If they don''t give us the whole picture, how can they give us an accurate picture of reality?
Is one photo more "real" or more "accurate" than the other? The first is a scanning electron microscope image of goat fur. The second image is a goat. Both images tell you something about the goat, but neither captures everything there is to know about what a goat is.
godnotgod said:
What would it take to accomplish that?
Great question. And upon reflection, my thoughts are pretty vague. I certainly imagine greater evolved intelligence, but I understand that even that would have limitations. I imagine greater control (and an environment in which it would be successful) over negative emotions, like greed, rage, and distrust, and a greater desire and ability for cooperation, both between ourselves and our environment. I imagine gaining different perspectives on our place in the universe, like the one that Copernicus and Darwin gave us.
But I don't know exactly how these things would actually enhance our ability to see the whole picture and to accurately experience it.
godnotgod said:
Are we not intelligent beings which emerged from an intelligent universe?
I don't believe the universe is intelligent. I just believe that it is.