The Emperor of Mankind
Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
1. No, not that I know of. Violence is severely looked down upon. Wives are told to be submissive, but husbands are not allowed to beat them. I think of 1 Peter 3:7
The leader of Christian Voice is allegedly a wife-beater who doesn't believe in marital rape. There are also folks in the U.S. who think it's okay to beat their wives and that wives should be totally submissive - i.e. slaves - to their husbands. So yes, it's there. I'm willing to bet there are also plenty of televangelists who tell their viewers it's okay to beat their wives. Look at the attitudes on display on the second link. How abhorrent.
3. In Islam the only way to know you are going to heaven is by dying in battle. Christians know they will go to heaven, so they do not actively seek to die in battle. Big difference.
True but martyrdom is viewed as God's plan to build up his Church. Stephen received a vision of Christ and the Father before he died. With that in mind, is martyrdom not a fast ticket to Heaven?