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What the world needs now is peace: all wars must stop


Premium Member
It's really in our hearts, the desire for peace, and we should terminate all ongoing wars, today.

Politics and diplomacy are the instruments of settling international controversies - war is an outdated destructive solution, a vicious circle of hatred that will never end.

Tell me your stance. How can we avoid war?
Peace is not achievable for long periods of time as long as 2 humans exist in the same area.


Premium Member
It is achievable. In Western Europe there has been the longest period peace since centuries.
Depends on your definition of peace. If you mean no European war's only, but what about internal peace. I have been hearing about protests and civil unrest resulting in deaths and prison throughout Europe.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Depends on your definition of peace. If you mean no European war's only, but what about internal peace. I have been hearing about protests and civil unrest resulting in deaths and prison throughout Europe.
I meant peace among nations.


Well-Known Member
It's really in our hearts, the desire for peace, and we should terminate all ongoing wars, today.

Politics and diplomacy are the instruments of settling international controversies - war is an outdated destructive solution, a vicious circle of hatred that will never end.

Tell me your stance. How can we avoid war?
The current instability in the world is connected to the changing USA, due its Democrat Party and Swamp. The end of the Cold War, created more world stability. This change was connected to the dismantling the Old Soviet Union, in favor of many independent Democratic states. This occurred under Reagan and Bush 1, which were both Republicans.

The problem has been, the DNC of the USA, on the other hand, has been pushing toward a world wide Big Government Socialism, thereby going backwards and resetting the Cold War. This has got Russia and China, nervous, since they were told to go the other way; Capitalism and become more Democratic, but now the US is changing directions, backwards, calling backwards, forward.

NATO was formed to counter the Soviet Union, while the current growth in NATO is to counter a single country? This creates the impression of an offensive growth.

America is still the dominate super power and when US becomes unreliable and unstable; internally and externally, it makes all the other countries nervous. The instability is caused by the Liberal push for it own Big Government Socialist dictatorship with censorship, Kangaroo Courts, school indoctrination, state run press, etc. That is not the America that was trusted when the Soviet Union dissolved. It is a Soviet Union lite and getting worse.

This instability began with some bad but targeted Liberal trade deals starting with NAFTA, which was a word game called North American Free Trade Agreement. The Regulatory State created by the DNC, made it too expensive for American businesses to do business in the US. They moved overseas, starting with Mexico, and sent goods back to the US, at a profit; cheap labor and no tariffs. This was not free trade, since the other countries have tariffs. This was sending wealth overseas via corrupt middle man rip offs. This hurt the middle class due to loss of jobs. Socialism does not have much of a middle class, just over lords and peasants, and they just increased the supply of peasants; Rust Belt. The foundation was being set. Allowing drugs to pour into the country as a way to pacify the growing number of peasants.

When Trump was elected President in 2016, he got us out of the wars started by the instability created by Obama and Biden, and then there was world peace, even in the Middle East. United States was returning to be more self contained, self absorbed, growing the middle class, no longer trying to form a new Soviet Union of Socialist Western and European States, forcing bad ideas on all the citizens; like open borders and redistribution of wealth to buy allies.

Then there was the other redistribution of wealth scam called Global warming and Climate Change. China and Russia are not going along with the Climate Change scam, since they know that would harm the economies of both countries. It hurts the middle class by making energy more expensive, harming more industries, and creating lingering inflation. The league of climate con artists has also made countries nervous with end of the world propaganda.

Countries prefer the US be the old Golden Generation light on the hill; Make America Great Again, to help calm fears and lead to stability and prosperity. We are at a tipping point between instability and peace. If we choose peace, we may need to dig out the cancer in the US Government, since it has been given many chances but gets worse each time. Luckily the Supreme Court has passed down decisions that will make it easier to dismantle the instability. The threat against America member the Democrats is not Trump and the old America, but him dismantling their Soviet style America. But that is what is needed to get world peace that will last, and not be reversed even worse in a few years.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Beat our swords into plowshares?

Maybe not attack anyone or invade anyone?

Maybe just everyone give up and go home?
What about compromise?

You know...vengeance is what animals do. Retaliation is when people stop thinking.
That's the banality of evil.

Hannah Arendt told us that thinking is what enables us to distinguish right from wrong, beautiful from ugly.



Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
What about compromise?

You know...vengeance is what animals do. Retaliation is when people stop thinking.
That's the banality of evil.

Hannah Arendt told us that thinking is what enables us to distinguish right from wrong, beautiful from ugly.

Animals don't do vengeance often or as well as humans. They do, however, attack other animals. Some animals defend themselves. Humans are intellectually complex animals. Doesn't make us better than them. We're often the worst creatures.

