As George-ananda said though. Having outside temptations is entirely distracting and highly negative.
Only for the weak-minded.
Muslims for example have the women pray in the back or in a separate area because any man prostrating behind a woman is going to be concerned with other things besides praying if you understand what I am hinting at.
Hindu women as well dress modestly on occasion and in some society in India they wear loose veils as well. Catholic nuns stay veiled as well to retain their purity of image and not be idolized as sexual figures.
Sex is a distraction and just brings about the wrong feelings. One cannot have both frames of mind
So it is just a 'frame of mind', and an
attempt to
'have the right feelings'.
Sounds very contrived and conditional.
Is 'spiritual truth' so fragile and dependent on micro-management ? Is it just a 'state of mind' which can be ruined by the sight of some woman's rump ? Hardly seems worth all the bother.
I practice yoga. The classes have men and women (mostly women). The women wear tights and close-fitting tops, and we all assume all sorts of postures. I am heterosexual ( although being over 50, I am not a drooling ****brain ). From time to time I become aware that a woman is attractive, or that she is opposite me in a posture which makes her breasts more visible or whatever. These are fleeting moments. They are not a problem to me, and since I do not let them distract me into staring at the women, not a problem to the women either. We are too engaged in our practice to spend time noticing each other.
So I can only wonder about why muslims find this such a problem.
And when I wonder about that, I also note that muslim women are always covered up - yet apparently the men still can't stop obsessing about them if they are nearby ?
It seems that all this 'humility' and 'modesty' is having the effect of making muslims more self-conscious and concerned about sex than westerners.
When I see African or New Guinea tribespeople with bare-breasted women, this becomes even more apparent. Those people are not having constant problems with rape, adultery, incest etc.
It seems the more people try to 'have the right feelings', the more neurotic they become.