My favorite sport is the tour de france... in the local pub.
I'm very good at the sprint (as many pints ad fundum behind each other) and the mountains (stronger beers, the degrees go up, just like it is the case with mountain slopes
Another nice teamsport is fusball.
Oh wait, those aren't real sports, they're pubsports.
Oh well, I used to play soccer, I wasn't a very technical player but I could run like hell and just avoid the entire defense by outspeeding them and then just shooting the ball past the keeper with no defenders in my way.
Now I quit that about 3 years ago because the team I played with didn't have enough players of my age category, and I never picked it up again since.
I did a little bit of squashing then (I think it's the thing you guys call racketball), but that bored me kind of quickly, so now I don't do any sport anymore, besides occasionally powertraining or running.
I've always wanted to do martial arts, but I don't really want to start on something like that alone, I'm not a very confident or incredibly social guy so I always need someone I know to get started on something where I know nobody else. I did start on my college classes alone, and most of my friends are elsewhere during the week, so I don't really have a lot of people I can ask to pick up on karate or something.
Ah well, I'll always have my pub sports