Setting goals (both short term and long term) that can be accomplished. It could be as small as getting laundry caught up on, or cleaning out a closet. Set a goal, and get it done. Even small accomplisments will boost hormones in the brain, and also boost mood.
Viktor Frankl wrote about this in Man's Search For Meaning, where his observtions of those in Jewish concentration camps had a higher survival rate IF they set goals and accomplished them. Long term meaning in life comes about through setting goals worthy of the self. It doesn't necessarily mean winning, but it is the process of life that is given meaning through the committment to the self.
Viktor Frankl wrote about this in Man's Search For Meaning, where his observtions of those in Jewish concentration camps had a higher survival rate IF they set goals and accomplished them. Long term meaning in life comes about through setting goals worthy of the self. It doesn't necessarily mean winning, but it is the process of life that is given meaning through the committment to the self.