest TO NOT believe in your religion


Well-Known Member
Being athiest=not believing in any theistic religion because it does not make sense to them
your religion=has no science or archeological evidence to back it up
so there for it is perfectly understandable for
athiest TO NOT believe in your religion

You are demanding a certain kind of proof here (scientific and/or archeological evidence). You are also postulating that scientific and/or archeological evidence is the only way religion would 'make sense'. On both counts you have assumed a burden of proof as to why they are true.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Okay, why do atheists feel as if they have been sent to this world to prove everyone that has faith and belief in god or a religion that they are wrong and not capable of thinking for themselves? Is that not prejudice?

This kind of question makes no sense and is moot. I defy you to find me one person that isn't "prejudice".

Because it does seem that way and prejudice can lead or relate to a number of things. Is there no bias in your argument either to say, “this sort of thing isn’t necessary for atheism?”

But you do realize the same goes for theist right? Your theistic view is amplified by your bias approach. If you are Christian you will in no doubt attack the validity of Muhammed as being a prophet and the Quran as a legitamate scripture or calling into question, because of you bias, any claims made by the Hindus etc. Muslims and Jews, because of their bias, do the same thing...so you are hardly in the position to point fingers at Atheist for acking for evidence of religious claims.

Do you think for no apparent reason at all, that religion doesn’t serve any real purpose in people’s lives? You should try to reevaluate your position and think again.

Whether it does or not really isn't the point considering your OP.

Did it ever occur to you that it might be atheists who are the ones with the petty arguments? - Like I have already stated in the OP.

So basically you just created this thread as a soapbox? I mean, why ask us if all you want to do is tell us we're wrong and you disagree with our line of questioning?

Are you sure it isn’t your comprehension level that is having a hard time being applied to this topic. Maybe you are stuck on the tangible and having a hard time thinking abstractly?

Or maybe we comprehend that you believe in the abstract so vehemently it has made you unable to present any tangible evidence for your assertions. Look, if you come to us with what your book says, what you heard from someone else, what you were taught from childhood to adulthood, what you feel, what you believe then it is natural to ask for evidence. Do you subscribe to the gods of any other pagan religion, if not then why?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You are demanding a certain kind of proof here (scientific and/or archeological evidence). You are also postulating that scientific and/or archeological evidence is the only way religion would 'make sense'. On both counts you have assumed a burden of proof as to why they are true.
What other way did you have in mind?

Even if you think that religion makes sense in some other way, you still have to establish two things:

- that this way of looking at it is a good one.
- that your religion "makes sense" when looked at in that way.

Still, the burden of proof is on you.


Well-Known Member
What other way did you have in mind?

Even if you think that religion makes sense in some other way, you still have to establish two things:

- that this way of looking at it is a good one.
- that your religion "makes sense" when looked at in that way.

Still, the burden of proof is on you.

I have not made any claims at all. I may have implied that, yes, but I made no claim to it. The claim was made that religion will make sense if it can be put successfully into a scientific context. I asked why.


Well-Known Member
Dirty Penguin said:
Or maybe we comprehend that you believe in the abstract so vehemently it has made you unable to present any tangible evidence for your assertions. Look, if you come to us with what your book says, what you heard from someone else, what you were taught from childhood to adulthood, what you feel, what you believe then it is natural to ask for evidence. Do you subscribe to the gods of any other pagan religion, if not then why?
Well my beliefs system goes like this. I once believed, it was lost, I turned to some type of paganism and constellation foresights, studied Abrahamic religions then devoted the rest of my time to, I will just say “exploring”.


Facts not Faith
What is the best argument for an atheist?

Usually the first thing and only thing that comes to mind is prove it! Prove god exist!

Is that the only argument atheists have or is there something better? When I see this argument I see an argument that isn’t very well thought out or designed. Since an atheist has no grounds of belief to stand is it normal for them to criticize other people’s religion to buff up their own lack of philosophical views and beliefs?

Also if you can think of some other atheist arguments go ahead and add them to this thread. I would like to see some other out of the ordinary arguments made by atheist.

You are right, we love to try to make people prove their arguments. On this forum I see many people claiming wild unsubstantiated tails such as talking snakes, spirit beings, parting water, etc. It is very hard to disprove these ideas but that does not mean they are valid perspectives. These ideas do not have a shred of evidence so I ask believers to give some evidence. That evidence never comes.

On the side we also like to critique the bible and the koran using their own texts. We like to critique arguements the religious do make. Finally, we like to fill up gaps that was one filled by God with ideas such as the theory of evolution and the big bang theory.


Agnostic Pantheist
What is the best argument for an atheist?

Usually the first thing and only thing that comes to mind is prove it! Prove god exist!

Is that the only argument atheists have or is there something better? When I see this argument I see an argument that isn’t very well thought out or designed. Since an atheist has no grounds of belief to stand is it normal for them to criticize other people’s religion to buff up their own lack of philosophical views and beliefs?

Also if you can think of some other atheist arguments go ahead and add them to this thread. I would like to see some other out of the ordinary arguments made by atheist.
My 'argument' is a complicated one. I have lived all my life in the Middle east, in the 'holy land' as it were, I've seen Arabs using their religion in order to enhance their zeal to fight, I've seen Jews use their scriptures in order to enhance their ideologies and activities in a battle for territory, I've experienced the complicated reality of Jerusalem in which the most holy places of the three most influential religions exist side by side, I observe the inner political tensions and outer political tensions which are influenced by traditional passions. the only way for me to analyze this reality and take part in it actively is through an atheist default and through studying these religions, its much more sane to live in the holy land without a God, where you can understand your own political motivations without the promise of prophecy and other heavenly realities which will never come.
Despite what I just said, I cannot deny that many of the people here have strong and 'justified' religious motivations.


Well-Known Member
My 'argument' is a complicated one. I have lived all my life in the Middle east, in the 'holy land' as it were, I've seen Arabs using their religion in order to enhance their zeal to fight, I've seen Jews use their scriptures in order to enhance their ideologies and activities in a battle for territory, I've experienced the complicated reality of Jerusalem in which the most holy places of the three most influential religions exist side by side, I observe the inner political tensions and outer political tensions which are influenced by traditional passions. the only way for me to analyze this reality and take part in it actively is through an atheist default and through studying these religions, its much more sane to live in the holy land without a God, where you can understand your own political motivations without the promise of prophecy and other heavenly realities which will never come.
Despite what I just said, I cannot deny that many of the people here have strong and 'justified' religious motivations.
So do you disagree with religion or do you use religion to deny god all together?

Because from my understanding you (whomever) can’t really do much to study a religion if you take god out of it, only criticize it.
Also, just because a land was considered holy during one particular point in time doesn’t mean it is still holy today, especially if it has been caught up in the middle of war, violence, crime, etc. I think if there was once anything holy about a place like that then it is dead and gone. Unless people actually change the way they live and give new meaning to a place like that for it to be considered holy again.