Thanks , I get that word , and I think it delivers the same meaning as the Hindi/Sanskrit word 'Dharma' , also mostly translated as religion.
dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with
rta (order , rule), the order that makes life and universe possible,and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’]
But I still was wondering how it could give a meaning of 'Judgement ' , and the word 'Dharmaraj' struck to me. It is Dharm+Raj which means Lord of Justice , the one who brings order.
And From The Brahmakumari perspective,
God is referred to as Dharmraj when souls experience pain as punishment during the final purification process, of days of settlement in accordance to the Law of Karma.
Through the power of yoga (connection) with God, sinful accounts can also be burnt away slowly in the final days of settlement. Further, we can also receive God's help to maintain a happy, pain-free state, which is the soul-conscious bodiless state while the sinful accounts are burnt away.