Why does God have to be omniscient, omnipotent, and all-loving? Why can't a God be a God without these qualities?
Satan is depicted as the god of this world, in LDS theology, and in every respect he is the god of this world, reigning with terror, death, destruction, disease and all other horrors found on this earth..
He has been given powers over men and women on this earth, but only if we give him those powers, by doing his will, which is to hate our fellow man and envy, lust, molest, murder him/her. etc..
Satan is the god of this world and many worship this god for what he offers...
So yeah, there are differeent types of gods...
Loving and hateful gods and everything in between probably...
So, God has to be free from human emotions in order to be God?If God is not like us in any way, then how do we understand him? And, why in scriptures is God portrayed as being like us, with human emotions?
Or, is it only the bad emotions God can't have? Why?
I think you already know the answer to these questions...