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What is wrong with Gays

Where Is God

humans can worry about all the problems of the world,WE will NEVER be able to make things better. i don't care how many presidents one votes in. it's not what they are called that makes it wrong. it's what they do that makes it wrong in God's eyes. one can be called an adulterer,but if they're not committing adultery,then they're not doing anything wrong. they're NOT the only ones who's doing wrong,many of us are in one way or another.

you said give you and "exceptional reason" not to be mean...but it's NOT about what you want. it's not you who'll save or destroy mankind,and it's not you who we're suppose to worship. not to humor you, but show God's word...
(1).Levi.20:13-If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

(2).Rom.1:26,27- For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

NOW i gave you TWO "religious reasons",(Jehovah's word), did this make you happy/satisfied,and accepting of why Jehovah sees it as wrong? or are you still planning on fighting? peace

You seem passionate about your religious reasons but you refuse to give ne a secular reason. I do not believe in the Bible. I do not believe in God. I DO, however, have the ability to destroy and make life, doesn't that make me God? I do have the ability to destroy mankind.:angel2:


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
it's not what they are called that makes it wrong. it's what they do that makes it wrong in God's eyes. one can be called an adulterer,but if they're not committing adultery,then they're not doing anything wrong.
It's not a name, it's an accusation. People aren't adulterers unless they commit adultery. Adultery is a legal -- not a moral term. the act is called ... sex. What makes it illegal (for biblical Jews) is that you're doing it with someone that legally belongs to someone else. There's no such distinction with homosexuality. The act is called ... sex. Homosexuality is neither a legal nor a moral term. It's merely a descriptive term.
NOW i gave you TWO "religious reasons",(Jehovah's word),
"Religious reason" and "God's word" are two different things. Your cited texts are not "God's word." They're humanity's words, based upon a centuries-old understanding of human sexuality that we now know to be false.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Genesis 4.20: And Adam kept boning Eve because his sexual appetite was for women. He lived for 930 years, and that was plenty of time to try screwing around with male parts if he so choosed. But he didn't.

How do we know? Genesis tells us very little about what Adam did after the fall. There's nothing there to tell us that he ate, slept, sneezed, laughed, cried, or scratched himself either, but it's fairly certain that someone who's supposed to have lived for over 9 centuries would have done a lot of all of the above.
i agree with jojo50 even though she doesnt celebrate birthdays

Funny how mainstream Trinitarian Christians are against the Jehovah's Witnesses and call the Watchtower Society a cult and everything, until they agree with the cause.

YouTube - What God has yoked together

One of my favourite songs from the Sing to Jehovah songbook. :D

May all same-sex couples be loving, virtuous and sweet in Jehovah's love for each other and in their families. May they be married, and live happily in Holy Matrimony! "So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." -- Matthew 19:6


whoa whoa, who are you calling a mainstream trinitarian christian?
and if you can't agree with somebody because what is supposed to be their main body of belief isn't yours, then we really can't unite over anything can we? nor can we joke i suppose
whoa whoa, who are you calling a mainstream trinitarian christian?
and if you can't agree with somebody because what is supposed to be their main body of belief isn't yours, then we really can't unite over anything can we? nor can we joke i suppose

Observe the generality of my statement. ;)

Of course, debating endlessly about this and getting the whole "I hope God will save you from going to Hell" not exactly pleasant. All I want is to find a nice husband, be able to worship God together with him, and raise a God-centred family. :)

As a 'gay' I want nothing more than this! ^__^


Observe the generality of my statement. ;)

Of course, debating endlessly about this and getting the whole "I hope God will save you from going to Hell" not exactly pleasant. All I want is to find a nice husband, be able to worship God together with him, and raise a God-centred family. :)

As a 'gay' I want nothing more than this! ^__^
nobody's forcing you to live a lie and that's great, but with history in mind the irony cannot be ignored. the worst problem i have with the pope now is that he believes the worst problem of the world today is relativism over objective truths. this is blind thinking, we all have our own realities full of things we can only assess ourselves so it is not up to anybody to say that all gay people are bad and that there is something wrong with being gay. there's something wrong with being human, there is something wrong with everybody. so if this is your truth it is your reality.

sorry for the trolling :cigar:
nobody's forcing you to live a lie and that's great, but with history in mind the irony cannot be ignored. the worst problem i have with the pope now is that he believes the worst problem of the world today is relativism over objective truths. this is blind thinking, we all have our own realities full of things we can only assess ourselves so it is not up to anybody to say that all gay people are bad and that there is something wrong with being gay. there's something wrong with being human, there is something wrong with everybody. so if this is your truth it is your reality.

sorry for the trolling :cigar:

"And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmeets from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect."

-- Qur'an, Ar-Rum (The Romans), 30:21


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What's "wrong" with gays is that they don't mindlessly conform to outdated, misunderstood, overly-pious and dangerous moral "directives" from the fundigelicals. They prefer to think (and feel) for themselves. They prefer to honor who they are, instead of shaming who they are just to assuage the discomfort of the narrow-minded.

Gays may be sexually attracted to those of the same sex, but at least they don't practice ostracism, exclusion, and bigotry, like some.


Guardian of Asgaard
nobody's forcing you to live a lie and that's great, but with history in mind the irony cannot be ignored. the worst problem i have with the pope now is that he believes the worst problem of the world today is relativism over objective truths. this is blind thinking, we all have our own realities full of things we can only assess ourselves so it is not up to anybody to say that all gay people are bad and that there is something wrong with being gay. there's something wrong with being human, there is something wrong with everybody. so if this is your truth it is your reality.

sorry for the trolling :cigar:

That post makes a lot of sense. Its as if church morality has over-run morality and realism. The church expects people to live unlivable lives for God.