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What is wrong with Gays


Well-Known Member
Seriously, there are more important things to worry about in the world. Give me one exceptional reason why being gay or bisexual or transvestite is wrong. Give me a religious and a secular reason. I'm challenging you.)(
What will be will be.
The only true fear of those that are Gay (not my dear btw) is that it might influence God's decision to like or dislike a person.
However, the bible is clear, No One knows who God will truly accept and not accept. It says on the last day many "would be Christians" will be in for quite a shock, as they won't understand why some of those going to heaven went, and they did not.

Best not to judge, and leave that to God. If you are gay, and feel you can be nothing else in your heart, then how can you go against your heart? I believe it is simply a matter to leave between God and the individual to work out. Of course if one doesn't believe in God, who really cares then, live free and live long!


Give me one exceptional reason why being gay or bisexual or transvestite is wrong.

Do you know what a transvestite is? Did you mean transgender, which is the new politically correct label for transsexuals? Most trans people object to being referred to as transvestites. Also, many if not the majority of transvestites are not homosexual.

Further, did you know that many lesbians don't like being referred to as gay?

I'm not criticizing, just pointing out. A lot of people don't like being painted with others' labels. And it is hard to keep track of what's PC and what isn't, which is why the non-heterosexual community has so many label variations: LGBT, GLBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQI, etc etc.


"Oscar the grouch"
Seriously, there are more important things to worry about in the world. Give me one exceptional reason why being gay or bisexual or transvestite is wrong. Give me a religious and a secular reason. I'm challenging you.)(

I am pretty much in agreement with the OP but for arguments sake I will play devils advocate for fun. I believe being homosexual, in today's age goes against social norms. By social norms I am referring to psychological comfortable unions we see daily, ergo men and women.

I believe homosexual issues are unlike racial issues since one refers to phenotupe and the other to a psychosexual predisposition......anything else?


The qualifier 'today' is where this perspective begins to fall apart.

For example, a joint poll published March 17, 2011, by the Washington Post and ABC News with data from 2003 to 2011 indicated 53% of American adults support same-sex marriage, compared with 44% opposed. This is but one of very many similar contemporary examples, from countries around the world.

Bob Dylan was not the first one to proclaim The Times They Are a-Changin'. Some people might think that's not proper. Some people also think they should still burn Witches at the stake. Or at least commit us.


Where Is God

Do you know what a transvestite is? Did you mean transgender, which is the new politically correct label for transsexuals? Most trans people object to being referred to as transvestites. Also, many if not the majority of transvestites are not homosexual.

Further, did you know that many lesbians don't like being referred to as gay?

I'm not criticizing, just pointing out. A lot of people don't like being painted with others' labels. And it is hard to keep track of what's PC and what isn't, which is why the non-heterosexual community has so many label variations: LGBT, GLBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQI, etc etc.

Call them whatever you want. Still the same thing. They are people who deserve to love and be loved by anyone they choose. You have that option too.

Where Is God

I have just read something very eye opening. The famous verse in leviticus claims that homosexuality is an abomination. This does not mean immoral. It means the it was against the culture of that time that needed to be procreative. Thats also where the "thou shalt not spill thy seed on the floor" came from. It is referring to a man who pulled out, therefore there was no baby. I will link the video if requested.
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Reject Superstition
I have just read something very eye opening. The famous verse in leviticus claims that homosexuality is an abomination. This does not mean immoral. It means the it was against the culture of that time that needed to be procreative. Thats also where the "thou shalt not spill thy seed on the floor" came from. It is referring to a man who pulled out, therefore there was no baby. I will link the video if requested.

That's an interesting interpretation of it. please post dat vid! The Orthodox church and Catholic Church are against homosexual acts but not the condition. They consider the orientation "disordered" as a result of the corrupt and fallen state of man. This is where "After the fall," comes from. Meaning after Adam and Eve disobeyed Jesus. Before the fall Adam and eve were immortal, but not sexually attracted to each other. After the fall they realized they were naked leading to the sexual attraction we see amongst humanity (according to them). Sexuality was necessary to keep the human race alive until Jesus could send his son to redeem the world.

