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What is wrong with me...


I wonder what's wrong with people all the time Dezzie.

They get all up in your life, in your face,
telling you what you need to do,
how you should be,
who you should be,
what's wrong with your life,
what's wrong with you, your plans, your course,
and how you should change it,
and what your goals should be,
and how you should present yourself.
As if they know more about you than you do.

If only they spent half as much time looking at themselves in the mirror.

Probably honey, there's nothing wrong with you at all.
So you're quiet. so what. big deal.
If you do your job, and do it well,
that's why you're there.
People have a lot of nerve judging you
and getting all up in your face.
Talking about you. So obtuse.
I'll take quiet mannerisms
over boistrous intrusive rudeness
any day.

Still though, for your own sake, if people are making you anxious,
you need to take care of that anxiety,
for your own sake. :hug:
Just to say also, there are low dose, non addictive anti anxiety meds.
They can take the edge off anyway,
while you are working out the rest.

It's nothing to be ashamed or fearful of.

Wishing you the best.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I agree with UV. And your coworkers sound like jerks. They may need meds more than you do!

The rudeness and insensitivity of some people is amazing.

I worked for one year in an environment with people I simply didn't click with. They were a ridiculous bunch and it was the job from absolute hell. I had never experienced that sort of group stupidity before and I never have since, but I swear these loons fed off each other and had created their own stupid little world. I had the luxury of choosing to leave them to their own dumbassedness, unlike your scenario. Maybe you will get lucky and one or more of them will be reassigned shortly, or, better yet, get deployed! Often when you remove just one or two of the kingpins in that sort of situation, the problem resolves itself.

It does suck, however, to work with stupid people.


Active Member
You should not feel so bad about it, see I'm constantly told by others that I tend to appear rude and unfriendly, unsocial etc. I hardly get along with people I'm mostly alone at home, I see this is not healthy for my social interactions, however I feel comfortable this way, I guess I will try to change it once I have to start working or so.


I am looking for honest answers here... What is wrong with me? I am a very quiet individual. I don't talk much and I have a hard time starting a conversation with someone. Everyone I work with always has a comment or two to say about how quiet I am. Why do I feel so abnormal? I am at work right now, listening to my co-workers make comments about my silence and it hurts. I am on the verge of tears because I feel so out of place... People create this image of me that is wrong. They think that I feel too good for them... like speaking to them doesn't matter... and I swear that's not it at all... I don't know why people think this about me. All it does is make me feel like less of a human being.

I just need some honest answers... if there are any. I need someone to talk to but no one is there...


One of my co-workers actually told me that talking to me is very difficult because I don't say much. Every time they try and speak to me, it takes me more and more out of my comfort zone and I feel sick. I just want them to leave me alone...
Really you don't talk much... Dezzie :( This is a great quality, :yes: , but i don't know why are you asking like this "What is wrong with me"

Anyhow...try this free treatment but on your own risk, if it worked something in few days, than let me know, then ill tell you what is wrong with you.

  1. Avoid eating more chilli/spiecy food.
  2. Sleep as much late as you can in night, but avoid alcohal, high music, or parties etc.., Yes you can spend time in your hobbies ie: Drawing, painting, or any art work --- but without disturbing anybody.:)
  3. As every person in this world is different from each other, ie: all have different faces, different heights, different manners, different qualities, different weaknesses etc..., Similarly think that "Dezzie" is also different.
  4. Always eat and enjoy something new and different in your lunch or in lunch break.
  5. Awake early in the morning, do any body exersise, and before going to your work always pary that: O god, you are always with me..am not alone, O god am your very simple child, i don't have the habit of talking much with others... so please be always be with me everytime.
_/\_ Honestly... Ur Brother, and always with you.:)



Premium Member
I took medication for my anxiety for a short time, and although it did lessen my anxiety, it also made me rather numb. I don't want to ever touch that stuff again. I have had counseling.


Well-Known Member
I agree with UV. And your coworkers sound like jerks. They may need meds more than you do!

The rudeness and insensitivity of some people is amazing.

I worked for one year in an environment with people I simply didn't click with. They were a ridiculous bunch and it was the job from absolute hell. I had never experienced that sort of group stupidity before and I never have since, but I swear these loons fed off each other and had created their own stupid little world. I had the luxury of choosing to leave them to their own dumbassedness, unlike your scenario. Maybe you will get lucky and one or more of them will be reassigned shortly, or, better yet, get deployed! Often when you remove just one or two of the kingpins in that sort of situation, the problem resolves itself.

It does suck, however, to work with stupid people.

