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What is your opinion on mandatory prayer in schools


Guardian of Life
1. Mandatory? I don't even think school should be mandatory. So making children pray in school is something I'd disagree with.
2. Mandatory prayer cannot be called prayer. If the heart is not in it, then it's not prayer
3. School is to teach. While I would have no problem with a school allowing a moment of silence for those students who are religious to pray, there is reason that the students should be made to pray.
4. Prayer is not something should be done just anywhere, it is a holy thing and should be treated as such.


Well-Known Member
For the most part, mandatory anything is pretty much bad. I do believe children must learn basic education though. Children don't have the responsibility to make that decision for theirselves and parents being allowed to use their beliefs to keep children from education is child abuse. They have a right to teach their children their own values but no right to keep them dumb.


Public schools should strictly be secular. If you want prayer time, then dish out the extra money and send your kids to a private school.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I agree with Knight in that prayer should not be mandatory, or it is not prayer at all. It's not about the words, but about the attitude. (Heck, you can mess up, and if your heart's in the right place, you're fine, according to many.)

I also agree that schools should be secular, and religious students should find their own time to pray if their religions require it.

I would defend my answer, but it's 12:20 in the morning.


Well-Known Member
been on one exept that its not mandetory they just act like its the pc thing to do,

its not much diffrent then normal schools exept that you waste time learning on praying


AS IF... you could make a person "pray".

To WHO? What does it MEAN to pray?
I do not like the social pressure in schools to pledge allegiance either. :(
It's just as bad IMHO.
It's indoctrination.
There should be NO indoctrination of any kind in schools.
Even social/societal/governmental indoctrination.

I'm really not into the school 'systems' at all.
Public OR Private.
(for about a million reasons)
But what you gunna do? :shrug:
(If you don't have large amounts of personal funding)

You're born into what you're born into.
You can only do the best you can with it.
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Well-Known Member
Schools should not in my opinion push people towards any religion, so prayers have to go.


I'm the Jugganaut!!
No prayer in schools. :no: However I do think it should be mandatory for every school to have a religious education class that teaches ALL the major organized religions and preaches tolerance and equality.:yes:
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Guardian of Life
No prayer in schools. :no: However I do think it should be mandatory for every school to have a religious education class that teaches ALL the major organized religions and preches tolerance and equality.:yes:

Make I ask why? Is that the purpose of school?

I guess I disagree with it because I believe that there are many things that parents should teach their children. Schools these days are trying to do thing which alleviate the parents need to parent their children.


I'm the Jugganaut!!
Make I ask why? Is that the purpose of school?

I guess I disagree with it because I believe that there are many things that parents should teach their children. Schools these days are trying to do thing which alleviate the parents need to parent their children.
I agree with you entirely, parents should parent their children properly. Problem is that there are alot that don't. School is about teaching children the skills they need in life so that they can go out and make something of themselves.

Religion is a big part of life, it can affect many different aspects. Many children ( I know I'm going to get flamed for this) attend church with their parents so they don't have a choice on what to believe. For the most part, people tend to stick with what they were taught as a child, and it's hard to over come that. EX: most people in the middle east are Islamic, most western people are Christian, etc. That's how they were raised. However I know speaking for myself, if I were taught (not influenced to believe one way or another) about many different religions as a child from a purely objective viewpoint, then I would have probably made different decisions early on in life. Also most of my viewpoints on religion as a whole, as an adult, were formed from my experience with Christianity. I mean I have just in the last few years been doing research and learning about different religions out there.


Guardian of Life
I agree with you entirely, parents should parent their children properly. Problem is that there are alot that don't. School is about teaching children the skills they need in life so that they can go out and make something of themselves.

Religion is a big part of life, it can affect many different aspects. Many children ( I know I'm going to get flamed for this) attend church with their parents so they don't have a choice on what to believe. For the most part, people tend to stick with what they were taught as a child, and it's hard to over come that. EX: most people in the middle east are Islamic, most western people are Christian, etc. That's how they were raised. However I know speaking for myself, if I were taught (not influenced to believe one way or another) about many different religions as a child from a purely objective viewpoint, then I would have probably made different decisions early on in life. Also most of my viewpoints on religion as a whole, as an adult, were formed from my experience with Christianity. I mean I have just in the last few years been doing research and learning about different religions out there.

I guess I could see how that would be valuable.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
I guess I disagree with it because I believe that there are many things that parents should teach their children. Schools these days are trying to do thing which alleviate the parents need to parent their children.
Rubbish. Developing some modicum of religious literacy has zero to do with alleviating the parents need to parent their child.