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What is your stance on the war in Iraq?


Well-Known Member
This is for conservatives & conservative leaning moderates only - hence the "conservative only" forum... :slap:

Do you still support the war in Iraq? Why or why not? Is your support stronger or weaker than it was when we first went to war?


Destroyer of Worlds
I'm an anomaly in the political world as much as I am here. Basically a socialist, I do hold conservative values where the Constitution is concerned.

The core values of this country have been hijacked by special interests. The will of the people no longer matter.

The government TELLS us what they're going to do, rather than us telling them.

This is not democracy. And any product that comes from this government is tainted with the stench of private agendas.

This war included.



I was supportive when it began, because with the information we thought we had, it would have been a just war.

However, as our information was proven false, obviously I can no longer
"support" the war.

But i do believe that since we have torn up their country, we owe them as much to fix it back up.....


Well-Known Member
This is for conservatives & conservative leaning moderates only - hence the "conservative only" forum... :slap:

Do you still support the war in Iraq? Why or why not? Is your support stronger or weaker than it was when we first went to war?

I did initially because I thought Iraq had something to do with it. Since then, all we've done is make a complete mess of things and kill a lot of people.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that I never gave my opinion in my own thread.

I supported the war at the beginning. I've always felt that the middle east would be more stable with Sadaam gone. I honestly didn't give much thought to him having anything to do with 9/11. I just wanted him gone for the sake of the people in Iraq, the middle east, and the world. I still feel getting rid of Sadaam was the right thing to do.

I went through a phase where I was very frustrated with how the war was going. I'm still pretty angry about it. I don't think that the war was well managed.

I'm waiting to see how the latest efforts go. From what I've read, things seem to be getting better since the change in strategy. I'm crossing my fingers that it isn't too late to clean up the mess we made.

No matter how bad things were botched up, I think we owe it to the Iraqi people to help them stabalize their country - we were the ones who disturbed the hornet's nest. I think that abandoning Iraq would be a grave mistake and eventually lead to more problems than it would solve. I'm afraid that if we don't do it right this time, we'll be back in ten more years (just like before).


Well-Known Member
I find it difficult to love a neighbour when shooting at him...
I can and will never support war for there is no love in it


Freshman Member
There are times when war is very necessary.


However, I do not think that the Iraq war was necessary. It was a waste of money. But, now that we're there, we can't suddenly pull out and leave the country for the terrorists to take over. We need to stay there until the job is done.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm against it and was against it from the start. I was tear gassed in a pre-invasion anti-war demonstration.
Of course, I'm against war to begin with, but this war was a flagrant power/resource grab. 9/11 merely provided the crisis that seems to be a necessary prerequisite for any major policy change.

The disturbing thing is that all the claims of WMD and Al Qaida links were contrived. They were known to be false by the White House and the information refuting them was readily available to congress and the media.
First, we will likely never FULLY be able to tell if Iraq was directly involved, but that's beside the point. The point was Saddam was murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and we stood by and let it happen for years. I consider that shameful, it doesn't matter if he wasn't 'involved' he was a murderer, and murderers must face their actions, just like everyone else. I support the war. God bless our heroes!


the war was over years ago and whether i did support it at the time is now irelevant to me.

But if you mean do i support the security operation in Iraq in order for the Iraqis to be fully Fully capable of upholding the rule of law and guaranteeing the stability necessary for sustainable democracy and economic development in Iraq. the answer is yes, we made a mess now we have to clear it up.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
The only 'failure' and 'mistake' would have been to let that guy get away with murder,

I stand by my comments,
[eXtreme sarcasm filter]

Well, some might argue that there is precious little to your comments, but being a member in somewhat good standing on RF, I could never suggest such a thing -- of course. I hate to break it to you, but I am an unrepentant Canadian. I support "our" troops, but I am not terribly supportive of the "military intelligence" that guides them, either in Canada or in the unerring US of A. Nothing says "have a nice day" like a MIRV, eh? Heck, let's just loose the nukes and then we can bring the true heroes back home. There is only one thing that these crazy Muslim fascists understand and that is the power of Allah, and by God, I say, let's give it to them -- in spades. Heck, then... when no one wants their polluting oil products anymore, we can at least offer them a few bucks for glassware.


[/eXtreme sarcasm filter]
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's not a war. It's an occupation. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and was no threat to us. Even Israel considered it a paper tiger.
How can you support flagrant military aggression, Ben-D?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
First, we will likely never FULLY be able to tell if Iraq was directly involved, but that's beside the point.

In the same sense that we will never "fully" know if Walt Disney was a commie? Yes, that is quite besides the point, I must agree.

The point was Saddam was murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and we stood by and let it happen for years. I consider that shameful, it doesn't matter if he wasn't 'involved' he was a murderer, and murderers must face their actions, just like everyone else. I support the war. God bless our heroes!

So I take it that you would support a trial for GWB under accusations of crimes against humanity? One is sorely needed, for very much the reasons you attribute to Saddam.