We reincarnate if we don't fulfill our purpose.
I chose Christianity because I studied the Bible, Quran, Hadith, Book of Mormon, Upanishad, Bagdiva Ghita, Scientology, Unitarianism and attended training at the JW's or as they call htemself Jehovah bible and tract soc.
I was an Agnostic after I returned from Military service in South Africa in the 1980's.
I always challenged Christians, untill a Muslim told lies about the Bible and Quran
He made the Quran a scientific book, and the Bible a fraud, and I wanted to get that information together to destroy Christians.
Well, at the end of it all, I could not find his claim of scientific discoveries in the Quran, but saw a small scientific fact in the Bible.
Since 2007 I was astounded at the acurate descriptions of Time, origins of the Universe, C14 dating, geology, and many more scientific discoveries from the Bible.
What made me realise that the Bible must be describing a true God, was when I saw the origins of the Universe was coppied from Genesis 1 by Emmanuel Kant in 1755, and this is what science uses today as evidence for the origins of the Universe!
Everything Kant described from the Bible was proven correct over the next 200 years. he knew that some "Deformed Stars" which scientists recorded, were other galaxies. He described Thermodinamics, the origins of Commets, the formation and contents of the Sun and planets, Orstd used Kants' information and came up with 3 scientific laws of which electromagnetisizm and conservation of energy are examples.
When I studied geology, I learned about Nicola Stenno. He was the father of Geology and crystalisation.
Guess what, he was a priest and gave a scientific description of how Earth's geology shaped out of a huge flood.
He discovered that the "tonge stones" was actually shark teeth which fossilised, and much more.
I can go on and on about how the Western world built their science to what we have now, because of Christians and jews who trusted the Bible.
In conclusion.
I am a Christian not because I believe in God, but because I KNOW GOD!