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What religion would you pick?


Not your average Mormon
If I were to stick with Christianity, Catholicism.

If I were to covert to something outside of Christianity, it would be either Judaism or the Baha'i Faith.

As things look now, there's about 1 chance in a million of my making a switch of any kind.


Active Member
I'd choose the religion that worships a cosmic zombie who was his own father who'll let me live forever because I symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him I accept him as my master so he can remove an evil force from my soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. Not.


RF Addict
I would change to Pastafarianism. If I followed this religion, and believed in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I would get to a heaven with beer volcanoes!

Is that not reason enough to change to Pastafarianism?


Well-Known Member
I have trouble believing that you really feel that way. If you did, you'd still be one rotten SOB, but restrained by your beliefs. I doubt that you are.

Obviously you didin't know me before I came back to the church. You should talk to some of my ex girlfriends. And You should not judge my heart. If you feel that you know more about myself than me then you really have arrogance. But oh well think as you may your only a speck in the universe to me:eek: . LOL!


The Devil's Advocate
If I didn't believe in Jesus or his church. I would probably go by my own religion or set of beliefs and rules. Which for me would be no rules at all. I would probably sleep with as many people as I cared too, cheat, steal, do hardcore drugs and even kill anyone who gets in my way. After all, you only live once, eat drink and be Merry, might as well live it up, who cares about others they are only a speck in the universe . I sure as hell wouldn't care. thank God for my Catholic faith I guess. If not for †hat I'd be one rotton SOB. LOL!
Most people would not and do not do those things.

So I guess it's a good thing for us that you found your faith. :sarcastic


Well-Known Member
Most people would not and do not do those things.

So I guess it's a good thing for us that you found your faith. :sarcastic

Yes I guess it is. Thank you. I had quite the delinquent teen years and was heading fast down a slippery slope. Thank Christ he got me out of that one. God bless you.


RF Addict
I do not have any faith in any religion.

However, I have not done any drugs, have not slept around with a multitude of women, have not killed anyone, and have not even drank any alcohol.

Perhaps I am not trying hard enough. Where do I get in on this? (I joke.)


The Devil's Advocate
Yes I guess it is. Thank you. I had quite the delinquent teen years and was heading fast down a slippery slope. Thank Christ he got me out of that one. God bless you.
Well, I can't fault you for sincerity. Bless you too. :)


LaVeyan Satanism. If I were to convert, it would be because my religion isn't true. If my religion isn't true, then no religion is true. If no religion is true, I might as well pick the one whose value system I think is most practicable and profitable in this world (considering my view of human nature and the like), which is that put forth by Anton LaVey in the Satanic Bible.


Deviled Hen
If you dared to convert, what religion would you choose to be with and why?
I would chooose Buddhism, its simple, no attachment.

But in the meantime, back to the OP. :eek:

It would be a tough call.

Hm...if Christianity, then Catholicism (East or West)
(I was raised Protestant already, so it wouldn't be much of a "conversion" to go back...) Let's face it, I'm already used to Christianity and pretty comfortable with it. I love the depth of Catholicism and its history and am not much of a sola scriptura kinda bird anyway.

If not "normative" Christian, I'd explore LDS. I love the healthy lifestyle and emphasis on family and community. I'm also very keen on any theology that doesn't shut the door to salvation on people just because they happened to not know anything much about Jesus. ;)

Judaism -- speaking of a rich history. I also love the side of it that requires study, intellect, and increasing one's knowledge.

Buddhism - well, seriously, I can hardly deny that the Four Noble Truths are actually true.

if pagan, Asatru (I'm right there with ya, MidnightBlue, about the metaphor), but possibly something more Celtic, just so my daughter Eibhlin wouldn't be upset with me. :) Yes, I'm still terribly Northern European and especially Germanic at the core, despite the bit of other ancestry in the family. The Norse pantheon just kinda speaks to me -- always has.

Celtic? Love the artwork. *ducks*


The Devil's Advocate
LaVeyan Satanism. If I were to convert, it would be because my religion isn't true. If my religion isn't true, then no religion is true. If no religion is true, I might as well pick the one whose value system I think is most practicable and profitable in this world (considering my view of human nature and the like), which is that put forth by Anton LaVey in the Satanic Bible.
Considering your strong libertarian streak this is certainly not surprising. ;)

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
That there Girls-on-Trampolines sounds mighty fun!

Actually, I don't believe that a person ever really converts. Lessons and truths are never tossed aside (I hope) for equally valid lessons and truths.

Isabella Lecour

amor aeternus est
If you dared to convert, what religion would you choose to be with and why?

I am a convert. I left my birth religion of Conservative literal Christianity after being baptized in the church and became a polytheistic Pagan with liberal tendencies.

I left because I found that particular God offensive to me and that the framework of the religion to be overly and unnecessary rigid without room for healthy growth. I had the responsibly as an adult to make decisions about my religion with an informed mind.
A little knowledge goes a long way.

If I was "dared" to convert one more time...I'd deify myself and be my first best fan. :bow:


Fellowship of Reason
I'd convert to Scientology and convince the Scientologists that I was the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard.

But that might not work. Scratch that. I'd switch to the religion of Paul Muad'dib.

But the rituals involve Spice, and that is in short supply in pre-Spacing Guild times. So scratch that.

Oh, I'll just stay as I am. :)



James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
I already converted (twice formally, once to Karma Kagyu Buddhism and once to the Orthodox Church). I'm happy where I am and I very much doubt that I'll be converting again, but supposing I were...

If I was to stick with Christianity, I'd have to become Oriental Orthodox, but that's hardly much of a conversion. They're practically identical to us. I have many issues with Roman Catholicism, though, and I threw out Protestantism long ago, so that would be my only choice.

Far more likely, but still very unlikely, would be a conversion to another faith entirely. In that case the most likely would be a return to Buddhism. The only two other remotely plausible things would be atheism (but I feel that would likely turn me into a rather selfish hedonist) or a kind of none too serious pagansim in which I viewed the 'gods' as nothing more than useful archetypes in the Jungian vein - but I dare say there are quite a number of pagans who take that sort of a view (I knew several wiccan psychologists who did).
