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What is your religion?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Shaiva-Smarta-Yoga-Vedanta Advaita-Ishvaravada.

...^_^ AKA, Shaivite (Siva-central) universalistic panentheism w/ Yoga and Vedanta.


Lonesome Religionist
Man can experience three realities: material, mental, and spiritual. Religion concerns spiritual existence. It is not a world of beliefs which would put him right back into mental reality. It consists of personal experiences with the spirit influence of God. So true religion must be the religion of spiritual reality, not the illusion of mental beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Man can experience three realities: material, mental, and spiritual. Religion concerns spiritual existence. It is not a world of beliefs which would put him right back into mental reality. It consists of personal experiences with the spirit influence of God. So true religion must be the religion of spiritual reality, not the illusion of mental beliefs.

This is true. What is your religion?

Bob Dixon


With some Judaic, Islamic(/Sufi), and various Dharmic influences, plus a bit of Panentheism and some of my own thought.
I've made it work well.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Most of my philosophy comes straight from Fight Club and Donnie Darko, with a mix of Nihilism and a spice of Jediism.


I'm..... interesting. By Interesting, I mean complicated and often times confusing.
I personally follow my own path. I mostly identify as a mostly Norse Pagan. HOWEVER I have been told that I act more like an Ascensionist. I believe that pretty much all religions ultimately can lead to the same goal. I believe that all Gods probably do exist, and I have had many personal mystical experiences that enforce that belief.

My own path focuses mostly on the Aesir if any Gods/Goddesses are invoked or named, however I have at times prayed to and honored other Deities. It all depends on what I'm doing.
In my opinion people focus far too much on the path and not enough on the journey.


Lonesome Religionist
Same as the rest of us, huh?

True religion is the religion of spirit in which a religionist personally experiences the thrilling venture of finding God for himself, in himself and of himself. It is free from the bondage of intellectual doctrines and organized personality authorities. The cardinal points are:

[FONT=&quot]1) The pre-eminence of the individual.

2) The will as the determining factor in man's experience.

3) Spiritual fellowship with God the Father.

4) The supreme satisfactions of the loving service of man.

5) The transcendency of the spiritual over the material in the human personality choice.

6) Actually doing your Heavenly Father's Will.[/FONT]