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What is the religious definition of eternity?

I don't see your questions as disrespectful. I think it is important to ask honest questions and seek honest answers. I respect that.

I will come back and answer these questions.

(Today is a special day in our household and everyone is now waiting on me and asking when I'm going to get off RF, so I will have to continue this later. I will answer your question.)

I hope you enjoy your special day. Thank you for your feedback and your honesty. I'm a strong believer that knowledge is power and the more that we can learn from each other regardless of what side of the spectrum the other person is on, the better off we'll be as individuals. Thanks again and enjoy your night:)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No nazz, but love is an emotion that we are able to test
How? How do you test love? How do you prove love? Start with this.

and doesn't claim to be outside the dimensions of space and time, like god does.
Isn't God spoken of as existing within space in time, such as in nature and the human heart, or all things?

In other words, love is present in our everyday lives and can be seen and shown to others, god cannot be tested, seen, or shown to others.
Most certainly God can. The same way love is. Tell me how love is, and then apply that to God. God is demonstrated, or made known. But love too, even though shown, demonstrated, and made known, is not always seen even though it exists. Is it that love doesn't exist, or that someone for whatever reason fails to see it?

Once again, no disrespect. This is just the way I perceive it. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, I just find the topic fascinating and enjoy discussing it with others, so thanks again for your reply!
I look forward to your reply.
I believe God is composed of something :)

(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 131:7)
7 There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes.

If god consists of something material, then how is it possible for him to exist outside of space and time?

Science 101: Time, space, and matter ALL depend upon one another to exist. None of these three things can possibly exist in the absence of the other two. i.e. Matter cannot exist in the absence of space.


Truth Seeker
Is love made of particles?

I believe God is made of love particles, but of the kind not found in the universe. Here is my idea about God.

God is a nonmaterial spiritual form. As such, God created our material universe, unlike heaven where God's glory and spirit is everywhere. God is difficult to imagine. Here is my best description. Think of a spark of heaven, it is bright and glowing with no material form. It can disappear as soon as it appears, kind of like virtual particles. However, whereas virtual particles have been found to reappear at distances apart, often defying physical laws, a heavenly spark completely disappears because it has no physical or material reference. Then, imagine a multitude sparks in one being, next, imagine a blinding light emanating from a mass of bright efflorescent sparks coming from that being. Now, imagine a human being looking at that mass of heavenly sparks. Unless protected from the massive glow, a human would be blinded, as referenced by Paul and OT prophets. In short, God does not reproduce himself with humans. God is entirely separate, God is a spiritual being that has no material reference.


Question Everything
..god cannot be tested, seen, or shown to others.

God can be tested, seen, and shown to others... some do not like the test though, and so never see Him. To see Him, you have to be humble, meek, repentant, full of love, and willing to listen & follow. If you are not these things, then you will not see Him.


Question Everything
If god consists of something material, then how is it possible for him to exist outside of space and time?

Science 101: Time, space, and matter ALL depend upon one another to exist. None of these three things can possibly exist in the absence of the other two. i.e. Matter cannot exist in the absence of space.

Matter and energy do not depend on time to exist.
How? How do you test love? How do you prove love? Start with this.

Isn't God spoken of as existing within space in time, such as in nature and the human heart, or all things?

Most certainly God can. The same way love is. Tell me how love is, and then apply that to God. God is demonstrated, or made known. But love too, even though shown, demonstrated, and made known, is not always seen even though it exists. Is it that love doesn't exist, or that someone for whatever reason fails to see it?

I look forward to your reply.

1. Love can be tested in a variety of different ways. First, you can show others that you love them by being generous and by being there for them in times of need and expressing it to them. It can be tested by observing the way someone acts and by their appearance. Those are just a couple examples, I could give you many others.

2. No, he is spoken of as existing outside of time and space and is undetectable to the natural world in which we live.

3. That's false, god cannot be demonstrated in any way. It takes absolute blind faith to believe. There is exactly zero evidence of god's existence. This is not to say that your belief system is definitely wrong, I cannot be completely certain. But I think that a more intellectually honest standpoint is to say "I don't know", especially given the lack of evidence.
I believe God is made of love particles, but of the kind not found in the universe. Here is my idea about God.

God is a nonmaterial spiritual form. As such, God created our material universe, unlike heaven where God's glory and spirit is everywhere. God is difficult to imagine. Here is my best description. Think of a spark of heaven, it is bright and glowing with no material form. It can disappear as soon as it appears, kind of like virtual particles. However, whereas virtual particles have been found to reappear at distances apart, often defying physical laws, a heavenly spark completely disappears because it has no physical or material reference. Then, imagine a multitude sparks in one being, next, imagine a blinding light emanating from a mass of bright efflorescent sparks coming from that being. Now, imagine a human being looking at that mass of heavenly sparks. Unless protected from the massive glow, a human would be blinded, as referenced by Paul and OT prophets. In short, God does not reproduce himself with humans. God is entirely separate, God is a spiritual being that has no material reference.

I tried to imagine the picture that you painted, but to no avail. I guess I'm not in your head.:)


Doubting Thomas
No nazz, but love is an emotion that we are able to test and doesn't claim to be outside the dimensions of space and time, like god does.

Which god claims this?

In other words, love is present in our everyday lives and can be seen and shown to others, god cannot be tested, seen, or shown to others.

I disagree
God can be tested, seen, and shown to others... some do not like the test though, and so never see Him. To see Him, you have to be humble, meek, repentant, full of love, and willing to listen & follow. If you are not these things, then you will not see Him.