They really are a major annoyance... I don't mean that to be rude but seriously... Now that I think about it... I really don't have anything to be ashamed of. These people go out and get drunk and talk about things I personally find extremely offensive.

*:slap:* This slap is for myself... I don't know why I ever felt like there was something wrong with me... I am a good person, I have good morals, am good to others, and I don't waste my life away drinking like these other people do (I am not saying drinking is bad by the way, but these guys talk about it like they have an addiction)... The people I work with are extremely childish... I feel like 10 times more of an adult than these people and some of them are OLDER than me! Man...

Thank you to everyone for the advice! I really needed it! I feel loads better. :) I received a major wake-up call...


I do not want to take meds for this issue... trust me. I don't trust those types of meds at all. Talking to a therapist will probably help a little bit. One thing I did notice is that talking to older people is 10 times easier than talking to peers at my own age level. I had issues with friends and other people judging me as a kid, so maybe that's my problem.

That very well could be your problem. That might be a thing you could write about if you decide to start a journal.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
That very well could be your problem. That might be a thing you could write about if you decide to start a journal.
I hate to tell you, but journal writing isn't always the solution. What works for you typically doesn't work for others. Stop pushing your personal solution.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Of course there are exceptions, but it seems that on average members of the military tend to be extremely chauvinistic, arrogant, simple and shallow.

I guess my three kids, my dad, my brother, and most of the military personnel I've lived around most of my life are the exceptions.

Young, single (for the most part) under 30 somethings, making plenty of money and far from home often tend to be simple and shallow. But don't judge our military by that one group. More mature (and usually married) military personnel are usually some of the finest people you can live around.

I do speak from a lifetime of experience when I say that.


I hate to tell you, but journal writing isn't always the solution. What works for you typically doesn't work for others. Stop pushing your personal solution.

Stop being a downer. I am offering one tool that has been effective for many and may or may not be effective for Dezzie, in consideration of the fact she is not ready to go to a professional for fear of how it will affect her military record. She will try it or not, depending on her inclinations.

What tools can you offer that don't involve putting her anxieties on her employment record?


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
Stop being a downer. I am offering one tool that has been effective for many and may or may not be effective for Dezzie, in consideration of the fact she is not ready to go to a professional for fear of how it will affect her military record. She will try it or not, depending on her inclinations.

What tools can you offer that don't involve putting her anxieties on her employment record?
Read the thread, and you'll see what I recommended.


Well-Known Member
I guess my three kids, my dad, my brother, and most of the military personnel I've lived around most of my life are the exceptions.

Young, single (for the most part) under 30 somethings, making plenty of money and far from home often tend to be simple and shallow. But don't judge our military by that one group. More mature (and usually married) military personnel are usually some of the finest people you can live around.

I do speak from a lifetime of experience when I say that.

That is very true... That's why I say it is easier to talk to people older than me. I have met my fair share of crappy (older and married) officers though. Many get caught for a number of issues... drugs, child ****, and are sexual predators. It blows my mind when some of them actually get away with half of the things they do... and not to mention the fact that they were even given the title of officer to being with. Personally, if an officer is childish, I won't listen to them. I am not going to take orders from someone who has issues... I don't care if your an officer or not (no offense). If you don't provide me with respect, you're not getting it back. :shrug:

There are some great people in the military though. My last Command was amazing... I miss my old co-workers... they were some of the best people I have ever known. Apparently someone at my new Command got in trouble for sexual harassment so now we are all punished (we have to do training once a month). lol I got here at the proper time... :areyoucra NOT... that right there is a huge difference compared to my last Command.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I think I understand what you're saying, Dezzie.

"The military" is a massive organization. Like any organization of that size and scope, there are going to be all sorts of people, and units, and situations, and chains of command.

I'm glad you got to experience a good command before you got stuck with this one. One good thing about the military though is that you know you're not STUCK long term with one particular group or person - things are constantly shifting.

Also, there are lots of systems in place for you to tap into if there is true abuse of power or position going on, and I encourage you to take advantage of those resources if you need to.

In my many years of military association, I and my family have been blessed with some wonderful, interesting, exciting, and very quality experiences -from commands, to housing. As a dependent, I recall only one assignment I didn't care for, and that was at Fort Hood. I hated the housing and the post was huge, sprawling, hot, ugly and impersonal. However, I loved Fort Benning, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Fort Eustis, Langley AFB, Yokota AFB, Aschaffenburg Army Base, Lackland AFB, US Air Force Academy, Sheppard AFB, and yes, even Fort Bragg.

My family proudly serves, and the military has been good to us as well.