If an animal attacked you and you had to defend yourself, would it be wrong in doing so? Or should you just let it finish, even if it means you pass on?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Animals don't do vengeance often or as well as humans. They do, however, attack other animals. Some animals defend themselves. Humans are intellectually complex animals. Doesn't make us better than them. We're often the worst creatures.

If an animal attacked you and you had to defend yourself, would it be wrong in doing so? Or should you just let it finish, even if it means you pass on?
War is something premeditated.
Not something imminent as an animal attack.
I don't understand why all these powerful leaders program a war, but then they send other people to die in it.
This is absolutely horrific: expecting others to die in the war just to achieve your own goals.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
War is something premeditated.
Not something imminent as an animal attack.
I don't understand why all these powerful leaders program a war, but then they send other people to die in it.
This is absolutely horrific: expecting others to die in the war just to achieve your own goals.
The option I suggested would stop it.

Everyone at once lay their arms down.
Take a few steps back.
Turn around and go home.
Eat a home cooked meal.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
It's really in our hearts, the desire for peace, and we should terminate all ongoing wars, today.

Politics and diplomacy are the instruments of settling international controversies - war is an outdated destructive solution, a vicious circle of hatred that will never end.

Tell me your stance. How can we avoid war?

I think George Washington's thoughts on the subject might be relevant to this topic. In his Farewell Address, Washington wrote:

"Observe good faith and justice towards all nations;
cultivate peace and harmony with all"

Of course, this also meant treating other nations as equals, treating none with favoritism nor enmity. He elaborated further:

"In the execution of such a plan nothing is more
essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies
against particular nations and passionate
attachments for others should be excluded and
that in place of them just and amicable feelings towards
all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges
towards another an habitual hatred, or an
habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave."

Washington warned that excessive attachment to one nation, coupled with excessive enmity towards other nation, can have negative consequences.

"Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion
of an imaginary common interest in cases
where no real common interest exists and infusing
into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former
into a participation in the quarrels and wars of
the latter, without adequate inducement or justification."

"As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable
ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to
the truly enlightened and independent patriot.
How many opportunities do they afford to tamper
with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction,
to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe
the public councils! Such an attachment of a small
or weak towards a great and powerful nation
dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter."

Even though this was written more than two centuries ago, it seems that many of the same ideas and principles apply today. Foreign influence in U.S. elections has been a prominent topic in the news in recent years, and Washington's argument here points out exactly how it can happen and why it happens.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
Tell me your stance. How can we avoid war?

The world would probably be better without any war, hostility, and conquest. How to avoid war in particular, I don't have an answer.

Everyone should lay down their arms altogether at once. Take a few steps back. Turn around and go home. Eat a home cooked meal.

There is nothing better than a home cooked meal...


Premium Member
It's really in our hearts, the desire for peace, and we should terminate all ongoing wars, today.

Politics and diplomacy are the instruments of settling international controversies - war is an outdated destructive solution, a vicious circle of hatred that will never end.

Tell me your stance. How can we avoid war?
Tough question, and nobody has yet to answer it suitably enough to affect humanity that way many of us would wish.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Won't happen. Or rather, the way one could make it happen isn't something most modern humans would like. If your framework for war is conflicts between nations, the only way to eliminate war is to eliminate nations. And elimination of nations more or less means the elimination of civilization. Under a broader understanding of war - where war is any armed conflict between groups of humans - the only way to eliminate war is to eliminate humans. That elimination would be either extinction or genetic engineering to create a new species for which war is not endemic to its nature.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It's really in our hearts, the desire for peace, and we should terminate all ongoing wars, today.

Politics and diplomacy are the instruments of settling international controversies - war is an outdated destructive solution, a vicious circle of hatred that will never end.

Tell me your stance. How can we avoid war?
By removing ones enemy's will to fight.


War isn't always so well defined as to stop and start with any sort of tidiness. Many tend to flare and cool on and off over time. The profits make it such that efforts in compromise continue to be futile. When the firing of battle ceases the war isn't over. There are things forever going on between nations behind the scenes. If only peace were more profitable.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Won't happen. Or rather, the way one could make it happen isn't something most modern humans would like. If your framework for war is conflicts between nations, the only way to eliminate war is to eliminate nations. And elimination of nations more or less means the elimination of civilization. Under a broader understanding of war - where war is any armed conflict between groups of humans - the only way to eliminate war is to eliminate humans. That elimination would be either extinction or genetic engineering to create a new species for which war is not endemic to its nature.
But war can be also economic war. Sanctions, like sanctions on Russia.
There's no need of killing people. We have returned to the animalistic notion of war...that is the jungle law, where animals kill one another for the the territory.
Darwin forgot to say that some people can return to the animal stage.