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What is wrong with Gays

The more normally they are treated, and the more latitude they are given in mainstream society, the more "normal" they will be able to act. It's sort of like the old adage, "Outlaw guns, and only outlaws will have them." If homosexuals were allowed to marry, then few of them would be living in sin...

I know! I absolutely can not wait for the day that there will be more God-loving people among the LGBT community, as already evident and growing.

If they knew how much God loved them and how by having Him in their lives, life itself becomes more fulfilling and wonderful, they would abandon more sinful lifestyles that have unfortunately been stereotyped in their names, and cling to the All-Merciful, the All-Loving as the Hope of all peoples.

I would love to see God-centred same-sex-couple family homes before I die. :)


Well-Known Member
But he's not bitter!...
(You're absolutely right about this!)

Nope, not bitter...Ok a little. Mostly about things that are completely unrelated to religion (or that should be) and are completely related to civil law and my treatment under said civil law. But, I can deal. I reserve the right to be bitter and to not mince words with the bigots though.


Well-Known Member
I know! I absolutely can not wait for the day that there will be more God-loving people among the LGBT community, as already evident and growing.

If they knew how much God loved them and how by having Him in their lives, life itself becomes more fulfilling and wonderful, they would abandon more sinful lifestyles that have unfortunately been stereotyped in their names, and cling to the All-Merciful, the All-Loving as the Hope of all peoples.

I would love to see God-centred same-sex-couple family homes before I die. :)

What, the same "lifestyles" that I see unmarried Heteros partaking in every weekend at the bar in my favorite restaurant? The one that involves some variety of promiscuity? Keep your judgement of "sinful lifestyles" please if you aren't out heaping just as much condemnation on those that share your orientation.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Nope, not bitter...Ok a little. Mostly about things that are completely unrelated to religion (or that should be) and are completely related to civil law and my treatment under said civil law. But, I can deal. I reserve the right to be bitter and to not mince words with the bigots though.
Good for you! No quarter for the Infidels!


Nope, not bitter...Ok a little. Mostly about things that are completely unrelated to religion (or that should be) and are completely related to civil law and my treatment under said civil law. But, I can deal. I reserve the right to be bitter and to not mince words with the bigots though.
Says the guy who's gonna watch Thor with all his friends from Greenland as if it were Passion of the Christ.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Says the guy who's gonna watch Thor with all his friends from Greenland as if it were Passion of the Christ.
I don't see what this has to do with the thread. His belief in Norse religion is certainly as valid as your belief in the Abrahamic religion. The only difference is that his heart is more open and hospitable toward homosexuals than yours.

Thor is certainly no less fiction than The Passion of the Christ.


Thor is certainly no less fiction than The Passion of the Christ.

He kind of just denoted all believers as "the bigots", so I am getting the hint you are not aware that bias comes from those who are discriminated against as a minority as well as from the majority.

What is fiction about it besides your probable problems with Mel Gibson?
Religious reason:

Leviticus 20:13 (New International Version, ©2011)
13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Of course, since in Christ there is no male or female (Galatians 3:28), I don't see what all the fuss is about, at least from a New Testament perspective. :D



Of course, since in Christ there is no male or female (Galatians 3:28), I don't see what all the fuss is about, at least from a New Testament perspective. :D


I thought in Pantelism you believe you must express faith before death? There is a higher rate of non-believers among gays, so in your perspective can't you see more of what the fuss is about?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
He kind of just denoted all believers as "the bigots", so I am getting the hint you are not aware that bias comes from those who are discriminated against as a minority as well as from the majority.

What is fiction about it besides your probable problems with Mel Gibson?
He doesn't refer to me as a bigot, and I'm a believer...

1) Even a cursory comparison shows much artistic license.
2) The gospel accounts all differ on details, leading us to surmise that the story is mythic.
3) It is no less mythic than the Norse tales
I thought in Pantelism you believe you must express faith before death? There is a higher rate of non-believers among gays, so in your perspective can't you see more of what the fuss is about?
Do you know what Pantelism is, elcazador? Also, I'm not sure how that relates to Galatians 3:28.



1) Even a cursory comparison shows much artistic license.
2) The gospel accounts all differ on details, leading us to surmise that the story is mythic.
3) It is no less mythic than the Norse tales

Ok then, think about the way he would have generalized that.

1) Yes, I noticed my first time what a great example of art it was.
2) Not wildly, and only on the frivolous. The movie portrays most accurately above all else what Jesus sacrificed for our sins.
3) That is practically saying the Bible is no less mythic than the Norse tales, unless I missed the hammer throwing paganism.
As I was aware it is Christian eschatology which differentiates in that it bases judgement on the acceptance of God on earth; please correct me if I am mistaken.
Pantelism is a combination of the preterist belief in the past fulfillment of all biblical end-time prophecies (around 70 AD) as well as the belief in the ultimate redemption of all humankind.

Wikipedia has a small entry that describes it better here.


Pantelism is a combination of the preterist belief in the past fulfillment of all biblical end-time prophecies (around 70 AD) as well as the belief in the ultimate redemption of all humankind.
So to be clear, everybody has already achieved salvation?


More precisely, salvation has already been achieved by Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross..

Well, I'm definitely giving the Bible another read tonight. If there are no contradictions, maybe most denominations have been using Christianity as a tool to thrust their own manipulative biases on people. I have just been struck with inspiration.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Ok then, think about the way he would have generalized that.

1) Yes, I noticed my first time what a great example of art it was.
2) Not wildly, and only on the frivolous. The movie portrays most accurately above all else what Jesus sacrificed for our sins.
3) That is practically saying the Bible is no less mythic than the Norse tales, unless I missed the hammer throwing paganism.
1) That's not what I meant, and you know it. There are details of the movie that clearly don't jive with any of the gospel accounts.
2) So do the gospels, themselves -- as well as the epistles. But they're still mythic stories.
3) The Bible is no less mythic than the Norse tales, in many respects.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
More precisely, salvation has already been achieved by Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross. (Sorry... hope this isn't derailing the thread, LOL!) :rolleyes:

The thread was derailed long ago, I'm afraid. I tend to believe that the Incarnation was what reconciled humanity to God. And yes, that has already been achieved.