Then you could argue that Jesus has already redeemed the world and that the human species are a post-industrial, densly populated species on earth. Most Christian sects then teach that there are 2 parts to sexuality. 1. unison and 2. procreation. They argue unison with a verse about flesh going inside flesh during intercourse.. they also argue that case with the rib of adam being taken out and given to a woman. And then obviously homosexuals can't procreate.

Where Is God

That's an interesting interpretation of it. please post dat vid! The Orthodox church and Catholic Church are against homosexual acts but not the condition. They consider the orientation "disordered" as a result of the corrupt and fallen state of man. This is where "After the fall," comes from. Meaning after Adam and Eve disobeyed Jesus. Before the fall Adam and eve were immortal, but not sexually attracted to each other. After the fall they realized they were naked leading to the sexual attraction we see amongst humanity (according to them). Sexuality was necessary to keep the human race alive until Jesus could send his son to redeem the world.

Then you could argue that Jesus has already redeemed the world and that the human species are a post-industrial, densly populated species on earth. Most Christian sects then teach that there are 2 parts to sexuality. 1. unison and 2. procreation. They argue unison with a verse about flesh going inside flesh during intercourse.. they also argue that case with the rib of adam being taken out and given to a woman. And then obviously homosexuals can't procreate.

It explains why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, and why it is not about the homosexuality. It was about in-hospitality.
YouTube - Religion, The Horrors: Ignorance and homophobia 6/10

No offense to you but, WE ARE OVER POPULATED! Humans don't need to procreate every-time we have sex! Seriously, we just throw that around like it matters, "Oh homosexuals can't procreate so we shouldn't be gay." (Not that you said that) Seriously, if we needed to pro-create, why do we use condoms so much?


It explains why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, and why it is not about the homosexuality. It was about in-hospitality.

I have never understood how anyone could read those passages with an open mind and think that it was a divine condemnation of homosexuality.

tnx for the vid


Reject Superstition
It explains why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, and why it is not about the homosexuality. It was about in-hospitality.
YouTube - Religion, The Horrors: Ignorance and homophobia 6/10

No offense to you but, WE ARE OVER POPULATED! Humans don't need to procreate every-time we have sex! Seriously, we just throw that around like it matters, "Oh homosexuals can't procreate so we shouldn't be gay." (Not that you said that) Seriously, if we needed to pro-create, why do we use condoms so much?

No offense taken, I agree with you

That video is sick.. But there's still these:

  • 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
  • Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."
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Where Is God

No offense taken, I'm pretty agnostic so i pretty much stand by your stance.

That video is sick.. But there's still these:

  • 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
  • Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

I am not sure about the Cor. verse but I am actually pretty sure that that video series goes over the Rom. verse.

The video I uploaded was like part 6 of 10.

I encourage everyone else to watch them it's actually quite amazing and very informative. I am finishing it up as I am writing this. :beach:


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You're absolutely right. Sodom & Gomorrah is about inhospitality. As for the epistle references, they are generally explained as references to the purity laws.


Being gay is an abomination.If he wanted gay couples he would have just made the same sex but he didnt instead he created adam and eve.


Admiral Obvious
Being gay is an abomination.
Only for those whose deity says so.
Unfortunately for those people, not all deities say it is.

If he wanted gay couples he would have just made the same sex but he didnt instead he created adam and eve.
Interesting that you would bring up Adam and Eve seeing as Adam could have been a flaming homosexual and Eve a butch dike.
Now since there was no one else in the garden at the time it is lack of options that they had, not a choice as to whom they wanted to be with.


Well-Known Member
Being gay is an abomination.If he wanted gay couples he would have just made the same sex but he didnt instead he created adam and eve.

Which logically leads to the conclusion that God created DNA and hormonal development. Considering that not all people are born clearly functioning perfect little boys and girls and that basically every new avenue of research into human development is showing us that intra uterine development appears to be shaping our neural development it appears that the simplistic model of God created them male and female is wrong.

Unless one wishes to state that the mystical "Fall" of humanity warped God's perfect design. The problem then arises that we still develop the way we do and that the precepts God has placed upon our moral behavior for our ticket to eternal bliss is weighted unfairly against many individuals for no apparent reason at all. This image of the Abrahamic God shows more of a twisted eternal personality in which his creations cannot take the moral precepts seriously.

In any event, there is no logical reason to attempt an understanding of human sexual development and gender behavior based upon one creation story from one culture.