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What the Bible says about Abortion


A Dictator of a Coach
Marks of the True Church

1. Believes that Jesus Christ is God. John 1:1

2. Has no Head of the church but Jesus. Ephesians 5:23

3. Teaches truth not Denominationalism. Mark 7:7-8

4. Teaches that The Bible is the True Word of God, and is without error. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

5. Teaches that Authority comes from the word of God not leaders in the Church. 1 Thessalonians 4:2, Acts 2:42

6. Teaches Believers Baptism. Mark 16:16

7. Teaches that Repentance and Baptism is for the Forgiveness of Sins and the way to receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-4

8. Teaches that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Acts 4:12

9. Teaches that Sinners will go to Hell. Revelation 21:8, 20:11-15

10. Takes care of the Poor. James 1:27

11. And does the Great Commission. Matthew 28:18-20


Veteran Member
Marks of the True Church

1. Believes that Jesus Christ is God. John 1:1

2. Has no Head of the church but Jesus. Ephesians 5:23

3. Teaches truth not Denominationalism. Mark 7:7-8

4. Teaches that The Bible is the True Word of God, and is without error. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

5. Teaches that Authority comes from the word of God not leaders in the Church. 1 Thessalonians 4:2, Acts 2:42

6. Teaches Believers Baptism. Mark 16:16

7. Teaches that Repentance and Baptism is for the Forgiveness of Sins and the way to receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-4

8. Teaches that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Acts 4:12

9. Teaches that Sinners will go to Hell. Revelation 21:8, 20:11-15

10. Takes care of the Poor. James 1:27

11. And does the Great Commission. Matthew 28:18-20

Sounds similar to a church that I know.



Well-Known Member
God commands us not to murder (including abortion)

Genesis 9:6
Exodus 20:13
Exodus 23:
Proverbs 28:17
Romans 13:9-10
Utterly dishonest. None of these quotes refers to the removal of a clump of cells not yet having been delivered or even forming something that could be regarded as a human being.

On the contrary, there is sufficient Bible support for the view that abortion isn't murder
If a pregnant woman is hit so that she losese her child, it's a trivial matter which can be atoned by the perpetrator's paying the husband a sum to compensate him for the loss of his property.

Exodus 21:22 "When men fight and hurt a pregnant woman, so that she suffers a miscarriage but no further injury
the guilty one shall be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows.
[That's fined, not executed:
The killing of the fetus is being treated here the same way as the killing of a cow belonging to somebody else without permission would be, as a wrongful damage to property belonging to another requiring financial restitution as requested by the plantiff and as awarded by the court. If the woman's husband CHOSE to request an award for monetary damages from the court, i.e., to file a CIVIL lawsuit, a judge could levy a fine if the plaintiff prevailed for whatever portion of the money damages requested by the plaintiff he considered fair. If the husband chose to demand NOTHING, there's nothing for a court to decide.]

Even worse, an abortion attempt is prescribed if a man even suspects that his wife is pregnant by another man.

From http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-bibleforbids.htm:

An even more astonishing pro-choice passage is Numbers 5, where the Lord appears to give a curse that causes abortions in unfaithful wives. According to this passage, the Lord instructed Moses that a husband who suspected his wife of sleeping with another man could take her to the priest for a test that would either confirm or deny his suspicions. The test involved his wife drinking a cup of "bitter water," which consisted of holy water mixed with the dust of the tabernacle floor. If the woman were innocent, then no harm would come to her by drinking it. But if she were guilty, then she would be cursed with "bitter suffering;" namely, "she will have barrenness and a miscarrying womb." In this text, God himself appears to be endorsing the practice of abortion. A third pro-choice passage is Genesis 38. In this story, Judah mistakes Tamar as a prostitute, and orders her to be burned to death, despite the fact she is three months pregnant. If her twin fetuses had been considered persons, the law would have delayed her execution at least until her twins were born. (The execution order was later lifted, not because of this consideration, but because Judah learned Tamar's true identity.)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
has it occurred to anyone that this is not "what the Bible says about abortion," but rather "what Dictator thinks the Bible says about abortion?"
What does the Bible say about abortion? Does that apply to current society and the current human condition?

Contrary to What Dictator Thinks, neither the Bible, nor the "true church" what he believes them to be.


A Dictator of a Coach
So you think that God is happy that we kill about a 1,000,000 babies a year. I bet right now he is saying Oh goody another brat is being killed.


Through the Looking Glass
So you think that God is happy that we kill about a 1,000,000 babies a year. I bet right now he is saying Oh goody another brat is being killed.

So I take it you are in favor of resource redistribution to end world poverty and making safe sex education and prophylactics readily available to everyone.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
So you think that God is happy that we kill about a 1,000,000 babies a year. I bet right now he is saying Oh goody another brat is being killed.
It doesn't matter what "I think." It only matters what "the Bible says." I don't think God's happy about a lot of what humanity does. But that's not what this discussion is about, is it?


A Dictator of a Coach
resource redistribution----Get a job support you family, and give to the poor what you can.

Safe Sex Education------Be a virgin, and marry a virgin. This is the safest sex in the world.

Prophylactics------ I believe they are readily available at most Drug stores, and gas stations.


A Dictator of a Coach
It doesn't matter what "I think." It only matters what "the Bible says." I don't think God's happy about a lot of what humanity does. But that's not what this discussion is about, is it?

It about killing people, that my friend is in the Bible.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
resource redistribution----Get a job support you family, and give to the poor what you can.

Safe Sex Education------Be a virgin, and marry a virgin. This is the safest sex in the world.

Prophylactics------ I believe they are readily available at most Drug stores, and gas stations.
Wait a minute! Hold on, Cochise! :redcard:
"Prophylactics" aren't mentioned in the Bible! Can't use them :no:.
BTW, "Gas stations" aren't mentioned either. Can't go to them, either! Not in "doing God's Word." Nope. We can only do what the Bible says -- not what it doesn't say.


Through the Looking Glass
resource redistribution----Get a job support you family, and give to the poor what you can.

So people who hoard more wealth than they need to support their family are responsible for abortions?

Very interesting argument, Coach. And powerful . . . !


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
A bunch of cells is not a person. And just to let you know, Abstinence-only is a failure.
Quite correct. Are we to condemn every fertile woman whenever she menstuates, just because she failed to fertilize one of her eggs, thereby "denying life to a little human being?"