I am all of those things and I was a dedicated Christian for 27 years of my life. I was humble, I repented, asked for god to forgive me of my sins. went to church every Sunday, I believed every bit as much as the next guy and yet for the entire 27 years I never seen, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted any god. Why is that? I realize that there are a lot of people who claim to have the same experience that you've had (or similar) and I respect that and I do think that THEY truly do believe that their experience was real, but without them being able to demonstrate or prove their experience in any way, it just demonstrates that their experience holds no more validity than a delusion.


Doubting Thomas
I am all of those things and I was a dedicated Christian for 27 years of my life. I was humble, I repented, asked for god to forgive me of my sins. went to church every Sunday, I believed every bit as much as the next guy and yet for the entire 27 years I never seen, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted any god. Why is that? I realize that there are a lot of people who claim to have the same experience that you've had (or similar) and I respect that and I do think that THEY truly do believe that their experience was real, but without them being able to demonstrate or prove their experience in any way, it just demonstrates that their experience holds no more validity than a delusion.

Did you have similar experiences when you were a Christian?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
All of them.


Immanent god-concepts are, by definition, NOT "outside the dimensions of time and space." The entire point of immanence is that the gods reside within time and space or synonymous with time and space.


Question Everything
I am all of those things and I was a dedicated Christian for 27 years of my life. I was humble, I repented, asked for god to forgive me of my sins. went to church every Sunday, I believed every bit as much as the next guy and yet for the entire 27 years I never seen, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted any god. Why is that?

I don't think you would have stayed for 27 years if you never experienced anything spiritual... that's like saying you ate at a restaurant for 27 years, even though the food was bad :D
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
1. Love can be tested in a variety of different ways. First, you can show others that you love them by being generous and by being there for them in times of need and expressing it to them. It can be tested by observing the way someone acts and by their appearance. Those are just a couple examples, I could give you many others.
But again, if you are either unwilling or unable to see these evidences, such proofs are rejected as valid. It's not that that love isn't real, but that the person either can or cannot see them. They are even less tangible than some concrete 'evidence' such as a physical bone or something. And even then, with things like physical evidence people deny it because it's inconvenient or simply doesn't fit their idea of reality. How much less so something so very subjective as interpreting behaviors as indicative of love?

Do you see the point?

2. No, he is spoken of as existing outside of time and space and is undetectable to the natural world in which we live.
God is also spoken of within the natural world, and quite well detectable. To quote from the Bible, since your idea of God you reject appears to be derived from it, "The heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, night unto night shows knowledge". That's the natural world. Another one, "the kingdom of God is within you", that's here and now, in this world. There are of course countless other references, but you see my point. Your idea of God is of course, not what others see as God. And so as you reject that idea, it's your idea you're rejecting.

3. That's false, god cannot be demonstrated in any way. It takes absolute blind faith to believe.
Absolute nonsense. I don't need faith. And yes, God is demonstrated all the time in every moment of life. That you cannot see it, has nothing to do with anything being objective or not. Two people seeing the same thing, and yet they see something different.

There is exactly zero evidence of god's existence.
Except to those who experience God directly. That's evidence. I have evidence of God every day.

This is not to say that your belief system is definitely wrong, I cannot be completely certain.
You don't know what I believe, and calling it a system doesn't quite capture it. I would call it more an interpretation, or an evolving understanding, than any sort of belief system. In fact that term doesn't really fit at all.

But I think that a more intellectually honest standpoint is to say "I don't know", especially given the lack of evidence.
Yes, from your lack of evidence it is appropriate to say you don't know.


Question Everything
Ahh, yes they do.
Ahhhh, no they don't. Matter and energy do not depend on time to exist.

Does Time Exist? | Quantum Weirdness
"However the fact remains that equations of space and time break down at certain points and time falls out of some of them as an unnecessary factor."

...Even the National Bureau of Standards admit they are “not measuring time, but only defining it“....

Is Time an Illusion?: Scientific American
Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity suggest not only that there is no single special present but also that all moments are equally real [see “That Mysterious Flow,” by Paul Davies"

Newsflash: Time May Not Exist | DiscoverMagazine.com
Newsflash: Time May Not Exist
Not to mention the question of which way it goes...

etc. etc. etc. ....


Question Everything
Is it me or is it that I've responded several times to no avail nobody responded back?

Here you go!

I would assume the idea would be that in the dimension to which God may reside, the metaphysical principle would be that the nature of God is such that he is incoporeal, self-sustaining, and continuous without annihilation or interruption which all material substances succumb to.

The God of the Bible is corporeal :)

(Topical Guide | G God, Body of—Corporeal Nature:Entry)

God, Body of—Corporeal Nature (see also Man, A Spirit Child of Heavenly Father; Man, Physical Creation of)
Gen. 1:27 (Moses 2:27) God created man in his own image
Gen. 5:1 God created man, in the likeness of God made he him
Gen. 9:6 in the image of God made he man
Gen. 18:33 Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing
Gen. 32:30 I have seen God face to face
Ex. 24:10 they saw the God of Israel, there was under his feet
Ex. 31:18 (Deut. 9:10) written with the finger of God
Ex. 33:11 Lord spake unto Moses face to face
Ex. 33:23 thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen
Num. 12:8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth
Matt. 3:17 a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son
Matt. 4:4 every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
Matt. 17:5 a voice out of the cloud
Luke 24:39 for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have
John 14:9 he that hath seen me hath seen the Father
Acts 7:56 the Son of man standing on the right hand of God
Rom. 8:29 predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son
2 Cor. 4:4 Christ, who is the image of God
Philip. 2:6 who, being in the form of God
Philip. 3:21 our vile body ... fashioned like unto his glorious body
Col. 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God
Heb. 1:3 the express image of his person
James 3:9 men which are made after the similitude of God
1 Jn. 3:2 when he shall appear, we shall be like him
Rev. 22:4 they shall see his face